hi gang sorry to dive in but this may be the topic i am after. the heater/aircon controls on my 2000 2.3 auto dont light up. i have managed to remove the bulb holder. it is a grey cylinder about 9 mm in diameter about 22mm long with 2 prongs 10mm sticking out the back, says alba by the prongs. my ford dealer says that ford no longer do this part and i will have to buy the entire unit (hundreds of pounds) so can any one tell me where i can either get replacement bulbs i am guessing 12v 1odd watt or the bulb and holder ( Vw or seat part?) i am love the motor but want to get it all working properly or it it possible these bulbs on ebay . i also got asked by another new galaxy owner abut this problem so would like to help her out as well T4.2 12V 1.0W INSTRUMENT BULB 514 BOX 10