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Everything posted by shepheap

  1. '03 130 Ghia with 127k Driving home tonight thought I'd drop in at the garage to let them know I wanted them to do some work on the suspension top mounts, and bits that are rattling, anyway, 70mph+ on the motorway when suddenly warning lights - ABS, engine management, horn stopped working, speedo stopped working, indicators stopped working, fuel warning flashing on/off (odd!),. Made it to the garage and by a process of elimination worked out that fuse 3 was at fault. Replaced it, blew straight away. Whilst trying to work out which of the circuits was at fault found flames dripping from under the front off side wing!!!! Slight panic but fire extinguisher at hand - sorted. Turns out to be the aircon pressure sensor (I think! - photo attached), mounted under the offside wing behind the fog light, which has overheated and caught fire!!!! Had noticed a couple of weeks ago that the aircon had stopped working so this could be the problem. Anyone come across this before, or know of any reason why the sensor would reach such extreme temperatures????
  2. It drives OK (apart from some suspension rattles that have started since the drive shafts were changed!). There is no loss of performance, just some background noise which previously wasnt there. It was this noise that started me exploring and resulted in hearing the loud 'whine' if the engines revs were high when turned off. The noise can also be felt through the air box as the engine shuts down.Local garage had it in and siad the turbo ws on its way out.
  3. Any thoughts or recommendations from anyone? Currently my local garage is going to cost around £700+ for the turbo plus parts, fitting etc totaling around £1200
  4. Any recommendations for sourcing a replacement turbo? Its an 130 ASZ1 engine. New or possibly reconditioned (if thought worthwhile ) Thanks.
  5. Thanks. I'm aware it's not a good idea with turbos but was trying to identify where the noise is coming from.
  6. I have a 2003 1.9 130 Galaxy with 127k miles. I'm not yet suffering any power issues but have noticed a slight increase in the amout of smoke (black) on acceleration, but I have started to hear more 'mechanical' noise from what I believe to be the turbo. In the last few days I have also heard a rather nasty mechanical whine, which I assume is coming form the turbo due to feeling it through the air box, just after the engine is turned off, particularly if the engine RPM is high when turned off. Would anyone like to speculate as to what may be the problem? No fault codes at the moment )apart from a never ending flame out on the aux heater!)
  7. Brushes are not easily available its common practice to rob brushes from a small motor and file then down to fit, or maybe a starter/alternator repair shop may have some to fit. Can be a bit fiddly to do but if you have the time you can save yourself a few quid, or if you want a quick fix, GSF and Europarts are cheaper than the dealers, iirc about
  8. My run-on pump is also silent (aux heater keeps trying to start and cuts out (already changed plug etc)). Happy to have a go at changing the brushes - can someone tell me which brushes I need to buy from ebay as ideally I will only remove the motor once for the repair. Thanks
  9. I've a 2003 1.9tdi 130 - my Aux heater has caused problems for some time and have changed the plug twice (now has the upgraded Ford plug). It starts up, there's no smoke, it produces heat (hot exhaust from it) and it then stops and restarts a few minutes later and contimues doing so during the jourey even when the engine temp is showing 90. Vagcom shows the same old flame out problem. The fuel pump is pulsing away quite happily so I assume that it is getting fuel OK. Any advic eon what else could be causing the 'flame out' and on/off behaviour? Someone mentioned that the coolant pumpt should be checked - any advice on where to find that would be appreciated as I have searched the forums without success so far. Thanks
  10. Sorry but another Aux/Booster Heater question: The heater hadn't been working (flame out code from vagcom) so I replaced the glow plug with the modified one from Ford (
  11. Yesterday I noticed that the aircon was smelling when turned on and also that there is no longer any condensate dripping from under the car. Does anyone know where to find the outlet for the condensate drain tubes? My assumption is that the pipes are blocked so causing stale water to build up and cause the smell. Tried TIS and numerous searches. 2003 1.9TDI 130 Thanks
  12. I downloaded and installed VCDS lite on my Windows 7 laptop yesterday. Visually it is no different to the old 4.09. I did need to change the COM port for the USB serial device in device manager as it had registered at COM 10 and VCDS Lite only offers 1 to 4. I used it to successfully check for a fault on my rear parking sensors and also reset the fault code for my duff auxilliary heater. Also found that I could use it to change the volume and pitch of the parking sensors which entertained me for a few minutes! :unsure:
  13. See below link from 2007 - this discussion has been going for quite some ttime! http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...st&p=116427 If I recall my discussion with a Fraud tech correctly he stated that the original Gals were sent out withjout XL tryes but were recalled and fitted with XL. This was due to the eXtra Load due to the 7 seats etc.
  14. See here- No.1 - Aux Heater thread in FAQs :blink:
  15. In my experience, the hissing sound is actually comming from the Pressure valve on the bulkhead of the engine bay, but as it's "behind" the glove box, thats where you'll hear it. If it was this, thats a VERY good indication that you were low on refrigerant. you're basically not getting enough pressure to get the refrigerant liquid on the high pressure side of the valve. So you did the right thing getting it re-gassed. It could be the reciever/dryer, how old is the car? when did the aircon last work? After it stopped, did the compressor clutch dissengage and not re-engage? How long did you leave it running before giving up? I think the commonest place for these things to leak is the high pressure aluminium pipe from the reciever dryer to the pressure valve, right where the clamp is. I'm assuming they checked there? If not take a look yourself, if it's oily, then it's probably leaking. from the front for the car its on the left hand side running from the very front to the back of the engine bay. It's about 7-8mm diameter, with one clamp bolted to the frame. Steven
  16. In my experience, the hissing sound is actually comming from the Pressure valve on the bulkhead of the engine bay, but as it's "behind" the glove box, thats where you'll hear it. If it was this, thats a VERY good indication that you were low on refrigerant. you're basically not getting enough pressure to get the refrigerant liquid on the high pressure side of the valve. So you did the right thing getting it re-gassed. It could be the reciever/dryer, how old is the car? when did the aircon last work? After it stopped, did the compressor clutch dissengage and not re-engage? How long did you leave it running before giving up? I think the commonest place for these things to leak is the high pressure aluminium pipe from the reciever dryer to the pressure valve, right where the clamp is. I'm assuming they checked there? If not take a look yourself, if it's oily, then it's probably leaking. from the front for the car its on the left hand side running from the very front to the back of the engine bay. It's about 7-8mm diameter, with one clamp bolted to the frame. Steven Steven - Thanks for your reply; The car is a 2003 TDi, the air con last worked a few weeks before I started to get it checked out (climate control so on most of the time). After the re-gas the clutch was engaging and there was briefly some cooler (but not cold) air coming through, so I decided to leave it on Econ whilst trying to identify the fault. This has now been made easier as a couple of days ago I moved the car and found a puddle of green dye on the floor! I haven't had a close look yet but it has come out where the front off side inner wing meets the engine tray which sounds as though coincides with the pipe you describe, and also (having done some more research on line last night) roughly where the receiver/dryer is located which is known to have leak problems found here Hopefully have time to get underneath the car and chase the leak today.
  17. Update - Still not wking! :16: Went into the garage on Tuesday. When they connected up there was no gas in the system so they filled it and chcked for leaks but could not find any. The system worked for a short time with the temp at vents being 1deg c, but after a couple of minutes it stopped and the temperature increased. The gas was still in the system and no apparent leakage but it hadn't been in for long enough to see if there was slow leakage. Their suggestion at the moment is that it could be the dryer as that has a filter in it which could be blocked and needs replacing. Any suggestions? The gas has now been vacuumed out in case their is a leak pending my thoughts on what to do next. Help please!!!!
  18. Thanks. The evaporator is likely to be a tarting point once the pressure/fill has been checked. Any other ideas from anyone before it goes in on Tuesday?
  19. I've been reading all the old posts but still finding it difficult to come up with one that fits my particular problem: Over the last week or two I have noticed hissing noise from the glove box area of the dash. Today I had the glove box out and started to dismantle the dash to try and locate what I assumed to be a leak, however due to it being a warm day I thought I woudl try the aircon only to find that it was not working. I also noted that if the climate control was set to Econ the noise went away so preumably the hissing is linked to the aircon problem. I have read a post that refers to low pressure in the system possibly causing hissing noises in the area of the glove box, but I checked the aircon low pressure with a Halfords refill and this showed that it was OK and it occasionally fluctuated which I assume indicates that the compressor is probably working as well(?) If I switch the climate to Auto and turn the temp down to 18deg c there till appears to be some warm air coming through the vents (only slight) with the hissing in the background. I'm not sure whether to go to my local garage which has full aircon evac and refill capabilities (and pressure testing) and just get it tested nd refilled, or whether I should be looking for another fault first. Any suggestiions gratefully received.
  20. See the below link. I have now been using these Fortuna F2000 215/55 r16s for 6 months. Very good tread wear. Quiter than the dunlops and HALF the price (
  21. Even thought the heater is not working correctly the engine temp should still eventually reach normal operating temp (90deg) - but if the thermostat is not working correctly/needs replacing - this would add to the low temp ptoblem....wouldn't it?????????
  22. You say that as if you have come across the problem before......
  23. No not white. Aux heater is fine. Its a cloud of greyish smoke coming from the exhaust when starting from cold and also accelerating when warm. Incidentally it has done about 42000.
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