with the 2.3 i4 engine with the crappy coil packs and replace with a mondeo (type) coil pack and leads , ive changed hundreds of these on these engines in various cars an engines, so going from the top of me head il walk you thro it (ish) rite take said crappy coil on plug packs take the live (+) wire and trace it back 2 where it splits 2 the other pack, put 2 aside, then with the negative (thus being the pulse wire) keep seprate from each other as these are remove the 2 pin plugs as these are now rubbish so now you can beat the grannie out of said coil pack with your biggest persuader,. from your scrappy you need the mondy coil pack and leads and also the 3 pin plug also, wouldnt worry about the gry black suppressor block,. now the + wire from and that goes 2 the middle wire, (2) on your mondy 3wire plug the neg wire for 1,4 coil pack to the 1st wire and the neg for 2,3 to the 3rd, so no with the zetec leads chops of the foot of the lead and trim the fins around sealing boot on the leads, notch up a braket 2 hold your coil pack and bobs ur aunt and fannies your welsh uncle, hope this helps and save you a fortune,ive spent loads on them crappy rip of expensive fings, and if by sum how you get your neg wires the coil works the other way so swap 1,4 for 2,3 ive even converted to using coil on packs from a motor bike but cant remember which bike now,