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Everything posted by throbbinggristle

  1. Well done DAVETECH :46: it worked for me....
  2. Hi all I'll bump this, as ive got the same problem with the added bonus of the alarm going off now and again. cheers mike
  3. hi all wife reported that she heard a thud or a pop and at the same time she lost brake pressure. I checked this morning and there is limited pressure on the pedal. pumping on the pedal brings back some pressure, but it just sinks to the floor after a sort time. I've checked for leaks, checked the fluid level and the vacuum hose and all seems fine. I suspect it's the the master cylinder thats failing, is there a repair kit that could fix it? Thanks Mike
  4. Roll restrictor is fine says mechanic. Now then i live on a hill, and most of the time i have to parallel park the car, and i've noticed a knock when when applying the brake rolling backwards in to the gap. could this be the rear wishbone bushes that viperclive mentioned?
  5. ok all checked CV joints and they are all dead, a small amount of end float to be expected my mechanic says. side to side motion they are knocking really badly and losing grease Now then, here's the funny bit, mechanic changed all CV joints and drive shafts and the wobbly feeling is at between 15 to 20 mph instead of 40 to 50 mph as it used to be. I've not had chance to contact mechanic yet, so any more ideas on this. Bye the way wobbly feeling is a lot worse now at 15 to 20 mph than it was at 40 to 50 mph. I'm towing the caravan on monday so i need this sorted out, so any thoughts will be appreciated. TIA Mike
  6. Thanks all, i'm in work solid now until the weekend i'll have a look then and report back Thanks Mike
  7. where do i find the roll restrictor? Thanks
  8. Ok i'll try the tyres first Thanks
  9. Hi all just returned from holiday, towing the caravan, and the car feels like it's got a buckled front wheel. The problem started as soon as we set off for holiday, as i could feel it very slightly and it gradually got worse. The whole car shakes under acceleration, and it does not seem to be coming up through the steering wheel, also when i'm coasting down hill it's fine it goes away. I tried the car with out the van and under acceleration it's still there but not as bad. Anyone with any ideas with this? TIA Mike
  10. Hi mate i've sent you a private message with the serial number free of charge mike
  11. And a good fist to stop all the rattles LOL
  12. I'll have to get some of that, my daughter works in halfrauds
  13. hi to anyone who's got an interest in this. I've towed the van this weekend, only an 80 mile round trip, but what a difference it was, it pulled well in 6th on the motorway, and pulled well in 3rd on the hills in the gower "if anyone knows the place". I did not keep it in 6th but used 5th as the fuel consumption went down in 5th, but the extra power was there if i needed it. I could have probably used 4th on the hills, but opted for 3rd, again, not to strain the engine, and for the fuel economy. So all in all everything has got the thumbs up. Mike
  14. Don't mind me asking, why do you need to blank the EGR?
  15. Thanks for the reply Xavier, but don't get me wrong, the gal towed well before the remap but i felt it was struggling on occasions and i had the remap to correct this issue. As for the extra warmth with the motor, i've not had that.......YET LOL. I hope not to use all the extra power but it is reassuring to know that it is there if i need it. Also since the remap i have noticed my fuel consumption has gone down, and that is a definite plus for me, i can change gear earlier and the car just pulls and pulls if i need it to. I'll carry on posting to let you all know how it's getting on. Mike PS I don't manage to get on here much, just once or twice a week, so i may be a bit slow in responding to you.
  16. Only under acceleration i might add
  17. Hi mate, I've got a big van it's a twin axle avondale argente 540/6 and the running weight is 1400 kg plus all the other crap that you shove in LOL. One thing i've noticed is when the engine has been working hard, i've noticed a hiss appearing and that was before the remap, any clues?
  18. I too hope that i don't join the club mate, i'll keep you all posted when i've towed the van
  19. can i just say, i'm not a boy racer, and normally never let the old gal go over 2500 revs, but towing the van makes me cringe as i've gone over 3000 and even 3500 revs, which i experience now with the van. The early results are, and bearing in mind i've not towed the van yet, are incredible, with regard to the extra torque on hills. Mike
  20. it's a 1.9tdi 115 bhp mate
  21. I've just had mine done, yesterday as a matter of fact, i've had it done as i tow a caravan. I'll keep you all posted with the results. Mike
  22. hi mate tell us the serial number and i'll get the code for you mike
  23. do you need to be driving at the same time :49:
  24. Thanks for the reply, i'm sorry it's taken so long for me to come back to you. Many Thanks Mike
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