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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by leeuk

  1. Evening all. How easy is it to replace a abs pump as the mechanic friend of a friend has told me this is the issue on the 2003 Galaxy mk2 1.9 tdi. Thanks.
  2. Help please. Drivers door will not pull open from the outside after I removed the barrel lock because that is broken - key just spins when inserted. I have ordered a lock repair kit for this as the paddle part has broke. My problem now is since taking the barrel out to inspect it it has caused the door to not open from the ouside - you could prior to this. Any ideas? will it all work correctly once the repair kit has been fitted?? Galaxy Mk2. Please any replies greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  3. Could be - easiest way to tell is going to be to get hold of a vcds lead and look at the diagnostics. Failing that inspect each sensor and ring in turn, including the wiring near to the wheel. Given how cheaply a lead can be picked up for I'd start with that if I was in your position, saves a lot of guessing for less than a Tenner! I finally got round to taking it in for a diagnostics - lad I know owns a lead. It came back as front right abs ring and the guy mentioned the cv joint has caused error so new cv joint he recommends, waiting on a price. Anyone know If it's a costly job?
  4. New guy bump! Great post, my ABS light is on and won't go off is it likely to be this? Great post and site by the way
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