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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by sooki77777

  1. HI thanks for your help seat kid and sorry for the delay in replying. I have now fixed my air conditioning. I checked the pressure switch and noticed a wire goes straight to the outside temperture which is situated right beside it. i bridged the outside temp switich and the ac now works. I havent replaced the faulty outside temp switch i have just left it bridged. I did add a fuse to it thou just in case. I assume i cant cause any damage by doing this. Once again thanks for your help.
  2. Hi, the fan does not come on with the blower on 1 and the ac button light on. Once again thanks for help
  3. thanks i will check if 2morrow morning. thanks
  4. sorry forgot to say. how do i check the output of the pressure switch. My switch has 4 wires. thanks
  5. Hi, thanks for the reply. The fuses are all ok. I replaced the resistor because the blower only worked on 1 setting the now the blower works on all speeds. I havent checked if the radiator fan comes on. What does it mean if it does of doesnt come on. thanks kevin
  6. HI, i'm after some help if thats ok. I have a galaxy tdi on a 2001. The aircon is not working. I have had it regassed and there are no leaks. i have also had a diagnostic check and it is showing no faults. The air con is manual and the light on the button works but the pump does no kick in. The pump works if you run a live to it so the pump is fine. I have checked and there is no live to the pump. Anyone got any ideas. Thanks Kevin
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