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  1. hi, oil level the same.
  2. no coolant loss, will put the radiator cleaning fluid this week from wurth to see if i notice any diference. update - changed the original temp sensor from VW to a aftermarket one, temp gauge does not climb as much as before and temp rises slower...
  3. never saw that kind of pump on mine... And already took almost everything out when doing head gasket change, maybe this model / engine does not use this here.
  4. hmm, can you show me the location where it should be please? update - already checked the rear heater matrix and both pipes get hot just near it so no blockage on the pipes...
  5. mine does not have the run on pump... This weekend will give some update then :)
  6. The front one is working, the rear one i will try tomorrow...Already had that in mind to try the one in the rear, since the front one gives lots of heat. Anyway thanks for all the help, please if you remember anything else let me know, i am always thinking on how to solve this in my head :(
  7. Hi, that hose (number 40) only has a sensor there (brown one). I can see water coming from the small hose when the engine is running and if i acellerate i can see the water flowing faster, so water pump working fine. the hose itself is hot and the small hose at the same temperature, the radiator not so hot, that is the only diference i can see there, it only gets hotter when the thermostat opens and water starts to flow from the bottom hose. that location for the radiator seems to be more practical, can it be installed in a car that has the thermostat on the water pump? at least to change it it would be more easy :)
  8. The sensor you refer, how does it control the fan? doesnt the one on the radiator has that function?
  9. its in the water pump... Same was happening with previous thermostat, when i changed to this one no diference in temperature,
  10. Hi... i have a problem with my car related to overheating and this is what happens: bought the car a year ago, had a blown HG, replaced it (head had water passages blocked with rust), cleaned all and reassembled everything, when i bought the car it did not have a thermostat and was running only with water. Once i placed the thermostat i have the problem that the temp gauge starts to climb almost immediately after i start driving and it start to climb until it reaches the mark above the middle one (this in less then 15 minutes of driving), is i stop the car and check the water pipes, the top is hot, lower is cold and radiadtor is cold. I already replaced the water pump, placed a new thermostat (opens at 84ª), replaced the thermal switch on the radiator (starts the fans at a lower temp also), replaced the radiator, replaced the fan, replaced the expansion tank and cap and it remains the same, already its the 3rd temp sensor beeing that the last one was a original VW sensor (35£) the temperature only rises that much if i start to press the pedal, at slow cruise it passes a little of the middle,but when i press it it can go almost at the last mark before the red, If i slow down, the temperature decreases and if i stop the car and check the hoses, both are hot, no pressure in the circuit and the fan is working also. i am baffled at this... already changed everything i can think and problem still persists :( please help me
  11. Thanks :) hope you guys can help me out with some problems and that i can help also when needed ;)
  12. Hi... My name is Ricardo, im from Lisbon and i have a "Seat Alhambra" 1.9 TDI AHU engine from 03/1997. I know its not a Ford Galaxy :blush: , but its the closest i have for this car. Hope you guys dont mind the intrusion. Regards
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