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Everything posted by biturbo.s4

  1. hi again alan, thanks for your input. i think tonight i will try and trace the wires back... what other modules have a k line running to them do you know? thanks mate, really appreciate your help... Tony
  2. Why do you want to fit a dual mass when yours originally came with a solid one piece one? The performance gain normally comes from fitting a lightened single mass that weighs less than the dual mass it replaces. Less rotational inertia means that the engine has less weight to spin up and subsequently will rev quicker (and drop revs quicker) Performance is normally gained mainly in first then second gear. With a tiny gain in third.
  3. Mine is crap too!! When you switch ignition off needles stick at position they are at. When you switch ignition back on they flicker and jump back down to zero. Also temp guage fluctuates, and red lcd display is dim its barely readable. Oh and clock and trip reset everytime you start the car :40: Back to yours stick a new maf on. Try Euro car parts or ebay for a bosch one.
  4. Id suggest just a fault maf. What is happening exactly with speedo cluster??
  5. :40: Still nothing. Checked all door gaitors, and one had been repaired previously, but nothing wrong with any of them. And besides, central locking works and so do leccy windows. Removed battery and checked earth straps underneath, and all good. Also had a nose at wires into and out of ecu and no problems. Opened ecu up for signs of water damage and nothing either. Then pulled every fuse while multimeter on obd port and no change, 0.00 at all times. Im stumped now :( At least on the upside i gave her a well deserved wash, and also removed egr ready for cleaning. Will remove inlet mani tomorrow too :) Anyone anything else i can try??
  6. arghhh... why wasnt this updated??? very similar problem to mine...
  7. bloody phone!!! only round connector that i can see runs to injector loom?? And good shout on door gaitors, will be checking those tonight!!! Do you know what other modules i can pull? couldnt find central locking unit... Many thanks fir your help.
  8. car came with no radio... looked to have been aftermarket previously as a few of the wires had been joined... reverted to standard wiribg and the vw gamma cassette player from the mrs lupo doesnt work... red led flashes with ignition off but wont switch on. havent looked deep enough at this yet. one of the smaller earth wires on battery was snapped. so i have replaced that. regarding that thread... i have read it a few times not sure what multi connector he is talking about. inly round cobnector
  9. did you fix this? please update
  10. what other modules can i pull to see if theres any difference? is there a convenience unit that controls the interior? Have been fiddling with all wires i can get my hands on to see any change in voltage at obd port and nothing... clutching at straws now :25:
  11. pins 4 and 16 show over 12 volts on my audi even with ignition off... on the sharan show 0 even with clocks, airbag controller, abs unit unplugged. in fact, whole lower half of dash out, so pretty much everything unplugged... cant for the life of me work out how to measure current draw on battery. pretty stuck now. can engine ecu be dead even though car starts and runs?
  12. Found it... Behind centre console for those that need to know... Disconnecting it got the test in vagcom to show k1 and k2 both ok and ready but getting no response from controller whatever module i scan... Any ideas anyone? Tia. Tony
  13. After 48 pages of reading the technical section it may be down to airbag controller? Airbag light is on on dash... Maybe a knackered controller shorting out the k line? Anyone know where it is located? Thanks!
  14. Hi Alan, thanks for the response! Have been reading through a lot of older threads and its nice to see the help you have given to people in the past. Search on here is unsuccessful, and that thread i have Looked at but isn't conclusive.. If i give power to pin 16 it still won't connect although it then stops me getting the not plugged into car message when i test... There are two data lines. I get k1 short to ground. K2 ok. I have vcds 10.3. Checked and working on my audi, and have also tested with elm327 Bluetooth adaptor which will connect if pin 16 has power but limited functionality. I have fusebox pulled out as far as it will go and nothing is a miss... I wonder if the loom is chafed somewhere behind dash... Symptoms on the electrical side are... Clocks stick at points they where at when ignition is turned off. And on restarting ignition they jump back down to resting positions very jolty and hesitant. Also temp gauge fluctuates either side of 90 and fuel gauge erratic too. Lcd display faded and hard to read. Radio lights up but has no power too... This works fine in my mrs lupo. And obviously obd port not working too. This was as far as i got last night... Think clocks out tonight, then maybe dash? Oh and the white smoke when cold, but im dealing with one thing at a time! Thanks again Tony
  15. hi all, just recently bought a 2001 sharan tdi at a bargain price. having a few problems getting the diagnostic port working. first of all vagcom wouldnt connect so checked power to pin 16 and nothing... took a live feed from fusebox to this pin which allowed my laptop to connect but showing now k1 open or short to ground? will copy in what it says here later... anyway, also have no radio, and instrument display is also tempramental. the needles stick after you turn off the engine, and do some other strange things too.. sorry ive just posted this quick, if any of it doesnt make sense its because im on,my phone... thanks in advance, Tony
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