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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by apple

  1. Hi All, Does anybody know if the mk2 st200 coil springs will fit on a standard mk2 Mondeo? I'm looking at getting my 2l ghia lowered but not sure i want to go as low as 40mm. I have heard the st springs are 20mm lower as standard, can anybody verify this? Thanks. Ady...
  2. Hi All, been getting the flashing display of death for a few weeks now so got the system drained, vacuumed and re-gassed thinbking it would be the end of my probs :) No leaks, Compressor fine, everything purfick. Yeah right :) I now have fantastically cold air in the back but only hot air in the front :blink: . The air con system itself seems generally fine with the only thing not happening being the valves not closing to shut off the hot air. Any ideas? Thanks...
  3. Due to the concerns shown regarding the toyo's (and after learning to read properly :D ) I've managed to switch the order to some budget Nankang NS-2 215/55 ZR16 97W XL . Thanks for saving me some serious pennies and a major headache :D
  4. Alot easier on the eye!! have a look here before you get them off ebay... 89.99 inc vat!! Gmax kit..carismastyle link
  5. Certainly hope so, as that's what the R apparently means :P The T1-S is the non reinforced flavour and punters were NOT happy with them :P Anyway, if you learn from your mistakes ,at least i'm getting a damned good education :16:
  6. Spring kit purchased :16: along with mk1 zetec style alloys (Special thanks to galaxy99 for them) and 4 Toyo Proxes T1-R. Got to wait for the tyres to arrive from distributor and Dunno when i,m gonna get around to fitting the springs but there will be piccies when completed. Just hope it's as straightforward as described, i'm sure it will be :P
  7. Here's a few snipppets that may help, albeit a little late :D . sounds like a disk shield is stuck in your drive, if not that then some other foreign body :D This is where a pair of tweezers come in handy, stick em in the hole and pull out the offending article, then you can stick your disk in :D Also sounds as though the cd in your cdrw is not writable! Make sure it's a new blank cdr and not a finalized (closed) one. you can't write to a dvd rom drive as it's read only.
  8. Thanks chaps, i have my eye on a gmax 50mm kit, going for
  9. Hi all, i'm toying with the idea of lowering to 50mm. From experiences, has anybody had problems with the wheels "bottoming out" when you have a full load? I've read on here that some have had valance problems on sloping driveways etc which is i suppose to be expected to a certain degree. Just don't wanna destroy my tyres (or anything else for that matter) :unsure:
  10. After loosing speed when engaging cruise, i conducted a search on this site. Managed to find the answer and fix it without spending a penny and just ten minutes of my time :) Just a message to say Thanks very much everybody, the knowledge base here is excellent! keep up the good work :)
  11. 1. Ady 2. Reading, Berkshire 3. 99 t reg 2.8 ghia x, melina blue. 38k 0n the clock :) 4. 1st one for 18 months (51 reg 2.8 ghia), current one 5 days :D 5. Compared to the nightmare that was Renault. YES!!! 6.
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