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Everything posted by B@rnstormer

  1. Thanks for that, seatkid. Whilst this seller looks very interesting, because they have loads of other bits at nice prices, the driveshaft they are selling is an outer driveshaft (has a CV joint at either end and goes between the wheel and the intermediate shaft, or the wheel and the differential, depending on whether it's N/S or O/S. Cracking price for a new part though, I'm adding them to favourite sellers list. Cheers!
  2. I've had a response from a Ford parts supplier this evening, and they have identified the correct driveshaft for the 90 HP engine with 6 speed transmission as 1140359 (1140358 being the part I bought on eBay and which turned out to be wrong for the 90 HP engine). The cost of the part is £171.76 + £5.50 delivery + 20% VAT = £212.71 Still very expensive for what it is in my opinion but at least I've got the part number and I can fall back on this quote if one doesn't turn up elsewhere 2nd hand. Hopefully this information may also help other people who are looking for the same part as me in future and are finding they are getting nowhere.
  3. How did you get on with finding a replacement shaft? I'm still looking for one, there are none on eBay which are suitable, and from Ford they cost a packet like you mentioned. It's a complete rip-off. Cheers
  4. ZSB 409-30Spoke to somebody at VW today who is looking into it for me but wants the gearbox code/number. I have a feeling it's "EHL" but I need to verify that. I also noticed a part number "ZSB 409-30" which looks like it MIGHT be the part number for the intermediate driveshaft for an Alhambra 1.9 Tdi with a 6 speed gearbox.
  5. I tried via a contact I have within TPS but he said they couldn't do anything without a VW chassis number. Being a Galaxy, will it have a VW chassis number? I don't know whether the chassis is Ford or VW. I considered 2 options, either 1) I get hold of a VW chassis number off someone's Sharan with a 90hp engine, or 2) I find somebody who can give me the VW part number for what I need. Any ideas please?
  6. The shafts supplied by this company are not suitable for the 90bhp Galaxy, they say so themselves. I have contacted them via email to ask whether they ever plan to produce a compatible part.
  7. There's a thought playing on my mind, did VW/Ford/Seat use the driveshafts for the Sharan/Galaxy/Alhambra on any other vehicles in their ranges? For example, does anybody know if they used the same intermediate driveshaft on the Sharan as they did on the 1.9 Golf Tdi of the same era? (that was just an example, by the way).
  8. Thanks for this useful info. Yes, the intermediate driveshaft for the 90PS is definitely different to those for the 115PS and the 130PS. It's the bit between the support bearing and the 6-pointed star-shaped flange at the end that's different, giving an overall difference in length of around 1 inch. The 6-pointed flange at the end is more concave on the 90PS version (a deeper dish shape) I believe. There do not appear to be any of these on eBay at present, old or new, and I have put requests on Breakeryard and Breakerlink with no success so far. I have also visited our local(ish) scrapyard where I found 2 Sharans and 2 Galaxies, 3 of which were diesel, and all of those three were MK1's or automatics or had the AUY engine. I need one for the ANU engine. The search continues.....
  9. I'm loathe to post this as a new topic because I'm certain it will have been brought up here umpteen times but a search using the search facility has so far proved fruitless. If there's a helpful thread about this already could somebody please point me in the right direction? Sorry if I'm cutting a short story long...... We were given a 1.9Tdi MKII Galaxy LX (90 PS) 6 speed manual (engine code ANU I think) around Christmas time and have used it daily without (fingers crossed) any major issues despite it having over 218,000 on the clock. Last week I tried to pull away from a roundabout in traffic after a long motorway run and found that there was just a vibration, rumbling and grinding noise no matter what gear I tried. RAC towed us to the menders where our mechanic pointed out that there's a very common issue with the driveshaft splines going. It's the offside, and we were told by the garage that we'd need new inner and intermediate shafts. They gave us part numbers 1140358 and 1313097. It was going to be over £500 to do the job. No problem, I thought, I can get both bits for £90 on eBay. So I found a listing which mentioned those 2 part numbers, checked with the seller that those were the correct parts, which they confirmed they were, and went ahead and ordered them. The parts arrived as a kit, my wife rushed them round to the garage, and I waited for a call. Eventually the mechanic called to say that the inner shaft, 1313097, seemed to be fine but the intermediate shaft (with the bearing) was wrong (1140358). It's "An inch too short between the bearing and the flange". I contacted the supplier who said that's because I've got the 90 PS engine and it uses different shafts, these shafts were indeed for a 6 speed manual but with a 115 PS or 130 PS engine. So I thought I'd go online again and get the correct shaft, but I couldn't find one anywhere. Various suppliers told me it was a main dealer only part, and today Ford have quoted me over £305 + vat. Bit pricey for me I'm afraid. They are very scarce even as used parts, it seems. So.... Does anybody know the equivalent VW and/or Seat part numbers for this shaft? I've seen other posts talking about a shaft supplier in Poland but these are not for the 90 PS engine and will not fit our Galaxy therefore. Has anybody had any luck finding shafts for a 90 PS Galaxy? Anybody know where I can get them at sensible prices, ie not more than a week's wages? Any help will be very much appreciated. PS, since we've had the car we've had a "Clunk" when going up through the lower gears. Presumably this was the first and only warning that the splines were going - I didn't know this back then. Cheers all.
  10. He he, wish I did get it on camera, especially video, would have been the easiest £250 I ever made. Anyway, we've only had the Galaxy a couple of weeks and we know very little about its history. It's done over 200,000 miles, the interior's had a real beating in places and somebody's not been very careful with removing trim clips as there are loads broken. The underfloor aux heater doesn't work but hey, I didn't expect it to. Anyway, I digress, I don't know if it's had suspension work recently. What I CAN see is that the suspension turrets themselves appear to have no rust, but the crowns on top of the suspension struts (I believe these are damper weights) are orange and rusty. At least spare parts are plentiful and cheap. Our Nissan X-Trail is very expensive to get parts for. Cheers
  11. I know it's extreme but if I take the wing off, will I be able to get to where the burnt tube is?
  12. Not that I can see. No soot, nothing that would suggest any kind of heat or even fire - except for once I removed the big, wide bit (3 bolts, one in the middle, one either side near the bonnet hinges, is this the drip tray?) I was able to see what I could only describe as a piece of sponge/foam, wrapped in a piece of VAG branded clear ployethene bag, tucked into each end of the drain-like channel underneath the wiper area. Hard to explain really. But both of these show signs of having been melted at one end or have even been on fire. I thought that maybe somebody did some welding on the car at some point and this is what did the damage - I can't really see any evidence of that, though. Little bit worrying.
  13. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8503/8438221443_1b2a58b801_c.jpg Here it is, seen sitting on top of the battery. The other end of it which disappears through the bulkhead into the car is a lot worse.
  14. Hello, Yes, it was like a super-soaker in the face. I was pointing it away from me to make sure it didn't happen but the badly deformed end of the hose sent the water in two or three different directions, the bulk of it going in my face and in my mouth. That aside, I was able to get a picture of the burnt hose end today and I'll post it here in a minute, if the forum will let me post pictures - I don't know. Thanks for your suggestions. Actually both of these are things I'm already considering. I thought I'd just go to Halfords and get some washer hose - but no, their website seems to suggest that they don't sell it. Plenty of bangin' sound systems, alloy wheels, noisy exhausts and light-up mobile phone holders but no washer hose unfortunately. I'll try joining the 2 existing bits of pipe together if there's enough slack after I've chopped off the toasted bits, and failing that I'll use the old bit to either pull a new length in from the engine bay to the car or from the other direction. Picture in a minute, if I can. Cheers.
  15. Now THAT'S what I like to hear. Great news obviously, but I'll want to fix it all the same. Just maybe I can wait until it's warmer now before I do it. Cheers!
  16. I've been out to the car this afternoon to try to find the other end of the melted washer tube. I undid three bolts to take out the wide, tray-like part that goes between the engine and where the wiper motor is, to get better access. Sorry, I don't yet know the correct names of all the parts, but this is the same bit that needs to come out in order to access the pollen filter. Looking way back behind the top of the nearside suspension turret, with a bright torch, I could see the other half of the washer tube - it's all burned, twisted and shrunken, and it's too far back for me to reach from there. I had the trim panel off inside the car and found the hose under the door seal (the "usual suspect" connector at this point was a very loose fit and came apart when I touched it). I followed the tube all the way up behind the dash, by feel, to what seemed to be a gromet where it goes through the bulkhead. Looking under the wheel arch, right up at the top, there's a hole about 15mm in diameter through which I thought I could see the melted tube. I jammed a pair of needle-nosed pliers up through the hole and looked for them under the bonnet, and sure enough they were sticking up just a few inches in front of where the melted hose is. But I cannot get to the hose through the wheel arch. I tried taking out the arch liner to see if there was an access hidden behind that, but there wasn't. Short of removing the dash from the car, or the nearside wing, what's the best way of getting to the area back behind the suspension turret? Is there some trick to doing it? MOT's coming up very soon and will presumably fail if the rear washer's not working, so any suggestions welcomed. Cheers again.
  17. Thanks for the info, not had much time to trawl the forum yet and Haynes manual is in the post from someone via eBay. I'll have a look this afternoon. Cheers
  18. I've got a dipped beam bulb to change in my MK2 tomorrow. There's no way I can get my hand in there, the flap doesn't open up far enough. Stupid design. I'm going to undo the 2 bolts on top of the headlight (driver's side) and take the whole headlight out (unless anybody here says otherwise, so if there's a proper way to do it please say). I'm not too worried about alignment as I'll put it back in the same place I found it. Alignment is adjusted elsewhere using a hex key by the looks of things, not via the 2 black-capped bolts/fixings on top of the headlight as I originally thought. B@rnstormer.
  19. Hello, The rear washer in our Mk2 doesn't work. I can hear the pump and can smell washer fluid in the car, but nothing on the back window. So I checked here on the forum, and was relieved to find out that this was a common problem - BUT - my carpets are dry. The only place I found water was in the boot, around the striker plate where the boot lock goes when you shut the boot. So today I took the card off the boot lid, fully expecting the leak to be there, but there's no problem there (other than with the black plastic 90 degree coupler which connects the black flexible washer tube to the back of the wiper motor - which I stupidly broke). Next, I opened the bonnet and hey presto, there was fresh water sprayed over the engine cover. I had my wife pull the washer lever and saw water spraying in the area of the coolant expansion vessel (round ball on the right of the engine bay). I identified the tube which was spraying, it was just poking in through a small hole in the black plastic shroud that sits in front of the top of the suspension turret, heading back towards the rear of the car. On close inspection, this tube has been burned/melted in two! It's all deformed and bubbly. Unfortunately my wife pulled the washer stalk again and I took a proper facefull of washer fluid. I can't find the other end of the tube, if I could then I'd cut both ends off flush and reconnect them. For the time being, I've popped the top off the washer bottle, removed the strainer and pushed the melted end of the hose down inside so activating the washer pump just squirts the water back into the bottle rather than spraying all over the silver metal square box which is presumably the ECU. Has anybody else had a problem with the washer tube being burned/melted in half in the under-bonnet area? Does anybody know how this might have happened? Does anybody know where I should be looking for the other end of the burned/melted tube, please? Sorry this has been long-winded, any help would be much appreciated. Cheers all, B@rnstormer
  20. Hello all, I've just been given a 2003 Galaxy 1.9 TDi (90PS) by some very kind friends of the family who didn't use it any more, because our previous car (Nissan X-Trail) threw a con-rod through the block. It's got about 213,000 miles on the clock and is still going strong (fingers crossed), but as I'm sure you can imagine there are all sorts of things that need fixing/replacing. I've come here looking to be a helpful member, having been a member of several other forums (Nissan and Ford Fiesta related) for some years. Hopefully I will find this forum just as useful and as welcoming as the others. P.s. I'm a stickler for good documentation and good manners. Cheers for now! B@rnstormer
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