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Everything posted by raziel2710

  1. I take it ya'll are as stumped as I am lol. Well the problem seems to have "sorted" itself out for now. Weird :/
  2. UPDATE: Got the relay from Fords but I'm kinda stumped here. I got to level 3 without a hitch but there's no 167. In fact there are only two relays in level 3 (pictured below) . Level 2 looks like this: And my level 1: Is there a hidden panel I'm missing or something? As I say, stumped!! Thanks in advance :) I should add I can still drive the car but pulling fuse 14 every time I park up isn't ideal.
  3. Relay ordered. I have a non-related question: Are all Ford parts employees morons or is it just me? I asked the guy for a fuel injection relay (I even told him the realy number) and he spent 20 minutes looking for it. I had the kids in the car so I was getting a bit pee'd off. After 20 minutes he says "Relay 167 is for the fuel injection pump according to this". I said "yeah ... that's what I'm looking for". To which he replied: "You told me you wanted the hazard light relay" .... eh ... I didn't .. I just didn't!!
  4. You sir, are a gentleman. I'll go at it tomorrow in the light (if it isn't raining as usual). Thanks again.
  5. I had a quick look and the supplement owners guide says it's relay 24. Picture included (sorry for the quality. Failing light and phone camera sucks). But I can't even see these relays. The manual says it's "under the instrument panel, level3". Is there another compartment I'm not seeing? I found the main fuses no problem. Just can't see the relays.
  6. Thanks indeed. I'll have a look after my cuppa :(
  7. Just another quick question: If the pump does need replacing is this the proper one? It just seems a bit ... cheap to me ...
  8. Hi guys. So I got up last Thursday morning, had a shower, breakfast, got the three little ones ready and packed into the car for school but the Galaxy wouldn't start. I knew it was the battery of course so I got it started with booster cables and a borrowed car from nice guy living a few doors down from me. I dropped the kids off at school and thought no more of it because I have battery charging facilities at work. But as I was about to take the battery out to charge it I head a sort of humming noise from near the back of the engine. I decided to follow this noise and it got louder as I got near the back of the car. I jacked the car up and slid under and found the noise is coming from around the top of the petrol tank. So I can only assume the fuel pump won't switch off when it should (I removed fuse 14 (and tried a replacement) and the pump switched off) and that's what was draining the battery. I've seen this thread on here and it seems an easy fix but I thought I'd ask first if you guys ever heard of a fuel pump not switching off when the key is removed. I'd hate to buy a new pump only to find it was a lose wire or something. Thanks for your time Dave :(
  9. So just to confirm before I tackle this today or early tomorrow, I simply bridge the hoses marked 1 and 2 in the picture to bypass the matrix yes?
  10. I fit tyres for a few years. If it happens only at speeds of 50 to 70mph then I'm pretty sure it is the balancing. And you don't need to get the four done unless you have rear/four wheel drive. Just the fronts will do. Watch them when they're balancing the wheels and make sure that the balance machine has nothing but zeros on it before they put the wheels back on. Some tyre fitters are of the opinion that a 5g weight discrepancy will not affect the balance of the wheels but I assure you it does. Also make sure they get a wire brush to the inside of the wheel to remove and tough mud/dirt that may have gathered there BEFORE they balance them. A lot of tyres have a colored dot to indicate where the valve should be (as in have the air valve as close as possible to this dot). If the dot isn't as close as possible to the air valve then get them to align it with the dot. If it persists after you are 100% satisfied they are balanced right then it could well be a bulge in one of the tyres or a warped wheel. Also be sure they have the correct tyre pressure. I hope it is a tyre issue and nothing more serious. octo0072000's advice is sound. Get them to swap front and rear if after balancing the problem persists. Good luck EDIT: Uneven tyre wear is 100% tracking. Could just need to be aligned properly or it could be a bent tracking rod. I've seen people do this on my car when I get mine done and I have to tell them they're doing it wrong!! There are some places out there that just show employees how to do tracking but in my opinion it should NEVER be done by anybody who didn't have proper training on it.
  11. Yeah my thoughts too. It's when the temp goes just above centre on the gauge it begins to trickle. As it gets hotter and pressure builds u[ it drips a lot more. i think I'll bypass it for a day or two and run it up to temperature to see if the leak stops.
  12. Back again gents. Could one fo you please let me know if this http://www.ebay.ie/i...=item48425896d2 is the proper matrix for my car (you can scroll down to see a diagram)? I think it is but I'd ratehr get some informed advice before taking the plunge. Thanks yet again Dave
  13. Ah ok cool. Thanks man. That makes a lot of sence. I found a "how to" thread here about the matrix. looks like a time consuming but easy enough job to do. I'll have to try do it before the NCT (National Car Test (our version of the MOT)) next Friday. I just hope I can get one from a breakers yard. I'll keep ya'll posted on how I get on. Thanks again Dave
  14. Hi guys and gals. Back with a coolant issue of sorts. So I was driving around today on my way home from a little trip to a mates house. On my way back I got stuck in some real heavy traffic (I forgot there was a match down the road from where I live). I was in this traffic for around fifteen minutes when I felt my left foot get wet. I looked down and saw some fluid dripping from somewhere behind the centre console. When I was stopped again I put my hand down and the fluid was warm so it can only be coolant right? After keeping an eye on the temperature gauge I noticed the leak seemed to get worse a second or two before the thermostat opened and the rad fan kicked in. The car did not overheat and there was plenty of coolant left by the time I got home so wherever this is coming from it's not a big leak (though one of the pictures shows it's bad enough). I was thinking maybe there's a pipe behind or near the centre console that has maybe perished/cracked. I had a quick look under the bonet today but I couldn't see any pipes in that area. Maybe there's something behind the bulkhead? Does anybody know of any such pipes or maybe have anymore insight into this? I know there are situations where rain/windscreen washer fluid can get into the cabin around the same area my leak is. Anyways, I've posted some pictures that hopefully will help with diagnosing the issue. Thanks for your time. Dave.
  15. Final update: Got the car back today and all is sorted. I did get a fright when I was in heavy traffic and moving about ten feet per hour when I saw the temp guage rise again. I was relieved beyond belief when I heard the fan kick in when the needle went to the end of the M in NORM on the guage. So it was the sensor after all :) Thanks for the help. Much appreciated.
  16. Am i correct in saying that the letters are only relevant to speed the tyre is safe up to. The numbers are, i am sure, for load. 100% correct yes. I used to fit tyres :)
  17. Aye I'm thinking head gasket all the way. I'm not to bothered really. Either he fixes the head or I'll get my money back under the 30 day money back guarantee law :rolleyes: I'll post an update here Monday when I phone him for an update.
  18. I should have said it's oil in the coolant and no coolant in the oil. I'm still thinking head gasket myself ....
  19. Update: I put in the new sensor and drained the system to top up with new coolant. Guess what I found? Oil in the coolant that I took out. I brought it back to the garage I bought it from with the fear of the dreaded head gasget failure. I left it with him and he said he'll get it sorted. It's under warrenty so that's good. I was passing my own mechanic on the way home so I decided to call into him and see what he has to say about it. He said it sounds more like the oil pressure pump failed. Could it be the pump? I'd rather that than the head gasket. Thanks in advance.
  20. Yeah I had it turned to cold. As I say, I don't really care about the air con. I have twin sun roofs so they'll do heehee. We'll see what's what tomorrow. I got the sensor in an auto factors for €28. Ford wanted €56.50 so I said ... well, you can imagine what I said. I'll fit it tomorrow (got dark real quick over here) and let you know. Thanks again.
  21. I'll have to check the wiring on mine. All my doors lock except the rear passenger door. Had the same problem on my Espace and it was just a cut wire. I hope you get it sorted Shaun.
  22. Zorg mate, you're a star. I shorted the sensor connetion with a bit of wire, turned the ignition and the fan jumped right into life. So lookes like a new sensor for me then. may as well put a new thermostat in while i'm at it. I'll post back when I get the sensor. Probaly have to order it in as here in Ireland nobody EVER has what you need in stock :) Thanks again man. Much appreciated. Oh, I also tried putting the air con on full but the fan didn't kick in. However I only left it run for a minute or two at most. Maybe it needs to run longer?. Once I get the fan working to cool the engine I won't care if there's a problem with the air con or not :)
  23. Ah ok - Mine does have air con. I'll try that. If nothing happens I'll try the shrt. I'll get back to ya. Thanks again.
  24. Oh God. Can't believe I forgot the engine type. Sorry about that. I have the 2.0lt engine and it's a 1998 MKI Galaxy. How would I go about shorting the sensor? I've never done it before. I've read that if you plug out the sensor on some cars the fan will kick in after a few minutes and run constantly. I did try this but the fan didn't run. Maybe I didn't leave the senor off long enough? Tthanks for the quick reply by the way. I posted this on other forums a few days ago before I found this place and still no responses :) This doesn't bother you? I'd sh*t myself!!
  25. Hello all. First time Ford owner here so be gentle :) My problem is I have yet to see the radiator fan running. I'm worried about this because I had a problem like this last year in another car and I ended up with a head gasket failure and with four kids I really can't afford this happen again. The engine temp gauge on the binnacle never goes over half way when I'm driving but does creep up if I'm standing in traffic and drops again when moving. However I tested it in my drive a couple of days ago(left it on run on idle for a while) and the needle went (slowly) up to just below red line before I chickened out and switched off the engine. The fan never kicked in. Is there any way to check the fan without removing it from the engine bay? I had to remove the fan assembly on my Espace last year and it was a nightmare. Rather not have to do it again. I'm hoping it's just the sensor on the thermostat housing (I think this is the one that controls the fan?) ot the thermostat itself as this would be a cheap and easy fix. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I should add that after some Google searching I found some say their fan doesn't kick in until the needle goes way up to the red. But with summer coming I don't want to be stuck in traffic worrying about the fan not kicking in! Also, I'm no mechanic but I have no problems at all getting stuck into something. In fact I love it :) Dave
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