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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Ventoux

  1. Hi all, I have the same problem as yurir. I removed the front seat out and some time was driving without it (transporting some large planes inside...). When I put the front seat back, the control light on the dashboard was still on. Does anyone know how to reset this light? If I disconnect the battery for a while, does it help or shall I contact Ford dealer for such stupid thing?? Cheers, V.
  2. Dear Guys, let me to conclude. For the TDi 115, 2001 I have to use only semisynthetic or synthetic 5W40 with spec. 505.01 (VW) or spec M2C917 (Ford). These oils may be used in PD TDi engines. I can not use SLX II 0W30 oil (VW spec 506.01) in pre-May 2002 engines (my case). WHY? Which modification was done that time? Shall I understand that PD model was just introduced? I have thought my Gal TDi, 2001 is PD, or not because is Nov 2001? By the way, I found the article comparing the noise of VW Sharan PD 4M filled with both 505.01 and 506.01 oils. The result is interesting, in the full range of the engine speed the 506.01 filling is less noisy (about 2,5 - 3 dB) than engine with 505.01 (at the same car)! Cheers, V.
  3. Not completely clear. The question concerning the viscosity is clear, yes surely 5W40 has to be used for TDi 115. The question remaining is just "synthetic or semisynthetic"? I understand both are fulfiling Ford spec M2C917 and VW spec 506.01. I guess there was already discussion about this (haven't found). It could matter for the second hand cars where we are not sure which oil was used before. So does it matter if the base of oil is changed during the engine lifetime? My local Ford deater says: "we use semisynthetic one". Which oil do you use? mark recommendation?
  4. Hi all, I was last Friday in local garage with my Tdi 2001 to repair non-functional aircon. Firstly they sucked out the remaining gas. They found only 10g what means nothing left (gas was on). After they did vacuum test for 20min
  5. Yes, if someone is willing to compose a "letter of thanks" to VW/SEAT/Ford I am ready to sign it.
  6. Hi all, unfortunately I am just joining people with AIRCON problems. Also my aircon is finally gone on my Gal 01. So keeping in mind the headline of these posts I have to say that aircon on Galaxy is really crappy bricolage. I expected the failure in future but it came quite early. I am just thinking if makes any sense to repair now before winter considering ephemeral life time of aircon. Anyway I will keep you informed! Cheers, Ventoux
  7. Fred, where is the remote receiver? In my case seems to be not working. Is it in the driver door somewhere around rear mirror? If so, I guess the wire in the boot as broken. Any other suggestion? I have radio-controlled remote. Cheers, V.
  8. the starter is rather simple so I would prefer more sophisticated solution. do not allow the engine running. obviosly it has to be just due to a wire interruption, but safe for the engine and ECU! So the starter could be running but the motor would not start. Simple and effective. V.
  9. I have no the alarm system at Gal Tdi 2001 and I just thinking how to protect the car before car thieves. I would say that all common commercial alarm systems are well known and therefore are not very effective. I think that is much better to have just simple switch which does not allow to start the engine. Which wire is the best interrupt? But in fact it should not affect ECU, I mean it should not cause some error flags in ECU memory. Ventoux
  10. no idea, but keep us informed please!
  11. Hi, I had the same problem with my Tdi 2001. Check the upper level switch at brake and clutch pedal. Very easy check. It was my case of non working cruise.
  12. I would not recommend to change the engine too. Quity expensive being aware the age of you car. However it is difficult to say how reliable car you can have after reparation. I would say, the best way is to repair and after to sell.
  13. Hi All again, this post should be placed in the technical section already..... I did the "door programming procedure" but have not succeed yet get remote key working. It looks that the receiver does not see my remote key.... I can enter the programming mode, the door LED stays ON, the remote key LED flashes but the door LED is not flashing to confirm my programming success! I deduce the receiver unit in the car is down. I have face lifted TDi with radio remote. Where is placed the receiver? Is it in the door close to the rear mirror? If so I guess the wires are broken in the door boot (one of the most frequent problems - unfortunately non-solvable by manufacture)?
  14. I have just fixed my not working cruise control... The problem was due to the switch of the clutch pedal (upper position failure). In fact the switch is OK but the pedal level is is rather lower than it should be. At this moment I just glued a piece of rubber to the pedal to press the switch. However I would be glad to know how to adjust the clutch pedal level (height) correctly. The brake pedal is clearly at higher position. Is there any clutch pedal adjusting screw??
  15. However failure statistics do not sound encouragingly. Have a look at http://www.reliabilityindex.co.uk for instant. Yes, I know it is not recently updated. Reliability index of 134 means worse than average reliability. About 61% failures are due to aircon!! TUV car reliability report in Germany includes trio Gal/Shar/Alh among less reliable cars too. Well, the engine(s) is certainly well built. But some minor problems (MAF sensor, valves etc.) could cause serious troubles
  16. I would be really very glad to know, where is the problem. Aircon exists in cars for many yers and should be standard feature for all cars pretty soon. But the story about Gal aircon sounds frighteningly. It has to be some conceptual failing which should be retrieved by manufacture.
  17. As far as I was told 1,9Tdi PD has 3 V-belts. This V-belts should be changed regularly (every 60.000 miles or so). I was also told that when V-belt breaks on the running engine it results some serious damage of the engine. Does anyone which V-belt brings this risc (all of them?) and what could happen with the engine??
  18. ooh, sorry you have still warranty, do not hesitate to visit kind Ford dealers! :)
  19. It is just comfirming that aircon at even facelifted galaxy has still very very poor reliability! Shit! :) It causes about 40% of technical problems with Galaxy/alh/shar, for other cars air cond causes less than 10% of technical failures. Search aircon, you will find many posts here but very probably you have to go to Ford or VW garage. Be ready to pay a lot! :)
  20. In case of Galaxy Ford=VW, quite identical diagnostic. I think the cable is not a question now, if demo is useless. More info at http://www.ross-tech.com/ the prices (for me) are at http://www.pc-autodiagnostika.cz/ and then click at "cenik" and then divide by 46 to get price in GBP. Have a fun!
  21. just found OBD connector (J1962) about 35Eur, perhaps still very high price... the price of 90Eur was for the cable with "data convertor built in the OBD connector" (taken from seller web page), I do not know if really needed, pehaps yes because the com protocol is rather different, is not? However, they say "the shareware is demoversion=useless" you can read error messages but you will see only first one (two?, not all) Does anyone has more experience?
  22. http://www.pc-autodiagnostika.cz/kabel_KCOM_m.jpg about 90,-EUR
  23. By the way, SA you can also change the tachometer, number of miles? It should not be so difficult... May we, second hand owners, be sure with the displayed value?
  24. The handle seems to be really at the to of the panel, but I do not see any screw around the handle. It is rear door, yes facelifted.
  25. I would be satisfied just by basic version. Only for engine monitoring (checking error flags). I will have a look at cables. It should be USB/something, in fact not so difficult interface. Something else is needed? SA, you have been playing with engine parameters (as objector of tunning??) V.
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