Firstly a happy New year to all :27: I am new to the forum and new to the Galaxy MkII. I have just got a 2001 model 2.3 engine. I have been driving for quite a few years and have instantly fallen in love with my family taxi. Due to the old girl being a bit warn and torn, there have been a few things I need to do to give her a bit of a make over. I was looking through the forum the other day and found some great advice on sorting out my parking sensors and I am hoping to get a few more tips and tricks to keep the old girl in tip top condition. We decided to go for the Galaxy MkII after looking for a family wagon as due to the recant birth of our daughter, we needed to move up from our estate to get our three kids in with a bit of room to spare. I am looking forward to chatting to you all and getting some great advice and as time goes on, contributing some back into the pot. Chat soon, Scott