:) :) Oh Dear Oh Dear. After keeping reading all the loss of power topics, I fear it's happened to me this very afternoon. (1998 Galaxy TDi, 90k). Driving round the south M25 with no problems at a steady 75-80mph (sorry 70 mph, officer) including the uphill Pole Hill section, at about Swanley the power dropped away and I struggled to keep going at 50 to 60 mph. It seems like I've lost the Turbo boost???. Limped home and checked for anything obvious - nothing seen, no loss of fluids or nasty messes under the bonnet. Reading the above and other pages, I assume the MAF sensor - no evidence of this being replaced before according to service history. Strangely enough over the last couple of weeks I was noticing a "flat spot" at about 60mph/3000rpm which seemed to disappear when the revs increase. I was noticing this more today before all the power suddenly went. Interested to read also the possible EGR valve or air inlet or indeed boost solenoid possibilities. Unfortunately, I need the car for holidays in a couple of weeks time so it looks as if I'll have to get it into a Ford dealer straightaway if i can, rather than spend time to have a look myself. I may well try disconnecting the MAF sensor first thing tomorrow, looks like it's easy to do quickly (top left according to the Haynes manual). Will keep you informed. :( :(