You can't get the correct thermostat from a motor factor, and most catalogues incorrectly list the insert for all 2.3 models. As for main dealers, both 'stats are listed on eCat, the external stat is listed on the radiator hoses page. Unfortunately, even when they punch in the reg or chassis number, both stats are listed for all 2.3 models. Unless they are familiar with the car, they usually pick the more obvious (but incorrect) one. Hi sparky,Was a bit worried about selling faulty vehicle but one phone call to America solved it thank goodness,- the outlet as you know is plastic if fitted with a thermostat the plastic degrades and starts to crumble,sending nasty bits into cooling system also leaks at o ring being the omnipetent company it is refused to change this so moved the thermostat away from it.As I made the gasket myself should never leak but have told buyer and will leave it to him.apparently it has no effect on performance or engine stability just nasty coolant bits after a time.thought I would let you know thanks for input BRY.