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Everything posted by airbox

  1. I agree there is a problem with the heater!!! That is what happens when it fails to ignite properly due to; a faulty glow plug, insufficient fuelling due to the pump, clogged up spinner or any combination of these, intermittantly or not!! Cheers for the link, I'll have a look at the filters.
  2. I expect a small K&N type filter would be beneficial for tiny particles but I can't see anything big getting in as it is a long tube but I may do. It wont smoke out the cabin now though, that's for sure! http://imageshack.us/a/img252/9496/imag0455g.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img255/4609/imag0456g.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img577/6222/imag0461h.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img820/6476/imag0466nj.jpg
  3. mine was smoking the other day. I actually watched white smoke coming into the cabin from where the passenger seat belt is attached. Absolutely crazy design, I am surprised that there hasn't been a recall. I thought I would pull the fuse but couldn't work out which one it was. I have found a solution which is dead easy, will never smoke into the cabin again and the heater can still work. I removed the air intake pipe and turned it end for end. I cut a couple of slots in the other end so it would clamp up tight, only made of ally so really easy to cut. I also drilled a small drain hole in it before it turned up to the heater just in case any water found its way in. I filled in the hole that was left in the sill grommit to stop any water getting in there. Simple, cost nothing and took about 10 minutes.
  4. mine was playing up the other day, white smoke outside and a smell inside. That is how I discovered these heaters. Sometimes I hear the turbine like noise, sometimes I don't. I am not too bothered about fixing it though, first car I have ever had with a heater like that and if it only works at temps less than 10*c then I can live without it. Car still seems to heat up alright and hot air is blown out the back blower so I shall leave it alone, at least until the drier warmer weather kicks in and by then I won't need it so it can stay as it is!!
  5. just to update. A/C is not the problem, I think the noise from the front was just due to the shit weather we have been having and maybe the pulleys got wet. I think the misting up was just these excitable Italians singing in the back. It is the aux heater that is the problem. I think I may have got the connection to the glowplug wet so it wasn't combusting properly. I have had no more smoke since and the smell is just residual (I hope!). It seems that the air intake is from the inside of the sills, to keep it dry I presume and if it doesn't combust properly then fumes can travel back into the sills and find their way into the cabin via various holes etc. I shall spray some smelly stuff down by the seat belt retainer by the the rear passenger door and hopefully that will be it. If the problem persists then I'll just pull the fuse until the weather improves and I can get the heater off and have a proper look. I have a friend who has the vagcom gear so will ask him to plug it in to see if there are any faults. Presumably if the fuse is pulled it will disable the diesel pump to this heater also so there will be no further problems except for the water taking a bit longer to heat up. Never had a vehicle with an aux heater before, learn something new every day!!! I am now ploughing my way through the aux heater thread!!
  6. My aircon has developed a fault. I had a pipe replaced about 10,000 miles ago from the condensor to the compressor and it seemed to be fine until the other day. About two weeks ago I had a noise from the front like a bearing or clattery fan noise which stopped after about 10 minutes then a week later I was coming back from Heathrow with 4 people and the windows started to steam up. They cleared after I had dropped them off. Yesterday I noticed some smoke or steam coming from under the car near the nearside rear passenger door, had a look and there seems to be a sort of vent and a pipe that goes into the sidesill which I am not sure what it is. There is now a sort of refigerant smell inside the car. When I turn on the a/c button (manual aircon) the centre of the compressor spins and stops when I turn the a/c off which I assume to be correct. I can't recall hearing a fan turn on though when I do this. I have kept the a/c on the whole time I have had the car to stop the seals drying out. I do not appear to have lost any coolant from the engine. It is a mk2 galaxy 2006 1.9 TDI 115ps model. Any one had this fault? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. need to do mine on a 06 mk2 galaxy 1.9TDI. I have looked on ebay and there seems to be right and left handed wind back tools. Which do I need please? I quite like the look of this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Right-Handed-BRAKE-BREAK-CALIPER-PISTON-REWIND-TOOL-VW-AUDI-GOLF-SEAT-FORD-/300705137215?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item46036c423f or this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DRAPER-ABS-BRAKE-PISTON-WIND-BACK-TOOL-22349-HANDBRAKE-SERVICE-MOST-FORD-ROVER-/150782623036?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item231b583d3c I don't want the expense of this if I don't need it: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brake-Caliper-Rewind-Wind-Back-Tool-Piston-Kit-19pc-for-vw-audi-ford-bmw-citreon-/190648116519?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item2c63836527 Also what size bit do I need that fits into the piston and turns it?
  8. I need to do mine as the warning light has just come on. I have looked on ebay for a wind back tool and there seems to be right handed and left handed ones. Which do I need for a 06 mk2 galaxy 1.9 TDI? I quite like the look of this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DRAPER-ABS-BRAKE-PISTON-WIND-BACK-TOOL-22349-HANDBRAKE-SERVICE-MOST-FORD-ROVER-/150782623036?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item231b583d3c Or this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Right-Handed-BRAKE-BREAK-CALIPER-PISTON-REWIND-TOOL-VW-AUDI-GOLF-SEAT-FORD-/300705137215?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item46036c423f
  9. ok cheers, will have another look in daylight!
  10. also if the connector is one of the ones that are in the right hand side down near the floor level, there are no grey/white ones from it going up to the tailgate and I am pretty sure ther are no other connectors!!
  11. tried the grey one in the right hand side, wasn't it. There were a couple of thin grey wires but I don't think is the right one. cheers anyway
  12. still can't locate the fog light wire!! Tried both sides and tested wires I thought looked the one but still no joy. I need a wiring diagram with the colours or someone who knows which wire!!
  13. thanks, will have to run the wire over to that side. will use a pin and meter to check I've got the right wire. thanks again.
  14. ok thanks. What side of the vehicle please?
  15. I fitted a witter towbar yesterday. Very easy to fit and a good piece of kit. I got one with a detachable ball and am very pleased with it. The plastic bumper is not supported quite so well as the towbar necessitates the removal of the beam inside the bumper and the two supports that are provided are not brilliant but apart from that it is very good. I wired it up using a bypass relay as advised, taking the power from the rear power socket. My problem is that I don't know which wire is the fog light feed. The actual fog lights have grey/white wires to them but the wires running up the back of the car to the hatch do not have a grey/white wire amongst them. Short of stripping out the interior trim on the hatch to see where the colour change is I do not know which wire to Tee into. I am not too bothered as my trailer doesn't have fog lights but I would like to wire it up. Can anyone help please?
  16. how easy is it to convert the manual wing mirrors to electric ones? Is the wiring loom already there? Where does the switch go etc? I find that the knob for manual ones, especially the passenger side, are in a stupid place right next to the door opening handle and people keep moving it, especially at night when they are looking for the door handle.
  17. Took it to the car traders that I bought it from and they took it to their garage to do the work. Phoned me the next day to say all fixed. Picked the car up and the aircon was nice and cold. Next day I took the bumper off to change the fog light and saw that the condenser/drier had not been touched. Phoned up the traders to ask what they did and if they had been charged for a new condenser. He phoned me back later to say that two cars had gone in with aircon problems and they had got them muddled up. Sounds like bullshit to me. All the garage did was to regas it again and they said they could find no leaks. It still seems to be working at the moment but I am expecting it to stop very soon and then I will be phoning them up again. I explained that a leak from the top of the drier would probably not be picked up with a detector. This is very annoying as I bought the car as I have just started up my own private hire business, Part time at the moment only, this could mean 4 days of lost earnings if they have to do it again properly which I think they may have to. If it does carry on working then it must mean that the 1st regas people didn't put enough in and so it tripped out on low pressure. I think it will end up going back though to get done properly. It really annoys me this incompetence!!!
  18. I washed out the intercooler on my Stagea with kero then rinsed with a bit of petrol and then left it somewhere nice and warm to dry off. I was suprised at the amount of black stuff that came out. Plastic pipes should be ok with kero too
  19. I have got it booked in at the dealers I bought it from next week and they are going to sort it for me. So hopefully I will be sorted and happy. Thanks for help and advise!
  20. I will hassle them as it was advertised as an aircon model so it should have worked and he did say the warranty would cover it if a regas didn't solve it. It wasn't Halfrauds who regassed it, it was a garage at a dealers that did batteries, exhausts, workshop, MOTs etc and aircon regas. I don't particularly like Halfords, they are not cheap and often don't know what their talking about.
  21. I have just bought a galaxy mk2 1.9TDI from a car dealer. The aircon wasn't working when I bought it and he said that if a gas recharge didn't work then it would be covered on the "Gold" warranty cover. Fine, I thought and had it recharged for £49. The recharger guy said he couldn't detect any leaks but was difficult to check because of all the plastic covers that are in the engine compartment. It was icy cold when he did it and I thought great. Less than 3 days later it doesn't seem to be working again so I must have a leak somewhere. Where is the most usual place for these to fail? I don't think it can be a sheared pipe because the system wouldn't have worked straight after the recharge, likewise a siezed compressor. I contacted the warranty people and they said because it wasn't working when I bought the vehicle they won't cover it and I had best get back to the dealer. So I have contacted the dealer and they are going to get back to me. I can see that they will try and wriggle out of it too, (b**tards!!) so I think it will end up in my hands. Where is the most usual place for these to fail? Thanks!!
  22. thanks for your help, I will give it a go as soon as the new unit arrives, as long as it is not raining!!
  23. thanks very much. From what you say and the picture it looks like I have to remove the plastic chrome trim to access the 3 screws that secure the light unit and then remove the unit from the rear. Does the chrome trim just pop off, not held on with screws or anything?
  24. Hi everyone!! Just bought an 06 mk2 galaxy 1.9TDI, very pleased with it so far but I have noticed that the near side front fog/spot light lens is broken. I have ordered another unit but am unsure how to remove it. Is it done from the back after removing a bit of the wheel arch liner or does the plastic chrome surround have to be pried out and changed from the front? Any help greatly appreciated!!
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