Hi all I'm new here, having just become the proud (if currently slightly concerned...) owner of an '03 1.9TDi 115. It's great to have discovered this forum. Earlier today I noticed sitting in traffic that the car was idling a little faster than normal - a shade over 1000 rpm. I blipped the throttle and the problem went away. This evening, it was rather worse. On starting (foot off the accelerator) the engine revved up to about 1500/2000 for a moment, then dropped back to a norma, idle. I got about 100 yards up the road before I had to turn back: bizzarre spontaneous acceleration at random intervals. This happened whether I had my foot on the accelerator or not. Quite glad to be able to turn around and get back home without ramming anything... I've scoured the forum and the only thing I can see that seems close is the ISV post here: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?/topic/13640-problems-with-isv/&do=findComment&comment=103773 Can anyone shed any light? Many thanks, Adrian 2003 1.9TDi 115