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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Did anyone sort there leaking problems because I have one now and my windows are constantly fogging up
  2. I have the locking tool but this doesn't allow for the cam pulley adjustment.
  3. The head was off a working engine but I had it skimmed and pressure tested and professionally cleaned and all the seals replaced. With regards to the timing. What tool do mean.
  4. When driving at low revs the car slightly judders and feels like it's misfiring. If I put my foot down and the turbo kicks in its smooth and feels like normal. (Full story below) So this has been a long 2 weeks of working on my car and I can finally drive it but it's not 100% back to normal. So I have a 53 plate 1.9tdi 130bhp Galaxy. I have owned it for nearly 5 years now. So a couple of months ago the car was driving perfectly but overheating and over pressuring so last Wednesday I decided to replace the head. So replacement head, head gasket, timing belt kit, thermostat and waterpump. We originaly struggled getting it started and when it did start there was no power. We tried adjusting the timing via the cam and that sorted the staring issue and I had a spare turbo and that seemed to sort the power problem out. The car seems underpowered and has a judder when between 1k and 2k revs then it cleared. I just assumed the turbo was faulty. The car managed to make 80 miles and then the turbo blew. So today I bought and fitted a brand new turbo. And did a service on the car. Now when driving there is no smoke but it still feels like a judder or misfire in low Revs and feels underpowered especially between 1k and 2k and I have no clue where to start. Now if it was a petrol I would start with spark plugs because that's the type of feeling you get. I'm stil thinking it could be the timing (cam) adjustment but am not sure. Thanks.
  5. Mine is a 53. I found it. Thanks
  6. It was oil in the pipes I think because it clearer up. Still not running 100%. Feels like it's misfiring
  7. Iv sorted it now but thanks for the advice. It turned out to be the pressure switch. My new one turned up and as I took the old one off it had snapped. I now face a new problem. The engine is smoking nearly as bad as it was with the broken Turbo on
  8. Hello. Glad you got your problem sorted. Just wondering if you could tell me where the switch is located. I have been looking today as I have oil light issues and I can't seem to find it. Thanks
  9. Hello all. I replaced my cylinder head last week due to gasket failure and a warped head and all went fine. Less than 100 miles later by turbo broke. Smoke everywhere. So I did a service and fitted a new turbo yesterday and now every time I Rev over 2000rpm the oil warning light comes on. Has anyone got any ideas. Thanks
  10. Does anyone know if this is the same on the MK2. Thanks
  11. Thanks for the reply everyone. Brian H While replacing a water pipe a few weeks ago I did break the back heater pump. At the time I didn't know what it was just I had broken it. I have replaced it but I don't have any hot air coming out the back heaters now. I not sure if it was working before this point. If the engine is hot it appears the is no fluid in the expansion tank and when you take the cap off water gushes back into it and usually out everywhere. If you run it without the cap on you can see the water return and no water get forced out of the tank. The radiator seems to get hot all over. Silver beast. I never fitted the water pump so I am unsure. The one way valve was blocked at one point going into the expansion tank but I unblocked it. Every morning when I take the cap off the is still usually a slight bit of pressure but not much. I have checked and I get no heat out the rear heaters at all even when driving.
  12. I have searched through for similar issues but can't find any exactly the same as mine. So I have a 53 plate 1.9tdi Galaxy. I started getting water related problems after my new water pump was fitted. I had a few pipes pop and I thought the system was pressurising too much but I was told it was just because it was a new pump so it was more efficient. I also ended up with an over heating problem that turned out to be a stuck thermostat. After changing the pipes and thermostat I thought it was problems over. It then started loosing water every day for with no singes of where it's coming from. It's a taxi so it gets a lot of use. Some mornings I will need around 1.5 litres and some it's only around 500ml. To me the system still seems to be pressurising too much. Also now the last few days my heating has decided to stop working when it's on tick over but soon as I start driving it comes back on. I have tried several things already.
  13. I have a 2003 MK11 Galaxy that I have owned for for over 4 years and never had any locking problems. A few weeks ago I locked my car and realised only the drivers door locked. The other 3 didn't lock. This happened for a few days and then fixed its self. The problem is intermittent but I have now had to lock my 3 doors manually for a few days. Which I have learned to live with. Thing have took a turn for the worse now because I can't manually lock my 2 back doors. It's as if the dead locks have activated and not wont let me lock it. I have tried with the fob, with the key and in the boot and it's all the same. Thanks for the advice in advance
  14. Where did you put the wire
  15. When they lock up the pedal is at the top just hard. Checked all that and it seems normal.
  16. I have drilled a small hole in my spare vac pipe as it comes out the servo releasing some pressure. Brakes no longer lock up and works as they did before the problem Obviously this doesn't sort my fault
  17. No all seamed fine
  18. I took it of a working car that had gearbox problems. I only drove it a few days ago so I know the brakes where spot on. From what I can tell the servo is getting too much vacuum that's why I tried the pump and also the pipe with the none return valve. (They where both suggested by fords to)
  19. I changed the servo and master cylinder. That didn't work so I changed the servo vac pipe and that never worked. So I changed the vac pump and still the same.
  20. I have used J and R CV joints for many years and never had a problem. I have an 23 month old shaft on my galaxy with a leaky boot. I rang them Thursday for a new boot. They ended up sending my a full brand new shaft free of charge because the one on was less that 2 years old. It arrived less than 24 hours later.
  21. On Monday I was driving down the road and I felt that the car was pulling back. A few minutes later it stopped. I then realised that all 4 brakes where locked on solid. Now if I pull the servo vacuum pipe off it releases the wheels. If you then put the servo pipe back on you can drive for a few minutes again and it then locks up again. Has anyone else had this problem. I have spoke to 12 different mechanics from small garages all the way up to fords and no one has ever had this problem.
  22. If your getting all the other gears I really can't see it being the cables. I lost 1st and 2nd gear a few weeks ago and it was the selector inside the gearbox. I would try the cables first as it's very easy to do. The is a few good videos on YouTube showing you how to lock the cables in place. Also when you say lost the ability. Does it gear stick go into the position or 5th and 6th and do nothing or can't you get it to go into position
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