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Everything posted by chesh100

  1. Hi, Been a few threads about horn buttons and how to fit new ones. I got the info on it from the following thread. Sorry, can't work how to put a link in. I know it's "showtopic=5718&hl=horn" from the address bar, thread started by wonkydog, Aug 10 2005. Do a search for "horn" Note, I found that the connection on the new button was different from what was fitted on the car so had to adjust them. Good luck with it
  2. As you bought the car from a dealer, if a problem occurs within the first six months you are covered by the "Sale of Goods Act 1979". This is valid even if the warrenty company refuse to pay. Yes, you do have to pay out for the repairs yourself :D , but you can then claim it all back through the small claims court :rolleyes: I posted details of what happened to me back in March, along with quotes and other info. Click here [/dealers beware!]"Link info (Hope link works, not tried this before :D ) Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  3. Found this web site usfull for driving in Europe http://driving.drive-alive.co.uk/ Lots of info on speeds/legal requirements etc. Covers most of the main countries. Used a set of the beam converters a couple of weeks ago, very easy to use, came with full instructions for all makes/types of headlight. Have good trip :rolleyes:
  4. Hi all, been some time since I last posted as I've sold the Gal and feel to comfortable still posting. Been keeping an eye on the forum though and thought I'd share my latest experience with you, and hopefully impart some usefull info for all the members. Right! Started with buying a 2nd hand car from a dealer, the short story is that it broke down less than three weeks after buying it! Only the wipers, but even so, still important especially in the winter! :lol: Dealer did attempt to get it repaired at a local garage, but it turned out to be a main dealer job as a control unit had to be replaced and reprogramed. The unit was not covered by the warranty that was sold to me with the car, because of this, the dealer refused to pay the full amount and when pressed only went to 50% of cost which I declined. By law, if you purchase form a dealer, you have a legal right of six months cover, the onus is on the dealer to prove the fault was not there when the car was sold to you, not for you to have to prove it was! I have today just received my copy of the judgement from the court :( He has to pay the full cost of the repair, interest and the court fee. Important things to note if you do decide to take this route: Do take advise, if you belong to RAC, AA or similar, give their legal team a call. Do keep track of all contact with the dealer, what is offered/said. If you do decide to claim, make sure you write first to them setting out the full facts of the situation, what is wrong, what you want doing etc. Give them the chance to respond. You can then start proceedings on-line if you want, go to www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk Quotes to use: ". . . . . . as the car was neither fit for its purpose, nor of satisfactory quality when it was sold to me under s.14 (2)-(3) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and I was told that I can rely on the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumer Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/3045) (including the six month presumtion of disconformity)" Do not let them push you around, I was told by the dealer "try taking me to court, they won't do anything for you, It'll just cost you more money". They bluster! They try it on. But the Law is on our side in this, don't let them rip you off. How often do you see a poor car salesman????????? They have a good sales spiel, and can often persuade you to aggree to things not in your favour. Hope this can help some of you out there. Thanks for reading.
  5. "just a good job hes give me 3 months warrenty" Sounds like he's tried to sell you a dud. :P By law as he's a dealer, he is liable for six months. You just need to know your rights, and don't let them intimidate you into backing down. It's down to him to prove the fault wasn't there when the car was sold to you, not for you to prove it was! I have just taken a dealer to court and won :lol: (just waiting for the money to arrive :ph34r: ). I will post the details of what happened and which regulations you would need to quote soon.
  6. me too. :lol:
  7. Cheers, the new layout has got me all confused at times :lol:
  8. Is it just me, or has the technical section really disapeared :lol:
  9. yes bleeno it doesj ust had a gander in the book :D Note that this is the second key and has no buttons ;) so I would doubt that will work. Should be able to get a locksmith to check the coding on the key. Don't know if they can change them though :D Anyone know about this? Er!!! ..read the manual!!! If it didnt work why print it?! All I was pointing out was that the manual (IIRC) shows how to re-program the keys to the locking system, but not anything else, and the problem appeared to be the second key that doesn't have the lock/un-lock buttons. :D
  10. yes bleeno it doesj ust had a gander in the book :D Note that this is the second key and has no buttons ;) so I would doubt that will work. Should be able to get a locksmith to check the coding on the key. Don't know if they can change them though :D Anyone know about this?
  11. Do check on what they cover on the electrical side of things. Do they just cover the engine managment ecu or also include other ecu's that control the other electrical items? Just had one replaced on a Renault and it's not covered by the warrenty :rolleyes: :lol: . Having to claim the cost back from the car sales dealer under the "Sale of Goods Act". :( Not what I need just before Xmas!!!
  12. Just watched the Festival of Remembrance. What happened to the Last Post? :blink: As an ex-serviceman I found it's ommision to be most upsetting. I have always felt it to be one of the most important parts of the service.
  13. I have an old 2.8 manual gal. The brake pedal is the same at all times, about 2" travel before braking starts. Personally, I think the gal's brakes are better than any other vehicle i've driven. B) One area of concern i've thought about, when cold, you say your pedal only travels one inch before locking up, where before you had about three inches movement. Are your brake lights working with the reduction in pedal movement??? :) Should not be this variation i'm sure, hopefully someone with more knowledge about the quirks of the gal will be able to point you in the right direction.
  14. Sorry for posting here guy's n gal's. :huh: Mod's, feel free to move/delete if necessary :( Just after some technical info/confirmation on suspected drive shaft problem. Wife's car is a Renault Clio, f/w/d. It's got a intermittant clicking when driving that changes with speed. I suspect the inner drive shaft bearings/joints. :( Would you technical people agree that the inner end of the shafts (differental end) should be seen to rotate smoothly without visable judder, and that if judder is there then a big problem exists within. :( Both shafts are juddering with a rumbling which gets worse if steering is turned to full lock. :( :( Thinking it might be time to think about a new car for her! Thanks in advance for any replies.
  15. What do they mean by "foldable axle stands" :lol: They can't mean the legs, or could they????? How safe would these be??? Any movable link is surely going to be a weak spot on something like this. Trolley Jack looks pretty good though. -_-
  16. I shall always use ramps now, unless i need to take the wheel off, and even then I'll keep the jack on the side of the car. Had one of my axle stands buckle n colapse under the weight of our trusty Gal!! -_- Maybe I'll just buy stronger stands for extra saftey :lol:
  17. Just checked in mine and I have 2x CR 2016 fitted.
  18. Talking to a local car dealer recently, and he said that by law that all dealers have to give a six month warrenty on any sales, not the three months that most dealers mention. Whether it's just from their own workshop, or a proper warrenty is down to each individual dealer.
  19. Just found my receipt from my local dealers. Set of two buttons
  20. Just replaced mine ;) There's a post in here somewhere that I followed giving full instructions on how to change the horn buttons. Think I just searched under 'horn'. One thing to be aware of if you decide to renew the button, the wires on my Gal where different length and style to what the dealer supplied, i was able to adjust mine, but might be best to check the wiring first before buying, or at least check they will change them if they are wrong. Best of luck
  21. Just had to replace the o/s/f myself ;) Cost was
  22. Does the petrol version have the same reserve as the diesel? Also, at roughly where will the needle be on the gauge when the warning light flashes on? I have never yet dared to let the tank get to low, as it gets near the lower edge of the red i tend tend to fill up then, so don't even know if the warning light works or not!
  23. I know how you feel! Trying to get woodwork painted as a new carpet is due on Wednesday. Work interupted by visit to parents, can't fit all kids in small car!! chaos ensues!! Had to leave one behind!! Waiting to get new bolt (due in today), so thought I'd prepare vehicle n change ABS sensor whilst waiting for bolt. Had the first axle stand under car, jacking up to place second................. first stand collapses!!!!! <_< Got sensor changed in the end, now just waiting for bolt to fit tonight!! :(
  24. Thanks, your help is appreciated :16:
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