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Everything posted by shepheap

  1. 2.5 weeks ago I took my 1.9TDi 130 '03 (35k miles) into local dealer as I was losing power (at times complete turbo shut down) and the engine sounded VERY rough and was gradually getting worse. After much agro I got it back Friday eveing after they had identified that the DUal MAss Flywheel was damaged and they replaced it under warranty as part of the current recall. Assuming that all my problems were solved I took it on a long run yesterday. Seemed OK to start with, but as the enginge got warmer there was more vibration (not a lot, and certainly better than when the MFW was replaced, but the engine sounded 'rouger' than 4weeks ago when I bought it.) Also it seems to be lacking power: when accelerating there is an initial boost/surge of power and you can hear a slight whistle/whing noise from what I presume is the turbo. The whistle/whining stops afetr a few seconds, even with the accelerator still depressed, and there is a slight fade in power although the vehicle continues to accelerate but slower than I believe it should. It now struggles to accelerate up a slight gradient with only 2 adults and 2 young children in 5th gear - when I got it it would cruise up the same gradient in 6th. Any ideas please as I will be taking it back to Ford Monday and don't want to be fobbed off by them as it only has 10 days of Ford warranty left!!!! PS there are no warning lights, nor were there when the Turbo was shutting down 3 weeks ago.
  2. For info - Ford, Daventry, seem very confused as to whether they have the parts available for this. Yesterday the parts dept told my dealership that they were on the shelf and then a little later stated that they would not be available until next week at the earliest. The 'Supervisor for Customer Liason' at Daventry has stated that the part will be delivered tomorrow?!?!!?! Surprising what results you can get when you ruffle feathers! :lol:
  3. ;) Update.... FOrd policy is that they will only provide a courtesy/hire car after a part has been on back order for 14 days. I have been chasing on a daily basis and today Daventry (who authorise the hire cars) kept fobbing off the local dealer saying that the part had only been on order since the 18th (this was due to the original part (ordered on the 12th) was subject of the recall and so they had to order the new part on the 18th!?!) So, after lots of promises of the hire car being available today and then nothing, this afternoon I dug up the name of the Ford UK Parts Division QUality COntrol Manager from the net and rang to speak. The individual, who will remain namelss, was kind enough to take my call and listened to what I had to say. 10 minutes and a conference call later I had one of the parts division managers authorising a hire car for me. :D !!!!!! Anyway, apparently the parts are now available at Daventry so I think there may be a swift delivery to the dealers tomorrow and a few sore ears at Daventry!! Hopefully my faith will be restored in Ford. The cooperation of the Parts Division Quality Control Manager has certainly gone a long way towards getting me there, but it whould not have got to that.
  4. 3 weeks ago I bought a 2003 03 1.9TDi 130 Ghia with 34,000 miles. I had checked the service history (all Ford) and thought it was a good buy at the price. :D After a few days I occasionally heard a slight knocking which appeared to be coming from the area under the gear lever. Took it into my local ford, but sods law, there was no noise so I drove off. 3 days later, whilst visiting relatives in Oxfordshire, the engine started making a lot of noise, rattling and loss of power. Took it into a local dealer who referred me to main dealer (Hartwells) at Oxfod. Again, initially nothing could be diagnosed (purely from test drive) and so I drove off in a noisey Galaxy. I then lost all turbo power and was struggling to reach 50mph (embarrassing on the M40!!). Next day I took it into my loacl Fords (TCHarrison, Peterborough) and they reluctantly agreed to look at it that day. Its a good thing they did, because they described the dual mass flywheel as being damaged beyond recognition!!!!! Fortunately this vehicle is 2yrs and 11months old so the replacement will be under warranty. However, the parts are on 'Back Order' and Ford (local, national customer services and parts at Daventry) are unable to tell me when the parts will be in stock (it has now been sitting in their yard for 2 weeks!!!!!). I speak to them on a daily basis and still they don't know when the parts are going to turn up, but they now tell me that there is a full recall on the dual mass flywheel which affects my chassis number (too late in my case). :D I have tried to find something about this on the net but have not yet been able to. Does anyone have any knowledge of this???? I have also been trying to get a hire car out of them, but I am only entitled to it from day 14 (today) and they can only let me have one on the say so of Daventry, who only communicate by e-mail and take 3 days at a time to answer!!!! Any bright ideas on how to speed things up??? SO, in summary, seemed like a nice car, but currently Ford are sitting on
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