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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About tetleyles

  • Birthday 10/09/1967

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    ford galaxy 1.9tdi ghia 115hp 51 plate
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    North East

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    blyth, northumberland
  • Interests
    drinking tea, bingo and spurs

tetleyles's Achievements


Member (2/8)



  1. i was lucky found one in a little scrapyard, took it off a mk 1 and got it for
  2. i had same kind of problem last year, turned out to be the heater matrix with mine
  3. thanks chrisb123456 kids think its izzy laughing and chuckle with her they named her izzy lol be glad to have her back tomorrow or sat, feet are killing me with all this walking :34:
  4. wifes just reminded me about a noise when changing gears now and then when changing there would be a noise like the car was laughing, wheezing if that makes sense
  5. didnt have any kind of warning that i can think of all was running fine pulled away from a roundabout then bang and no drive, loads of grinding as it just was spinning
  6. thanks insanitybeard, thats what garage said
  7. update its not clutch thats gone its the 2 things in gearbox thats sheared, toothless now. forgot what he said they were but the driveshafts pop in to them lol got new ones ordered, 3 days for delivery with fitting
  8. thanks for reply chromedome least i now have a rough idea of what its going to cost me will stick with dual
  9. hi all my clutch has decided to give up so decided to price cost before it goes to garage i have a 51 plate 1.9tdi and been quoted for normal and duel mass clutch havnt got a clue what clutch i have lol until garage collects car on monday anyone be able to help me please?
  10. i had mine done black and think its looks ok, had a few compliments aswell so made me happy only thing is it shows up if you scuff them
  11. i often sit with radio on for the hour without engine running think it would only flatten your battery if your battery is on its way out its happened to me before when i had transit van, found out battery was dying the hard way
  12. my names les, from northumberland have had a 2.3 mk 1 and now have a mk 2 1,9tdi ghia love the space and drive of the galaxy i only have the 2 seats in back for kids and rest of room is for all their junk they have lol this is a great forum for finding all the answers to niggly problems you are all fantastic cheers everyone for letting me join
  13. thank you seatkid prices all vary but been offered a good deal on one can go order it now thanks again
  14. just a quicky was told that any matrix from any model galaxy ie, petrol or diesal fits all galaxys does anyone know if this is true due to have mine done in couple weeks time and ready to order my matrix but want to be sure before i order i have a mk 2 1.9tdi
  15. the quotes i was getting varied some used a computer to work out how long it would take, 8 hours they reckoned so was labour plus vat per hour found a guy who is an auto electrition part time now and he doing it for £140 and i supply matrix for £78 so am happy with price giving him car then going camping with kids just around corner from him so car and family get a 2 day holiday lol got to travel 30 miles though as no one local but thats the joys of having a galaxy changing water pump and cam belts when i get back at amy local garage
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