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Everything posted by Paulchez-85

  1. now you mention it I do recall 1 of the relays looking a little fried but as I remember what it was for was working but think it was relay 3 (marking on the holder) on the under layer. hope this makes sense
  2. yeah sure looks like the dash out again. I hated doing this. this may take some narrowing down tho. I was told just to do continuity tests to find it. sounds easy and is easy if you know where all the components are and any wire colour changes. Haynes manual doesn't show anything for this wiring. thanks for the help brianh
  3. hi brian. yep still tight and nice and clean. he stated thers no communication wich is caused by a possible break in 2 wires or a disconnection. he was kind enough to tell and show me which 2 on the diagnostic connector it was. he also said he hasn't got the time to be pulling my dash and ripping the loom apart to find. (he is good and reliable at what he does and used him a couple of times) he also spent a bit of time and doing the diagnostics on it and told me that a payment wasn't necessary and that if he had to do the work would be in the region of £400. I checked the 02 sensors when I was having all my previous issues previously and I can only assume it was over fuelling before which caused the cat malfunction as it was around the same time I had connection probs? I cant believe all the trouble from this car I wish I could just buy another car altogether. BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT THE APPRECIATION ISNT THERE FOR ALL YOUR HELP ( capitals is not my shouting mode in this instance its my getting my appreciation point across and allowing it to be clearly seen). THANKS
  4. hi, its running ok at the min apart from its running rich, I wanted to get it all sorted before fitting the new cat and 02 sensors as there not cheap and don't want to burn them straight out within weeks/ months. it wont connect to anything and ive got a airbag light on as ive had to take the dash out to sort the main wire feed that was burning the junction box up and cant turn it off as there is no connection to anything. it went in for there been no eml on and it would appear that when it got put in the garage when they cut the cat to bits found it necessary to tape up the eml with electrical tape. nice I know but will never go in a garage again and I should have known better. im not sure what computers or software hes using but did clearly state that between his 2 computers he had over £7.500 so wouldn't imagine there useless. theres just no connection to any form of modules or ecu. cheers brian
  5. cheers brian, the stereo is standard for 6000 with changer. washer pipe is ok and not leaking. im unsure of a blown terminating resistor amongst the circuit somewhere such as instrument panel, a/c, ecu, if my internet search is correct. ill unplug and check thanks.
  6. hello brian h and sparky paul. im still having trouble with my motor just had it into an auto electrics and have been told the 2 data wires ( og/bn + og/bk I think he said) is the cause of lack of communications with everything on the car. ecu, central locking module, airbag module and so on. im just wondering if anybody knows of any places these break or can list everywhere they go to. cheers and thanks in advance
  7. Hi pineapple any updates or results on you light prob mate
  8. have you used a known good earth point and tested all the same bulbs with a same reading. using a different earth points may result in a different readings. have you tested direct into the connectors rather than in the bulb socket?
  9. try pull the tab up a little to make sure its getting a good contact and as brianh says give it a clean. I would advise wire wool and unplugging the connector before doing so to avoid any possible shorting out.
  10. Hi gregers. I can only apologize and explain it's the predicted text on the tablet. My sincere apologies
  11. I agree but was just trying to help as to whether the fault is in the boot. as I stated if they had of tested before buying a replacement cluster they may of saved a few quid. and may help diagnose whereabouts the problem is in regards to connections between locations or if it was a bad earth as he said it varied from side to side.
  12. You need to be testing with a multi meter to check the voltage as I stated before this way you can trace any bad wiring. I don't think the brake lights run through the boot door as there in outer quarters. I would strongly advise testing with a multi meter using a good earth point and work across the wiring. Compare using other side as a reference if need be.
  13. Hi preggers. I clearly told them only to do a diagnostic check nothing more and told them I already had the part to go on. As I wanted my car back I had no choice but to pay. The only upside is I now know what was wrong and had bought the right part BUT I was told there was no fault codes so I'm still unsure why it broke down like it did. Could have the same problem in a few month if something was missed and causes the same prob. The only difference been I will know what it is and will store it in the memory bank for future reference. New cat going on when I receive the new 02 sensors and have bought a program so I can monitor it myself. Still have no engine check light at all so maybe have to check bulb then ecu?
  14. Hello and just a quick update on the problems. Turned out to be the cat blocking the pipe. Garage nicely butchered the cat and ripping out the innards and welded it back up after being asked not to do anything other than do a diagnostic test. Then had the courtesy to charge me £160. This is why I don't do garages total rip off merchants and I still need to replace it with a new cat. Why not just put a new cat on and have done rather than spending the hours messing about other than for more money. Never again.
  15. hi there pineappleman. you need to test the wire at the plug and then with the plug connected on the terminals. this will give you a idea of if its the cluster or a wiring fault. no point spending money on parts you may not need. also disconnect the cluster and wire wool the terminals including earth. paul
  16. cheers. hopefully I can get pin pointed problems and ill be sure to let the forum know whats been found, have a check in the next couple of days to see what ive come across. thanks
  17. hi brianh. thanks, ive got it into my mates garage hopefully tomorrow to go on his diagnostics and hopefully been a garage will pull every problem the car has to show. ill update what is found and any probs that it shows and hopefully my problems now may help people in the future. I cant believe this mk2 as I never had this amount of problems with my S reg galaxy which is why we came back to them from the discovery . I was going to get a mk3 but it seems the newer the galaxy's get the more problems they have.. ill update once I have the diagnostic results. cheers
  18. hi brianh. thanks again for your reply. not really sure about monitoring the 02 sensor I can give it a go when I get the cat on. I have the 4 leads and ignition module not the 2 leads & 2 coil packs. I think im going to get the inline ignition testers and plug them in between the module and leads. so you would advise sorting the car before putting the new cat on? I was only thinking of the ecu as im not getting a engine management light when sensors are pulled or when ignition is turned to position 2 either. I just remembered that my £10 fleabay diagnostic scanner DID bring up a fault but showed as N/A. as these only bring up generic codes im not sure what it could be. all your help is really helpful and appreciate all of it and hopefully I can sort it with all the help.
  19. hi sparky paul and thanks for the reply. I would of said neither. it seems as its either over fuelling and under fueling massively. when accelerator is pressed it just bogs right down losing power and speed. spark plugs were replaced around 6 month ago when I bought the car and have done maybe 2k on them. wouldn't a faulty ignition module give constant spark problems including starting probs. please forgive me questioning your question but really just trying to get to the bottom of it as this is really stressful. aswell as causing sleepless nights after 3 weeks of agro its now going to be cosing me £200+ a week in school runs until sorted. gggrrrrrrrrrr. also the plugs were new when I bought the car maybe 6 month ago with around 2k done on them. thanks again
  20. hi brianHh and thanks for the replies. no I cant see live data with it but is not showing any codes, ive unplugged sensors and done another scan and its brought a fault up with the code for the sensor unplugged. have tried the maf sensor and didn't make a blind bit of difference. have tested both 02 sensors and both give a reading of .956v when heated and drop back to 0 fast. have tested the heating circuit resistances and again giging perfectly good results being 10.5 with multimeter on 200 ohm. also cat was shot another ordered. also im not getting a cel light/ engine management light when key is turned to position 2. don't know if its all related, etc. a ecu fault? thanks again.
  21. Hi all. I have a problem that I hope somebody can help with. The car will run ok when It 1st starts up but after maybe 10 minutes of driving and the car gets up to running temperature it seems to lose all power. The car will bog down if I try to give it anymore throttle than what's needed to keep it running. I have put the obd2 scanner on it but not getting any tech's. I have taken the maf sensor off and cleaned it with carb cleaner although it looked clean. I have changed the coolant temp sensor as I was not getting a reading from this. I will be checking the 02 sensors as soon as I can when it stops raining. I've checked for vacuum pipe leaks at the throttle body area, intake leaks and I'm coming up short.I have also just had to renew the common fuse box fault in the engine bay with the frazzled wire (2nd down, main fuse box supply if I'm right). Changed the alternator wire also but joined the other cable approx 18" back so good cable and was joined by overlapping the 2 cables and crimped using a hydraulic crimper so a good solid super tight join has been made and covered with heat shrink then taped back into loom. Could this be related? Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the only family car and need it for the school runs in a couple of days. Thanks in advance.
  22. Try ebay or better your local scrapped. Both are cheap. Good luck
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