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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by snappy

  1. You paid 180? Must have been the1956 Ford Galaxy :D
  2. So driving on the motorway in the pi**ing rain today my wipers pack-up. I found the fuse was blowing all the time after replacing a couple of times. Limping home I was advised by the friendly bloke at Ford spares to look at the wiper spindles as they tend to size up he said. So I took out the entire wiper assembly and sure enough the right hand side was stiff. Stiff enough to blow out the fuse on the motor for sure. Stripping the assembly down and greasing the spindles seem to go well and running the motor with out the assembly and then with it also went well which is kinda good as the nice bloke at Fords quoted me 485 quid for a new unit (without the motor) if I was daft enough to buy one from him. Finally all I then all I needed to do was to put it back into the car and connect it up. Easy ... er ... hmm not quite, no. I realised that each wiper spindle must be synced-up with the motor. Trying to get this right gave some very strange and unexpected results. Clearly each spindle and wiper needs to be in the correct place in relation to the motors start and finish point and after being beaten back by more bluddy rain I am at bit of loss to know how to get the whole thing into sync again so any tips on sorting this out would save me time and agg so if there is any help out there I'd be greatful for your words of wisdom! Many thanks! :D
  3. blimee, I'm getting ripped off. I'm paying 72p at the co-op. The b******s at BP Medway services .... 79.9 ... effing thieves
  4. Ok, I'll do that thanks.
  5. you might want to check the connections to the bulb. Just give the bulb a wiggle or take it out and replace or rub the connection with sand paper or a nail file. They can corrode. Also check the earth is good by doing the same as the bulb. If all ur lights are working it won't be the fuse. If you have a volt meter c if you have power there.
  6. Yea mate snappy works nights. Well that's just it I have no idea where to begin. Often working blind on something like this you can break stuff because you take it down wrong or end up doing double the work. I've had Haynes manuals, lots of them. Rarely if ever did they ever seem to answer the questions I had and more often than not the pix were totally crap too. So if recon I need to find a thread on dash strip down then. I'll look for that. For me the dash is the upper part but I suppose may well include the lower bit as well. Actually my description is quite accurate. I have or at least had before you replied no idea what the heck that thing was. I do know that it's damaged as the thing clicks as I drive and if I move it around I can make it do the same, so it's a damaged wire I'd have thought. At least I know what it is and what it does now. I guess I'll now go off in search of some threads for dash strip down. Cheers
  7. wow lots of Indians and no cowboys
  8. Ok, so I've had this relay thingy going click, click ...... clicking in my ear for a while now and it's been driving me bluddy nuts. I recon it's something to do with the AC system .... ? So today I got one a replacement from the scrappy in the post. Now all I need to do is fit it. Yea, right .... HELP ! If there is any help to be had by way of a diagram or pictures? I'd sure be grateful 'cause it looks like at first glance that grey panel and center console stuff is going to have to come away. Great :27:
  9. Hi, I have the 2.3 model. It's a faff on matter what engine you have but thats the fitters problem. Once it's up as running it's totally brill. It's been on mine now for a while and worth every penny. I do not worry about the cost of fuel one bit. I just get in and drive. To cover the other poster about the Euro shuttle train. At their bluddy rip off prices they can stuff their effing train !
  10. Yep I get a message when a door is open and the interior lights do work as they should from the door switch and the rocker switch. Would this work across the light fuse .... it would be a quick fix if it did. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-headlight-lamplight-reminder-LEFT-ON-warning-buzzer-lights-on-6v-12v-/190691395158?pt=UK_Car_Interior_Accessories&hash=item2c6617c656 thanks!
  11. Thanks for that. The car is dry. Silly question but where does the pollen filter live :9:
  12. Go around there with a sledge happer and bust their knee caps. it's the only was to deal with a-holes.
  13. Hi all, as my car is an old 2001, I would like to know if my year model was fitted with a "lights on" warning buzzer. My car is quiet and will happily allow me to drain the batt flat. I've almost run my battery down several times because of this and I need to get a handle on this issue. If there is a buzzer where would I find it? Thanks I found some stuff about this. There is a buzzer and it's on the "GEM panel" Anyone know what and where it is? If the Ford original is too expensive would a "standard" car buzzer connected between the lighting fuse work? They can be had off eBay for a fiver. Ideas?
  14. Hi all, I'm looking for some ideas about my new friend engine management light. I filled up at the services and was coming up to motorway speeds when I hear this huge backfire. I felt the car momentarily loose power and shudder. At this point I see the EML light flashing. Slowing down I continued to drive on. The car is driveable on both petrol and LPG but I have now about 60% power and the engine sounds really lumpy and uneven almost like it's running on 3 sparks. Does anyone reading this recognise the symptoms? I'm sure this fault is not too uncommon but I couldn't find anything quite like this looking back on here so your ideas would be useful. I'm thinking a sensor. Thanks !!
  15. Hi folks, I'm looking for some advice. The coolant in my car is non exsistant (just bought the car) So naturally I need to top it up also because it stinks in the car when the I let some warmth in. What I really need to do is totally flush the system with plenty of clean water before putting new anti freeze in. If there is a diagram on here for the cooling system for a 2.3 that would be helpful. In the past I've just taken off the bottom hose put a hose pipe into the expantion bottle and let it rince through. Would this way of flushing be ok for this engine? Thanks!
  16. many people think gas is unsafe. It isn't. It's very stable. You pump it and store it in the tank as a liquid. It becomes gas when the liquid is warmed as it passes thru the evaporator unit which is plumbed into the cooling system and then injected as gas thru the injectors.
  17. no, not on the train but there's no problem at all on the boats
  18. hmm interesting. Thanks for that. I'm gonna have that light out again I think for a closer look at the vac pump. I'll put it on my kitchen table and rip it to bits. Moving parts could well have sized up due to condensationand due to the pipe being so rotten. here we go again ... such fun ... I'd rather tinker with me microlight
  19. 2001 2.3 petrol ghia - thanks
  20. Yup I finally decided to cough-up and go for LPG conversion with a flash lube system that I was told I needed to have with this engine. This will be my 5th LPG car but the first I've had done myself. I'll have it back for Saturday afternoon. It'll be really nice to be back on gas again. It'll make my planned camping trip around a big bit of europe a little cheaper. In France/Belgium LPG is around 0.65 cent/lt
  21. As my car is new to me I just dipped the water and found there was not one drop of anti freeze in the system. I've heard I need a special type. Is this correct or can I pop into my local factors and buy a generic product. Thanks!
  22. I was told of this product. It sounds great http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280938218034?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 is anyone using it?
  23. just a thought. I had my system topped up with gas a few weeks ago and it didn't work ... well it did for 30 mins or so then stopped! We finally found a damaged cable as it came out of the moulding of the theromostat. We could hear the thermo clicking on and off and the system was the jumping into life then stopping again. Finally we taped the wire tightly onto the thermo so it couldn't move and it's been fine ever since
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