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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. I did indeed, very good film. didnt think much of The Fog though, bit crappy.
  2. Blimey! Surely it not good to let your tank get down that far! Nah, but its fun seeing how far you can coast with zilch left in it ;)
  3. Only thing ford is..umm...the badges. ;) (IIRC)
  4. wassup with the wiper?? matrix...i liked the matrix films ;)
  5. heres the one i did.Doc1.doc
  6. you can design a scalextric car and enter a competition here.... http://scalextric.actionstations.tv/competition/ ok, so its a kiddies comp..but its fun!
  7. Aye, one of the members over in Ireland (cant remember where )?? had this problem.Had to have a spare in it.
  8. Welcome to the madhouse, and good luck with your aquasition of the lovely MKII, the best of all the 3 MKs ;)
  9. Umm...i take it that was a scenario from your good self tiny ;) anyway, i very much doubt it would have been designed by a woman as MOST females need more time to do hair/makeup/check for spots/ etcc in the mirror, so i bet it was the the rain sensative screen that was developed by a woman, the one where the wipers come on if a drop of water hits the front screen. i would like to add that i do not fit into the MOST females camp. ;)
  10. Buy me one then ;) ;)
  11. Nah, she wont be boring......decoration and mods come in time.Like when the knob parked next to you opens his car door into the sideof yours and leaves a loverly little gouge, B)
  12. Ooopps!!Ah well, i am an oddity anyway...eternally ultimate member eh......ahhh..does that mean for as long as the forum operates i can haunt it ;)
  13. You are right insider from the searching i have done on the net, distortion is common place with heated screens, if anyone is interested i came upon this article, it is long but i never knew there was such a science in glass in cars and all the different componants theyare made of and the technology that goes into the glass itself.I found it interesting.LeMassonHatchuelWeil2000Co_developmenttothetestofinnovativeinnovation.pdf
  14. Ahhhh..apologies insider. :P im on a chocky high today. B)
  15. Could it be like a heat haze??..i mean like when its a hot day, the heat rising makes things look distorted, could it be that causing it?
  16. most of the members view all new posts so no need to post duplicates. i have merged both topics. never saw a distortion when my heated screen was on.If you think that you have a problem, see if anyone else sat in the car with it on sees it.
  17. i think you have a memory problem aswell :unsure: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...ed+front+screen
  18. Whats wrong with needle and thread?i did that when i dumped one chair on top of the other, the result was a tear about 2 inches long..out came needle and thread and quite a few small stitches later it could hardly be seen....get the mrs to do it.lol.
  19. But isnt that roughly translated as heats the car up quicker??..My booster heater never worked and it usually took about half an hour driving for my hands to unfreeze from the steering wheel and the kids tongues to detach from the windows so the way i see it, it heats the car quicker.as with it my Gal would have been warm a lot quicker with a working booster heater.
  20. what he said^^^^^^ i just put it simpler :unsure:
  21. to help the car heat up faster.
  22. heck, could be a few things.If shes gutless and wont go over 70/80 at a push, it could be MAF, try disconnecting and see how she drives. When you say speedo, do you mean the bit where it tells you how many miles you have done?as i thought the speedo was the dial that shows how fast you are going. Limp home mode means its gutless and no oomph...the gal can go a lot faster than that :unsure: as for not starting straight off from cold..not sure on that one as never had that problem
  23. heres another one of his..
  24. Its ace, just exactly what were you searching for when you found it?? :unsure: :unsure:
  25. nah, done that bit already this morning..now its time to browse then run around doing the housework. :unsure: Cant get that bloody Dear Penis song out of my head now!!LMAO
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