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Everything posted by seanwhu

  1. ok strange one this ? When I turn the car off and take out the key the radio continues for may be ten seconds longer were as it used to go straight off. Also the interior lights no longer come on when the keys are taken out, well at least I think they used to come on ? Everything else seems ok
  2. Hi The clock comes out and there is a very small bulb in there that unscrews, cost about a
  3. Hi yes it is the same Mk1 or 2. I replaced the whole pipe and found mine had split at the T piece in the drivers footwell high up above the pedals, no problems since.
  4. Hi Take the passenger plastic wheel arch out thats held on with screws and you will find it tucked away and screwed/bolted to the inner wing . I think removing the headlight was for the MK1.
  5. Hi Only this week a noise has started under the hood which I can only describe as a bird attached to something making a Cheep cheep noise that goes up and down with the revs ????? I have a 2.3 2001 and the noise is around the alternator/belt area. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks all
  6. My 2.3 ghia is doing exactly the same,. my car sits on the drive with the exception of short shopping trips once or twice a week. I have not tested my alternator but the drone in the cabin from the aux belt appears to have got loader and last night was i was reading threads on the alternator clutch ? Think is a new alternator for me after 88k on the clock
  7. Hi One works, one does not after i shorted it. looked under drivers seat for fuses but cant see them ? Any other ideas welcome Mk2 2001 2.3 Ghia
  8. Hi My Halfords heavy duty battery died after 7 years in October 2010. I bought another heavy duty battery from a local spares shop for
  9. Hi all I have power to the radio which works fine, the fuse is fine with power going in and out ( 3amp fuse at back of radio), there is power coming out of the cd changer connector at the back of the radio but no power at the CD changer connector where the changer is ? Is there another fuse or is it a broken wire somewhere ?
  10. Hello Remote central locking from the key fob stopped working on my 01 2.3 ghia yesterday. Opened rear passenger door then the boot, went to lock it by the remote and nothing. Replaced batteries today and still nothing. Light on key fob flashes. Alarm works from door lock. Central locking works from door locks. Thought it might be one of the door courtesy light switches but all seem ok. Any idea's would be welcome
  11. Mine took a while to fix . Checked the brake/clutch switches, the pump but ultimately blew down the vacuum pipe from the pump end expecting to hear no air loss or expect not to be able to blow down it and found the rubber pipe had split just by the T piece and pedals inside. Good luck
  12. well , working hard next week so roll on the weekend and I will let you know how the plug ( and air filter) change go .if 22 round town and 33 on a run ain't bad I might leave the lambda sensor alone. Thanks
  13. Thanks all The car has done 76k and is 2001. I imagine its still on original plugs and leads. Fuel consumption is around 22 mpg round town and about 33 on a run, not sure if thats good or bad but thought hey lets spoil the car with some new plugs as a starter. MOT due this month as well. thanks
  14. Hi can anyone tell me the size of the spark plug gap for a 2.3 mk2 ? thanks
  15. hi We had our gal serviced and when the wife brought the car home the air bag light was on. We called the garage, took it straight back and they switched it off with their equipment that plugged in under the steering wheel somewhere. Mind you i'm no mechanic or electrician , so I would suggest a visit to a local garage and get them to plug in their fault finder thingy :13: . hope you get it fixed
  16. Hi My MK11's Ford 5000 radio/cassette/cd changer unit is on its way out after drinking to much orange juice from the cup holders above. The cassette has never been used in my 4 years of ownership and I dont see the need for it. The CD changer works fine tucked away in the rear, so I was wondering what head units can I upgrade to ??? Thanks
  17. Hi Does anyone know if the front electric window motor and mechanisim's are either the same or different in the MK1 and MK11's ? ? Thanks
  18. Hi all I have just purchased the rear electric quarter window motors, covers and loom but my 2.3 ghia centre console does not have the window buttons in. Does anyone know if its a whole new console or just the top part of it and if so how much these parts may be or finis codes ? Thanks p.s great site, did my wipers the other week and saved pounds ! copper mallet, a vice and lots of WD40 did the trick.
  19. Hi Without knowing my kids knocked the silver cap off whilst helping me clean the car after two weeks away camping. Fords wanted a whole new hand break fitting, think it was in the region on 90 quid plus vat but that was about six months ago. Found it in the dyson after a couple of weeks whizzing around and around !!! Visit the breakers and borrow one. good luck
  20. surely thats what he means by following the faq ? btw chip is separate to the blade on both type of key Thanks Yes read the faq on reprogramming the fob but when I went to get a new blade the bloke at the spares shop said it was not worth it and to got to fords ?? May be my understanding is wrong but i thought a new blade followed by reprogramming should work, I am correct ?? cheers
  21. Hi I bought a second hand key fob with the same descriptions as the current one. I have read the faqs on programming the fobs but is it as simple as getting a new blade cut and following the guide on the faq ? regards
  22. Thanks tried it again about half hour ago when the engine was cold started straight away but sounds like the starter motor runs on for a second or two , turned it off then tried to start it an would not turn over, tried again and bobs your uncle it went.
  23. Hi and help please I have an 01 2.3 ghia manual , a couple of weeks ago I had loss of power when driving, the engine did not stall but power went and within a second all was normal again. Saturday pulled away from cold , sitting in traffic and revs dropped as though to stall but did not. Today, The wife and daughter drove about two miles and engine stalled , managed to cost on to the pavement. Everything worked but the engine would not even turn over. She was just about to call the AA when she had a final go at starting it and hey presto it started and she drove it home no problems. Its due a service, last serviced Feb 07. When I just started it up there was a noise that quickly went away, which was not there before , so sounded like the starter motor but would this cause the above symptoms. any help welcome. regards
  24. picture the scene :- 17 months after the request for help, 150 views, no replies :lol: 12.30 in the morning , an empty bottle of red wine or two :lol: , my footbal team had lost , three kids, the wife in bed and me reading page nine hundred of the haynes manual and there it was ! Next job drivers side rear door central locking not working ? No electric to the door motor, need to trace it back unless I have missed a thread or two, may be better to get that Haynes manual and the red wine out again !!
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