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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bus_boy

  1. Just guessing - but could it be to do with using wheel nuts designed for alloys on steel rims?
  2. Replace your vacuum pipes. They are IIRC, 3.5mm and 5mm ID. You can buy them on ebay. Have a search about for posts on this site with 'gutless' in them! You will also find that the problem vanishes each time you stop and restart.... just find somewhere safe to kill the ignition (i.e. not on a long straight!) Mine has the same problem and i'm getting round to replacing the tubes. I find that longer uphill stretches at high revs can cause it to trip. Double de-clutching is a no-no! Good Luck.
  3. Hi all. I am hoping to replace my broken AC pipe this weekend, but in order to do it I apparently have to remove both the front bumper and the front panel. Is this a difficult thing? Once off, access to the pipe, which has a push fit connector in the nearside front wing and a bolted connector on the hi pressure side of the compressor, is easy. The push fit connector is a triple 'o' ring affair and I have been advised that refrigerant jelly is used during assembly. Snag is - I don't have any of this. Anyone suggest an alternate lubricant! I have ruled out veg oil, 3 in 1, and WD40. This only really leaves Vasaline and KY Jelly. :lol: Thanks
  4. Hi - I got a recent Ford quote... key
  5. Outside of aircon and any performance issues that could be traced to MAF (Mass Airflow Fangelator) you need to check some basics.... Have you got at least 2 keys for it? Do all the electric windows work? Do the wipers sweep ok on a dry screen? Has it got Service History? [Has the cambelt and tensioner been replaced if needed? (Not reqd all models)] ..remember low mileage for a diesel is anything under 100,000 ;)
  6. Thanks all! I've only had the car a month and have not allowed it do more that 10miles on empty. [My Ford Focus does 35+ miles]. I think I'll work on the 8 litre reserve, and ration myself to 25miles with the light on. I was only realy fishing for a safe usable value. But heres a thought.... #If you drive say 12,500 miles a year at 35 miles / gallon you will consume about 1625 litres of fuel. #If you never dip into your reserve you will need to fill up 26 times in the year. #If however you attempt to use the whole reserve you will only stop 23 times. So even if you have to buy 6 extra cornettos, 3 bags of m&m's and a round of mineral waters it's not as costly as running out of juice and paying the AA man! [Yes I have child locks, no I dont let the rascals loose at the filling station :D ] I also used to ride a bike, and yes i've reached down for the tap only to find i'd been there sometime before :D
  7. You know the story..... you're motoring home, the light comes on (or in case of Gal you get an annoying buzzer!) and you mentally weigh up the chances of getting home without having to stop and fill up, even though you pass a filling station on the way! So the question is... how far did you get before you chickened out? And when you did fill, how much did you get in? Answers in miles and litres please (sorry - mixed up world of units I live in) Would also be helpful if you stated model and engine spec etc... Do all shalaxy things have the same size tank? cheers [i'm going on hols next week so need to know how big the reserve is. With kids in the car I now rarely buy 'just fuel' at the filling station!. Stopping less often is cheaper!]
  8. yep - i'd also like to know! Mine are looking dog rough. Also can anyone suggest a motor factor (online or other) that sells the stuff. I have tried 2 (including Halfords) with no luck.
  9. Guys... On the later models that have factory fitted 3 point belts.... 1. Where is the reel located? 2. Where are the anchor points located? (Assume one is the reel, and the other the buckle, but is third in roof?)
  10. HI MikeT I also have a MK2 1.9 and it runs like a 3 legged horse below 2000rpm. I have now tried two different MAF's, one is slightly better than another below 2000rpm (but one cronically worse above). I'm coming to the conclusion that it's normal performance for these cars! If you modify your driving style you should be able to keep it 'up-revs' and enjoy plenty of boost. On the subject of MAFs Smoggy has a point... but would go further and suggest you get the part number from a dealer as you may already have an incorrect one fitted! Two other things to consider are 1. An air leak on the induction somewere (between air filter and engine) 2. A leak in the vacuum hose (remove engine top cover an inspect small bore black rubber pipe going East to West).
  11. ..oh well. I was off Friday afternoon from work - so missed your post. In the meantime I have 'bodged' it with reinforced heater hose. I'm getting the thing vacuumed out later this week and pressure tested. If it holds the pressure I may risk a gas job to at least test the rest of the system. By the way Martin - do you have any AC hose left over there?? :rolleyes: And what's the address of the website you mentioned?
  12. I think SeatKid is right. Copper also sounds like a bad idea. Given that you only have a small hole in one section(?) why not just cut out that bit and 'sleeve' the break with some reinforced rubber hose and 4 jubilee clips? Is all aircon auto pipe the same size? Could a length of rubber sourced from a scrap yard do the trick? I also have a broken pipe, below the compressor on the upsweeping section just before a rubber joint. Likewise I am willing to spend only a little time/effort/money to ensure that this is the only fault in the system. I spoke to an air conditioning engineer at work and he seemed think what I proposed wasnt too bad. He went on to suggest using one of those 'chemical metals in a tube' to repair small holes. Not sure myself about this one <_< Goodluck Martin with the bodge (er I mean fix) - if i get mine in before you I'll post back.
  13. Thanks MM - here is just a quick update. Fitted new MAF, and went for a test drive. Performance below 2000rpm still not what I could hope for - but above this now fantastic!! I have lopped about 6 seconds off of the 0-60 time, and the turbo really goes for it now. MPG was running at 40/gal - will monitor next fill. ....looks as if it was the MAF all along ;)
  14. I dont know Martin... as it's made of ally I should have thought that any jointing will be doomed to fail! I also have recently discovered a broken pipe, below compressor, in an upsweeping section. I have read somewhere on this forum that the best place to get pipe is an independant AC specialist... they can make them up (?) If you find a solution pls post back.... wife now getting hot and bothered, and I need to do something about it! Along with my dodgey MAF sensor all i need now is the Aux heater to fail in Ocober and I will have the Galaxy hat-trick! Cheers.
  15. Here is the eBay listing... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Air-mass-flow-me...1QQcmdZViewItem According to his 'Pierburg' chart it will do...... SEAT ALHAMBRA (7V8, 7V9) 1.9 TDI 08.96-06.00 SEAT ALHAMBRA (7V8, 7V9) 1.9 TDI 06.00- and VW SHARAN (7M8, 7M9) 1.9 TDI 09.95- VW SHARAN (7M8, 7M9) 1.9 TDI 09.96-04.00 VW SHARAN (7M8, 7M9) 1.9 TDI 04.00- I know there is no mention of Galaxy here - so I have made an assumption! What month in 2000 did the Galaxy change? Mine was registered in October. [in the above I assume the 3 digit alpha-num is the engine model number?] It should get here any day now, so I guess I'm going to find out one way or another :D
  16. I've ordered myself a TIS DVD so hopefully that will shed some light on it. Do you know if any of the connectors are direct earth? Masked-M - The screws are still Torx ones, but they look a bit too rusty to have been on this car. I suspect someone has swapped in a 2nd hand one from another car and used those screws. The connections under the shroud look fine... not as if someone has re-crimped them using a pair of pliers. ..I took the number off of the exisiting one :D VAG: 028 906 461
  17. I'm using Halfords fully synthetic 5W 40 .... apparently it meets VW 505.01 approval. I cost
  18. Photos as promised. 1/3 1 - Here a picture of the crack (now repaired!) in the air filter cover spout. [Ford have quoted me
  19. I susepct you might both be right (thanks for the replies by the way!) I will try it. The car has 75K on the clock and the current MAF is marked up as a VW one - does this mean anything? Also some 'mechanic' has manged to break a small section off of the connector (both inside and out!) and the wire clip is no longer present. He (?) obviously lacked opposing thumbs!
  20. Hi all - new to the forum (and Galaxy ownership!) - thought I'd post details of an early fault, now hopefully solved, on my 2000 1.9 Galaxy. The vehicle displayed all the usual problems such as poor pick-up and sulking on hills. I disconected the MAF - but no real change was evident. I also inspected the vacuum pipe - that looked poor but no holes. The air filter looked good, perhaps too good. But when i looked closely at the air filter cover I found a huge gap running 3/4 of the diam on the bit where the round pipe (upwind of the MAF) meets the cover. It appears that the 'plastic weld' had failed, and at it's widest was 3mm open at the top. To repair it I simply wired it shut with garden wire and applied a coat of Araldite! [Will post a picture when I get hold of digi camera]. After the repair the car was much much better. Has anyone else experienced this one? Anyone know how much a new air filter cover costs? Cheers
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