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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by ianbin2012

  1. No i have not seen that one, where about`s is it?
  2. Ok thanks for that i will take a look tomorrow to see if the earth point is good i will also check the fuel gauge sender in the tank to see if that faulty somehow. Once again thanks for the help.
  3. Ok job done i fitted a secondhand maf from a 1.9 tdi golf belive it or not it had the same part numbers, so that`s another donor vehicle added to the list, anyway fitted the maf and the running issue is sorted not bad for 3 quid from the local scrappy. Back to the speedo when the fuel tank is over half full the clocks behave themselves but as soon as it drops below half they go mental again, now i`m really confused.
  4. Thanks for the info i`ll stick a new maf on run vag-com again and let you know the outcome. With the speedo will a set of clocks from a tdi sharan fit i know they have got two connectors on the back compared to mine which has one, i think the second connector is for bulb failure on door open warning panel.
  5. With the speedo when you turn on the ignition but not starting the engine the speedo lights up, when you start the engine the speedo lights flicker the needles jump around and the glow plug light and the airbag light are lit but very dim. The mileage and trip meter work fine, when this is happening there is a clicking noise coming from ecu but when i disconnected the cluster it stopped.
  6. Hi, thanks to you guys ive got the lead working, so i ran a full scan and was very suprised that it only came up with one fault. The fault it came up with explains the running issues. Fault found: 00553 Mass air flow sensor(g70) 31-10- open or short to ground-intermittent Now the thing is does this mean the MAF is knackered or on the way out or does it mean that there is some dogy wiring in the engine loom? Also tried scanning the speedo cluster because it is playing silly buggers but it kept saying controller not responding and a clicking noise coming from the ecu. So i take it that the clocks are no good? Once again any help would very much appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the replies, i`am using vcds lite 409.1 downloaded directly from ross tech website forgot to add when the lead is plugged into usb the red l.e.d on the lead lights up so the lead must be powering up, just can`t seem to get the software to reccognise it. I will try the older version of the software and see if it works.
  8. Hi, have just bought an ebay special kkl vag com lead problem is when connecting it to my pc and running vag com software, i hit the test button it says ross tech interface not found. I have tried all the ports and usb but it will not work. Has anyone else had similar problems and does anybody know how to get it to work.
  9. My galaxy has just produced another fault, car starts fine drives fine plenty of power, when the engine is up to temperature at low revs when driving or stationary the engine runs rough and vibrates, turn the engine off and restart all is fine. Popped the bonnet when it was running rough the timing belt end of engine sounded rough, again turn off restart all is good. 1996 tdi 150,000 miles any idea`s would be really helpful. Also noticed when driving under load the engine power comes and goes.
  10. I`ve got a chance of a set of cheap clocks from a tdi sharan will these fit?
  11. Disconnected the speed sensor cluster still playing silly buggers, going to check the ground wire from back of cluster next and engine earth strap.
  12. Thanks dave, i went out tonight and disconnected the cluster and had no clicking sound coming from the ecu with the engine running, as soon as i connected the cluster clicking sound and cluster playing up i also noticed that the trip reset button is jammed in so i`am thinking that the cluster is duff maybe because of the trip button not working. I will also give your suggestion ago tommorrow night. Thanks again Ian
  13. Hi, i have just purchased my first galaxy the model being a 1996 1.9tdi manual, apart from having a few minor faults one problem i really want get sorted first is the speedo. When driving or stationary it goes beserk needles all over the place and lights flickering, i removed the cluster and noticed there was a clicking sound coming from the ecu which click in time to the flickering in the cluster. I haven`t got a clue what to check first. Any help would really be apreciated.
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