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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by safetyman

  1. I to have 130 ghia and the same problem is driving me mad. i am i going mad thinking i should be getting more 33-35 mpg i don`t boot it round town. even gone to the extent of turning off climate to see if that works. frauds say they can find no fault ??? "computer says no"
  2. I am currently experencing a high fuel consuption on my 2004 130 Tdi galaxy. its been into the dealer twice and they say no fault codes are showing. Although with when i challenged them with extensive knowledge on a possible Aux heater fault, what do you know they suddenly found a fault code. The syptoms are a lower performance in power and recent white smoke from exaust when starting. My current performance is 29mpg, my previous 115 model got 38-40mpg and others i have spoken to agree with this figure. Any ideas or comments to takle frauds with?
  3. I have 130bhp 04 with 23000 on the clock with same problem. dealer has looked at it and states this acceptable. I don`t think it is and it will be going back again and again until they fault it. The problem only really happens on first start up generally when cold. I think it may be a glow plug problem that is not heating the fuel, as white smoke is generally unburnt fuel. the dealers dont like you telling identifying the fault as they are superior!. I would be interested to know how you go?
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