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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by wetandwindy2

  1. this is how ford wanted it done 1 remove the accessory drive belt 2. remove front pipe to catalytic convertor bolts 3. remove the roll restrictor 4.remove the air cleaner 5.remove the engine right hand mounting retaining bolts 6. slide the engine backwards 7. remove the alternator upper retainng bolt 8.detach the A/C compressor wiring harness from A/C compressor 9. detach the A/C line from cylinder block 10. detach the A/C compressor and secure to one side 11. disconnect the alternator electrical connections 12. remove the alternator would have taken a lot longer with a lot more dismantling and hassle involved
  2. well i removed the bloomin thing if i had gone the way ford intended then i would have to dismantled half the engine but i found a short cut this is how i did it and it didnt take long either 1. removed headlamp 2.took out air box (but with hindsight didnt really need to do this it was just to reduce the clutter) 3 i cut the fibreglass panel behind the headlamp in front of the alternator just enough to get the alternator out might make up a bracket so the cut out can be reinstalled 4.took of the belt ( to help theres a threaded hole on the top of the tensioner pulley if thread a bolt in it keeps the pulley slack easier to get the belt of ) 5.undid the 2 bolts and removed the alternator its a tight squeeze but it just makes it much easier and quicker than in the manual and a lot less hassle ,good point about doing it this way is if i need to get to the alternator or that area later all i need to is take out the cut out panel ,now to decide do i rebuild or buy new ,would rather buy new but as always funds donnt always allow the easy option ,what i donnt understand if i thought about it why didnt ford think about having a panel you could take out for ease of access
  3. like the man above said sometimes in hot weather everything is dry so a little bit of lube should help on the window channels
  4. hi guys ,i need to remove the alternator on my mk2 galaxy 2.8 ghia auto seems to be a bugger to get out from what i can see i took out headlamp and also need to take out the plastic headlamp bezel which in turn is stuck to the plastic that runs along the front of the car but also noticed that its also fixed to bumper does all that have to come of what a flippin nightmare who the hell designs these cars any help aprreciated how did you guys do it thanks in advance cheers Iain
  5. i got quite a few toys air con etc heated everything maybe thats why never had a mk2 galaxy before let alone one with the ghia options so this is all new to me my mk1 galaxy 2.0 has no mod cons whatsoever ,maybe thats better less to go wrong lol
  6. aye your probably right,i got the heated seats aswell best to play safe i suppose thanks for that
  7. i have to change the alternator on the 2.8 galaxy which i hear is a bit of a mission ie headlight etc out ,from what i have read there is a 120 namp and 150 amp .I'm assuming with all the toys that the ghia spec has that mine might be a 150 amp .If i got one with just 120 amp would that be to weak many thanks in advance iain
  8. hi ,am new to this forum have a mk1 galaxy 2.0 dohc and have just got a mk2 galaxy 2.8 ghia auto which i got free which is going to be my project over the next few months doesnt need much so no doubt will be asking a few questions about this one cheers Iain
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