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Everything posted by Alhambra

  1. My wifes Alhambra was leaking & I found this pipe to be the cause: http://www.serviceengineer.utvinternet.com/images/leaking-pipe2.jpg Is the lo pressure return line that connects onto the compressor. Another fault was the cylinder thingy, in from of the condensor was leaking at its top seal
  2. Surely you'd be better to measure a more soild connection rather than a flexible hose. I would assume that most hoses would be 1/8th of an Inch or 3.175mm :lol:
  3. Follow the sounds, most likely in the dash some where.
  4. have you added oil to the engine recently.... if its over full it could cause the ecu to go into "limp mode" which would shut down the turbo.
  5. [sang to the tune of Danny Boy] Oh Danny boy, your rear wiper pipe could be leaking, at the joint under the passengers door, if it is you'll have to remove the tirm & the sound proofing carpet oh danny boy, its a pain in the arse...... [/sang to the tune of Danny Boy]
  6. Try using the SEARCH function
  7. Stripped off the trim & fixed the leak in 10 min's.... removing the underliner & water from the foot well .... took an hour. http://www.serviceengineer.utvinternet.com/images/wet-lining.jpg What is this box for, i assume either the front or rear parking sensor as the car has both. http://www.serviceengineer.utvinternet.com/images/lhs-seat.jpg
  8. Ford Galaxy = VW Sharan = Seat Alhambra .... did you try looking for 2nd hand parts from these other 2 manufacturers.
  9. Does the system hold pressure? How much did you remove the 2nd time? The lo-pressure pipe to the compressor pump often leaks at the U bend 9" before the compressor. Its an expensive bugger to buy too. http://www.serviceengineer.utvinternet.com/images/leaking-pipe2.jpg The pipe in the picture has been removed from the comprssor & pulled up to the oil filler pipe for clarity.
  10. On my wifes Alhambra the control box is beside the battery. could have been an after-market fit. Maybe one of the sensors are defective or a loose connection.
  11. I had composed this thread earlier to ask you all here about the rear wiper/washer on my wifes Alhamra not working very well & how a "hissing" sound can be heard from the passengers side door sill. Before posting I found this thread ... excellent.... just as i suspected... crap build quilty.
  12. 4. re-fill with oil .... unless you want a klanky, bangy, engine :lol: :D
  13. 1. remove the under tray, 10mm bolts x 6 2. open the engine sump plug allowing the *warm* oil to drain into a container.... when all drained re-fit the sump plug 3. remove the filter using a *filter removing* tool....... typically a chain type device that can be rotated using a rachet or spanner..... then fit the new filter. I'll be doing my own in a few weeks & would be expecting to follw the above "basic" guide.
  14. CC is now fixed. :D My wallet is
  15. Wells that one less issue then :D did you read this post
  16. Do you brake lights work? If the CC is not operating its possible that the brake light switch is defective, usually indicated my lack of brake lights. well thats my experience.
  17. Will it need to be re-gassed after replacing the sensor?... i would assume so.
  18. I had bought a re-gassing kit from Hlafords. By removing the canister end of the pipe that came with that kit I connected it to a bike pump, after removing its end connector, image below: http://www.serviceengineer.utvinternet.com/images/pressurise.jpg When i removed the under tray i found evidence of a large compressor oil leak. The leak was significent so I was able to "feel" the flow of air with my hand. The plan is as follows: 1. remove the lo-pressure pipe from its connection at the inner wing 2. weld the pipe at the J bend 3. pressure test that pipe before refitting 4. pressure test the entire system 5. vacuum the sytem once its ok 6. re-gas the system 7. test it 8. pay fo rthe completed job.
  19. Today I dropped the Alhambra off at a local air-con specialist. He told me that the pipe that leaking has a connection after the corner that brings the pipe along the inner wing...... therefore it not true that it runs continuously all the way from the compressor to the bulk head. The connector is a round "egg" shaped connector which requires a special tool to fit onto it. Its approx 4 foot from the compressor. In the picture below its in the area at bottom left hand corner http://www.serviceengineer.utvinternet.com/images/pipe-top.jpg As there is quite bit of "stripping" to be done to the RHS headlight, grill & other area's I told him to take his time & get it right the 1st time. So I'm expecting the car back on Tuesday evening. All in its going to cost approx €250: €130 for repairs + labour & €120 for a full "service" ='s vacuuming & refilling of the system. Lets hope it'll be ok for longer this time.
  20. When you look into the engine bay there are 2 black dust covers on 2 silver pipes. The LEFT side is the LO pressure ... with a smaller diameter connector The RIGHT side is the HIGH pressure side... ... with a larger diameter connector These are different diameters so as you cannot make the wrong conncetion. The Halfords re-gassing kit I used on mine has a Green zone, 0 to 25 psi & a Blue zone 25 to 45 psi.... above that is orange & red...... too high & very high pressure.
  21. The pipe pictured in the post above is located between the radiators & the engine sump. It comes from the CC condensor/compressor & continues up behind the rads & the curves off & on towards the bulkhead via the inner wing area.... its seems to be a bitch to replace.... cost
  22. The pipe pictured in the post above is located between the radiators & the engine sump. It comes from the CC condensor/compressor & continues up behind the rads & the curves off & on towards the bulkhead via the inner wing area.... its seems to be a bitch to replace.... cost
  23. My CC display was flashing for the past few weeks, only this evening i discovered that the pipe below has a leak in it, on the inside of its bend....... bet you that's what wrong with your car. http://www.serviceengineer.utvinternet.com/images/leaking-pipe.jpg
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