Hi All, I'm a newby here and have just picked up my latest galaxy 2004 1.9 tdi 130. I've had it a week now and I've noticed it never gets to 90 even after 30-40 mins driving (50-60mph). I know they take a while to warm up - I had one of these before last year and no issues, dash gauge reached 90 and stayed there). However, I've looked further into this after looking up the forum (very useful stuff here!) and I suspect I have a duff waterpump. I notice there isn't much heat coming from the heater, and when I do turn the heater up full the temperature comes down quickly. I haven't seen any evidence of overheating at all. I noticed yesterday though, even though the dash gauge was reading 70-80^C the engine fan was on. I have tried driving the engine under load. But this morning even after driving 30 mins I checked the expansion tank - level was fine, but only warmish to the touch. The radiator didn't feel too hot either. I'm just looking for some reassurance that this is the case - the car is still under a 30 day engine and gearbox warranty from the garage I bought it from. My concern is the engine cooling fan coming on - could the engine be overheating despite the dash gauge (separate thermo switch for the fan)? Then again, the coolant def. felt coolish this morning. I'm also concerned there may be a missing thermostat masking any other problem - had that before, hence my suspicions. The expansion tank wasn't overly pressurised and there seems to be dodgy stuff in the coolant itself (which was suspiciously clear though..). I can hear a whirring noise when I turn on the ignition, which I assume is the aux pump - probably running just enough to mask any coolant flow issues. Is this a reasonable prognosis? I'm just worried about any hidden horrors that share similar symptoms! cheers, Steve