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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by NikNak

  1. Drat and blast... it's been put back a week...... hey ho.... Still it gives me chance to offer it to anyone out there who may be interested in a one owner from new, exceptionally low mileage (27K.....!! read it right), Spruce green, auto, Galaxy. As i expect there's peeps out there who might be looking for this sort of thing. Has a tow-bar and single electrics fitted. It's Spruce Green...... that's Silver with a hint of mint green, with a cream interior (which is immaculate, no kids). Has two things wrong with it-: 1 the 'plip' key stopped working about a year ago. But the central locking is all ok. 2 the 'air bag' warning light has come on (about 8 months ago). I've made enquiries, and it's probably a dodgy earth connection (had same problem when car was only 3 months old). The MOT's just run out and i don't intend to re-new it if its getting PX'd (the garage is aware of this), but i have no fear that it WILL pass.... it always does as i use the same small local family garage to do all my stuff. I'm looking to get
  2. Hi all Just to say that after 6 years of (mostly) happy motoring with the gal i'm off to pastures new. Picking up a new Kia Cee'd SW next week. What clinched it..? 7 years warranty...!! So when i come to change it in another 6 years, it'll still be under warranty. Anyway..... i'd just like to say thanks for all the fun i've had over the years from you guys. I wont be going for good.... i'll still look in once a month or so to see whats happening. Nick
  3. T120....... totally agree..! It wasn't that many years ago that it was all about saving the rain forests etc. Don't hear a peep about them any more. Why..? cos politicians have cottoned on to the fact that if they spew out facts and figures on 'global warming' they 'look' & 'sound' credible. And of course being 'credible' brings a whole host of benefits. The biggest of which is money..! Which is why America have finally joined the race so late in the game...... For years they have been poo pooing the very idea of global warming...... then all of a sudden the penny drops. Money. I'm off to blat up the cul-de-sac in my G rated gas guzzler now. :lol: Hey Faz...... where in Southampton are you..? i'm H/End
  4. I'm with 'Scorpio' on this one........... Nick
  5. mmhhhhhhh....... 'nuff said.
  6. Cheers gooner........ you have been most helpfull.... Nick
  7. ok, to save me the time of looking, where should i be looking....? (a web address would be nice.... thanks) Nick
  8. Ok then you chaps.............. does anyone of you know if there is a similar site i can go to for advice regarding my better half's Seat Ibiza (a.k.a. VW Polo)..? cheers Nick
  9. As promised some pics of the said charger..................... hope they're of interest. Nick
  10. I'm stuck on the second sentence too........ 250K in 3 years......!! :D
  11. Yeah......... but what about something for the child..?? :D
  12. hhmmmmm.......... most curious.... it was on there not too long ago, cos thats where my missus first saw it and suggested it. mind you, i did buy it around the time they had a recall of a very similar model, hence the reason why the one i bought was cheap i think....... no, not cos it was a duff waiting to be recalled model, but because maybe they had suffered from a drop in sales of all chargers (they were all on offer at the time). At the time of buying it had been reduced by around 30% if i remember rightly. It's too dark and cold to go out to the garage right now, but maybe at the weekend i'll go and have a look at the technical spec label on the back and post back. I do recall that it's good for all types of battery and that it's got a 20amp fuse in it. Nick
  13. Blimey crike...... Admiral came in at no 17 on the list of 29. Out of interest..... it would be interesting (well, it would be to me & Steve Davis...) to know what some of you others are being charged for insurance. I'm happy to kick of with mine..... Tesco's renewal @
  14. Just spotted the 'pinned insurace deals' by Gteuk.... as my insurance is due up early Jan, i thought i'd do a quick trawl through some companies..... ended up at 'Confused.com' who came back with 29 quotes..! But NONE of them could beat my original renewal quote..!! Who am i with..?? Tesco's dot com, car insurance. Been with them for 4 years now, i think.. :lol: Give 'em a go.......... every little helps...... :P
  15. Hi all, What with winter coming on, and me doing very little mileage (now i've got a job thats just about a mile round the corner..... ), i thought i'd invest in a battery charger to give it a bit of a boost now and then. Was shopping around, like you do, and was tempted by the 'Smart Charger' being sold by Halfrauds, and cost just under 30 of my quids. All i'm wanting to know is.......... Has anyone got any experience of this particular device? or.... Would i have been better off saving some of my hard earned squids and taken the missus out for a slap up meal..... ok ok, i hear you all shouting..... "where you gonna get a slap up meal for two for less than 15 squid..? mmmmmhh, this is true to some extent. However, if you are prepaired to wait (and can persuade her to wait too...), then a bit of diligent searching in local rags-and-mags will eventually come up with a coupon for 'buy-one-get-one-free' at your local 'Hungry Horse' (or similar..) :P All answers on a post-card to this forum please......... Nick ho ho ho...... :lol:
  16. How many legs..? 5 of course.... plus his trunk makes 6.... easy.. :P Nick Have a look at this one and see how long it takes you to find the mans face...... beans.doc
  17. :D :P :P love the name Wil..............
  18. Now i'm no expert, but..... to me it sounds like an intermittent fault. And much as you dont want it to be... i suspect it just might be the fuel pump. You say that once it starts, then no problem it will stop and start all day long. Only when it has rested, and cooled sufficiently will it revert to not starting again. i.e. the pump has 'started' so therefore is now nice and warm, so the bearings are also nice and warm and free to move. I'm no expert, and dont even know where to locate the fuel pump....... but, i would bet my lunch money on it, if you locate the fuel pump and with the ignition turned on, give the pump a gentle tap with a 'Birmingham Screwdriver' you'll nudge it into life. A bit like when the starter motor wont turn, give it a bit of a thump with a lump of something and hey presto, off she goes........ Like i said..... I'm not in any way shape or form claiming to be trained by the A.A. , R.A.C. , GreenFlag, the S.A.S. , Woolworths, or even Mumof4 school of mechanics..! But, assuming that relay 30 (or any of the others...) are all working fine and dandy......... then the first thing i'd do is..... whack it (dont you thump the telly when that goes on the blink..?) :( Good luck Nick
  19. Ditto........ Plus if it's anything like the back one's, just get an offcut of carpet(?) lay it on the ground..... then get down on your back with torch in hand, shine it up and you should see the offendeing artical dangling free. Then just pop it back in it's hole..... ta dahhhhhh,
  20. Hi all.......... After much deliberation i decided to plump for Nankang NS-2's, only to then dicscover like tim-spam has just said... "you must click the re-inforced button" otherwise it wont search for re-inforced tyres... dohhh :unsure: Having placed the order with My-Tyres i called them within 5 mins to tell them of my mistake, and a very nice German lady said "no problem, your order is now cancelled..." Did a bit more searching and phoning around for prices, saw an ad in my local rag from a tyre company called 'Tyreland' (sort of national company), rang em up and asked whats the latest offers....... and he came up with the one listed in jkspoff's list the LINLONG L688. two fitted to the front for
  21. Hold on there Matt............... Would you care what network it was........ if they gave you your money back..?? Thats what we do. Been doing it for over 2 years now..!! Were with T mobile Currently with Orange. Free Motorola L6 phone 200 min any time any network 75 texts 50 Orange minutes (whatever they are) 25 Prints (??) blah blah blah etc etc etc.................. What does it end up costing..? 99p per month and the 12th month costs
  22. no problem.......... i understand fully. Nick
  23. Hi............ as i dont know how to set up a poll perhaps mo4 (or someone else can do it for me). I'd like it to read............. "Having read all the arguments both for and against in this thread, would people like to vote 'For' or 'Against' veils". I'm sure someone will come back and say that is far too simplistic, and should not even be considered. But hey....... its my ball, if you want to play then vote. If you dont want to play then dont vote. Simple. Nick
  24. Quite agree............. Plus, It's not so much 'can't take the heat'........... more a case of 'aware of the little guys who might have a valid point, but feel intimidated or bullied into giving in'........ bit like wot most politicians do to us lot every day....!! There... (now wait's to see what comes back to that one...) Nick
  25. Hi, thanks for the message mo4, If you want you may post my reply to you here. I have nothing to hide. I did not realise this was such 'an exciting' topic......... :21: Please carry on debating....... :ph34r: Nick
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