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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by alexlunt81

  1. hi there please can someone help me. i have a p reg galaxy 2.8 v6 and when im driving i notice a burning smell from the vents and when i open the bonnet there is smoke coming from the engine. the best way i can explain where its coming from is if you look directly at the engine and visaulise where the brake fluid resovouire is, thats the area where the smoke is coming from. this is the 1st galaxy i have brought and i am not familiar with it at all so any help on this would be much appreciated.
  2. thankyou very much silver beast
  3. thankyou so much alan but i dont know what im looking for on ebay any chance you can point me in the right direction, for example what do i put in search on ebay and where do i get the free download thankyou alex
  4. Hi everyone i am a galaxy newbie and not at all mechanically minded with cars of any sort. i recently purchased a P reg 2.8 V6 galaxy and one of the problems i have is that the ABS warning light comes on and off of its own free will, somebody told me that maybe the sensors need cleaning but i have no idea where to look or what they even look like. so please can someone help me with my dilemna. thankyou alex :45:
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