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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Graham Ridgway

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Everything posted by Graham Ridgway

  1. The car is now back with new fuse box, new wire to the alternator and new wire to the battery. I have done a load test with front screen, rear screen, full fan and lights on. This is what was on in Fr when it died. The alternator cable gets nicely warm, but the links in the box get hot. The hottest is the one next to the alternator return which is slightly charred from before. I am going to send it back to the gge and ask them to replace that too. Should any of this even get warm? That sounds like a one way street to burnt cables over time to me. Anyone know? Thanks Graham
  2. I had to leave my Galaxy in france last weekend as it died whilst driving back. The ABS warning light came on when driving just before I stopped at the services. I stopped and when we came to leave there was not enough juice to turn the engine over and start. I had come from the snowy alps and the battery had died at about 6am. I bought a new battery at 8am and carried on my way. If failed again after about 2 hours of driving. On inspection, the alternator wiring back to the box of fusible links was fried. The car started with the help of jump leads (from the recovery man), but the alternator wire got hot again very quickly so we abandoned ship. This is a 2006 2 year old car that I bought from new (now about 22k miles). I'm chagrined to admit that I had a v similar problem in my prev (mk 1) galaxy which I sold after having the wiring redone. I am sure at the time I found some references to the problem here, but I can't find them now. Can anyone shed any light on this as I think it's a common/design problem? I want to be fully informed when I have the conversation with the dealer when the car gets recovered back (I am kind of hoping they lose it on the way!). Thanks Graham
  3. Er, pulling out the Fan relay will certainly stop them, but won't tell you if that's the problem. Try tapping the relay with the handle of a screw driver and see if the jolt stops the fan. If a relay is
  4. But the newly charged battery on tonight. It works (amazing) and the fans didn't come back on. I am not sure it is the relay as I think that the fans come on after the engine has been turned off. Anyone help me to locate the relay so I can check? Thanks Graham
  5. Thanks for the welcome sanjsanj! Where is the relay Andrew? Graham sorry about the appalling use of the english language in the title! Graham
  6. My 2000 2.3 Ghia has developed a habbit of turning the cooling fans on when it is stopped. This drains the battery (not good for it). It did it about a year ago and killed the battery. I replaced it and it didn't reoccur. It did it last weekend and I disconected the batt for a couple of hours and reconnected. It must have done it yesterday and I didn't notice it so the newish battery is pretty dead. Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? Should I go to Ford or a specialist electrician or even an AC place. I have searched the forum and their seems to be quite a few references to similar probs and not many solutions! Thanks in advance Graham
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