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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by NikNak

  1. could be that i 'spose....... or maybe i just got an odd shaped bum :rolleyes: Nick
  2. Just a thought......... you say that there might be a piece of rubber trapped in there somewhere? Well, try pushing the door toward the closed position (i.e. downwards), then while holding it in that position lift the tailgate release and see if that works. It could be that it needs a bit or 'release' to enable it to release....... if that makes sense... :rolleyes: Nick
  3. I'll tell you what irritate's me the most............. :rolleyes: The BL**DY FORD DEALERS.... !!! thats what Other than that....... urrmmmm, well the seats are rather uncomfortable after a hundred miles or so. Other than that....... urrmmm, well, not a lot really. Nick
  4. Can anyone recommend a 'reliable' dealer in (or around) the Southampton area, who are able to get the job gone right first time and with no hassles, please?? As i am just about fed up with Bristol Street Motors (see also their Chandlers Ford depot)........ Cheers, Nick
  5. mmmhhh......... must admit not 100% positive, but it does seem too take an awful lot longer than it did the last time it was used. I've also thought that i might 'borrow' the laptop from work and link up some thermocouples to the screen, so the next morning when i switch it on (here's hoping for frost!), i will be able to see instantly if there is a temperature change. But, any other comments are welcome....... oh, and i have done a search on the subject, but didnt get any answers to the problem. Cheers :angry: Nick
  6. Hi all........... Here's hoping someone can help out, These past few morning have been quite frosty on starting up, so have turned to using the heated front screen..... but alas it dont appear to be working as it should (if at all) :angry: I press the screen button on the climate control panel, and the illuminated switch comes on ok, but nothing elese seems to work. I've checked the manual, and it's telling me it's fuse no 51....... check, and it's ok. What else should i be checking before i contact the dealer (again)........... Cheers all..... Nick
  7. Just had my renewal notice from Tesco's......... :( guess what The premium has gone DOWN ! :lol: :lol: :lol: Yep that's right, last year
  8. Let's see now........ I've had a Ruth Rover, a Felicity Fiesta, and even a Vivien Viva (Vauxhall to you youngens..... :P ). So this one being a bit more expensive and a bit grander (after all, it's Ford that claim it's 'First Class' travel....... :angry: ), I think she ought to be called Geraldine Galaxy Nick....... Merry Xmas Ho Ho Ho ! ! ! (Ho Ho Ho ?? it wont be when you get the bill in for it in Jan, it'll be "Oh no, oh no, oh no...... :( )
  9. :huh: Wow.......... seems i am the lucky one.... :ph34r: Just checked both my policy & bank statement........ and yep, as i said above, i am paying around
  10. Try Tesco.com, they dont only do a cheap line in spuds.......!!! Mine's fully comp, legal, windscreen, business, protected, ect. ect. ect.......
  11. sorry pj, but mine is 'Spruce Green' i can assure you. Try taking a pic from a different angle, or in a different light (and no, not when it's dark !!), as mine does seem to change colour in different lighting conditions....... FIX THE LIGHT....... !! that's the least of my worries at the moment. You should have seen the state of the place when we moved in. It's been nothing but decorate, decorate, decorate, spend, spend, spend............. :lol: but hey, it's starting to look real good now B) cheers all.... :rolleyes: Nick
  12. cruise control.................. yes multifuntion wheel........... yes (left, right, honk honk B) ) stiff switch...................... yes, sort of! cruise indicator light........ yes am i right in saying that the cruise will only work over a certain speed?? (i.e. above 30mph), similar to not being able to select a higher gear on an auto box if your speed is too low....... ? Nick
  13. yep, got my call up papers yesterday (Tues), telling me that i could possibly have faulty wiring on my curtain airbags. strange how it took them months to fix a wiring fault due to one of the curtain airbags........!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  14. hi..... how old is your car? i had the very same fault with my 2003 gal, asked them "could it be the clock spring"........... they sorta guffawd at me, and said not to belive everything i read on the internet. As it happens it turned out to be a faulty earth connection on one of the curtain airbags (or thats what they told me). took them months to finally sort it, only to get a letter in the post from Ford HQ yesterday telling me that there is an urgent recall because of................. YEP you guessed it...... faulty curtain airbag wiring!!!
  15. Nor does this include 'pre-registering' vehicles, thus bumping up your sales figures (Ford, i believe are one of the worst offenders of this practice). Nick.
  16. and another............
  17. Right you lot (especially Jim...... and his Skoda/tank :P), tell me what colour you think this is then B) ........... Is it GREEN, if so will the boys in blue :blink: ever find it if it's nicked do you think?? This my friends is 'Spruce Green' (taken through the lounge window, cos it's raining cats & dogs out there and i did'nt want to get wet). :D i've had a few teething problems with it, but all appears to be fixed now (touch wood..... :blink: ) Nick.........
  18. mmmmmmhhh..................... i'll think of you in my prayers/nightmares tonight.......... and your Skoda (and that tank too!!) :blink:
  19. Well........... either you've all been on the beers or you dont like green for some reason! :o I was trying to be polite in asking as to the colour of Jim's gal, as i am a PROUD owner of a 'Spruce Green' one............ which is ALWAYS mistaken for Silver where ever i go as it is such a subtle hue/shade of the Lord's colour. If mine ever gets pinched, i dont think it will ever be found......... as the boys in blue :lol: will be looking for a GREEN car...... not a beautiful shade of silver/green :blink: ........................ Bless you all ;)
  20. Would i be right in thinking that's a 'Spruce Green' one you've got there??
  21. Just to say i fully agree with S A Intruder......... I'd aslo like to say how much i enjoyed reading your article on 'chipping' (see May 8 2003, 07:58 PM), very informative and very interesting to boot.......!!!
  22. OK..... this is my first posting, so be gentle with me!! March 2003 registered Galaxy, diesel auto in Spruce Green....... mmmmmhhhhhh. But whats this..... less than 2000 miles and the Air Bag warning light (plus the digital display) come on, shock horror.....!!! Contact local dealer, "Bring it in and we'll have a look"......... "Yes, there is a fault with the air bag system, we'll need to book it in so that we can check it out". But i thought that's why i brought it in today......?!?!?! No, it seems it dont work like that with Ford's Ok, it get's re-booked to be investigated thoroughtly, stays overnight while a new 'module' is ordered and fitted. Ring Ring, Ring Ring............ goes my mobile, "It's ready for collection sir". I pick it up later that day. Turn the key, and guess what....?? Yep, the air bag warning light comes on....!!!! Not amused, i storm back into reception, throw the key on the desk and say "For something that is supposed to be fixed is still telling me it's faulty!!" The workshop manager is called............. "ahhh", he says "I think i know the problem here, it's not the module, you have a slightly flat battery, the electrical system is so clever on these vehicles......... blah blah blah". "What rubbish" i said, "so you're telling me if i go away on holiday, when i come back, i nip in the car down the local shop for a pint of milk, the air bag warning lights will come on, and i'll need to come to you to have the fault cleared again???" Anyway.......... he's the experienced mechanic that knows best, so the car was left overnight with the battery on charge. Collected it the next morning, and guess what?? Yep everything was fine!!!! That is until 36 hours later (just this morning, Sunday), got in the car to go to B+Q (i'm re-doing the kitchen, ok), on hey presto.......... the AIR BAG WARNING light pops up again.......!!!! Get out, check the green light (on the ever-so clever battery), yep it's still green so it cant be that can it Mr Ford mechanic!!! Cant wait till tomorrow morning when i call him (in an ever-so nice friendly voice), i'll explain that even though he has over 18 years of experience of working with Ford's, and that he prefers working on Galaxy's (his word's), i'll tell him he got it wrong. And that he should have looked at the Clock Spring and Switch, like i suggested in the first place!!! Your comments please........ Nick
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