Well the Galaxy has been well behaved for a few weeks, then it got difficult to start, now it won't start! Its a late 98 1.9TDi Plugged Vag Com in it says: VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-S Chassis Type: 7M - VW Sharan Scan: 01,02,03,08,09,15,16,17,18,19,29,36,37,39,45,46,55,56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 01: Engine Controller: 028 906 021 HC Component: 1,9l R4 EDC 00SG 1905 Coding: 00002 Shop #: WSC 00020 1 Fault Found: 00550 - Start of Injection Regulation 17-10 - Control Difference - Intermittent Readiness: N/A Anybody know what this means in english please. Many thanks Dave