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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by richt

  1. Yep , bloody dreadful company and expensive too boot, have found my Ford dealer to be cheaper for bulbs, wipers and remote batteries!- I refuse to use them , find a decent independent and stick with them. As for the staff -unless your another spotty yut with a Corsa of course. Have a mate whos an Auto Electrican who says hes lost count of the amount of Halfrauds fits hes had to put right - whole dashboard in one car - side airbags in another.... As for there "cycle experts" - dont get me started. How on earth are they still in business?
  2. Make sure you change the waterpump and thermostat whilst your there - minimal cost and could save you big trouble later, beleive me - I learnt this the hard way!!
  3. Not a main dealer but I use Bentleys in Brookwood, woking -
  4. Whilst you are there change the thermostat too - they have a habit of failing closed which will blow the head gasket and give you a massive bill
  5. Sounds more like the thermostat gone than the waterpump to me - check the 'stat first and go from there. If there is grey film in the oil it maybe the headgasket but emulsification of oil and water usually produces an off white substance which is thick and sludgy - like thick cream in consistency. Grey film could also be becuase the engine hasnt run up to temp for a while or it could just be old oil - especially with a second hand engine with unknown history I would check / change the thermostat and run it up to temperature and then change the oil and filter as a start point.Use a cheaper oil then change it again in a thousand miles or so Hope this helps
  6. Thanks - as I originally though then - just changing the switch pack would be far too easy! Any guesses what Im going to be doing at the weekend?!! Rich
  7. This evening I found that the window switch on the drivers door is not working --neither window works, can hear relays clicking but nothing happens Passengers window works fine off switch in passengers door Mirrors work fine - locking switch not working and if car locked externally all doors lock except the drivers door - whilst drivers door initally does lock it then unlocks itself I reckon either swich pack is duff or the dreeaded broken wire syndrom - anyone had the same?
  8. Sounds like the Fuel Injector wiring harness is on the way out - leave it much longer and it will do it all the time. The reason its ok for a few miles is because its breaking down under load. A misfire on any modern engine is not good, especially on a diesel - i would rectify it sooner rather than later. Harness, from Ford ia about
  9. I am aware of that - I beleive the AA man was refering to the later Ford Diesel engined variants (i.e Mk3) on. Thinking back I had an Ausi A4 Tdi a while ago and that was hardly a paragon of reliablilty either so maybe the AA man was right!
  10. Thankyou - I am aware of the, many, reasons why this engine goes into limp mode but I do think all the symptoms are linked Still scratching my head on this one!
  11. Apologies if this has already been covered but my MKII Tdi has developed the following symptoms over the last few weeks - Performance dropped off Fuel consumption increased - gone from 40 ish without trying to 34.5 on last tank (full to full) Its got noiser throughout the rev range but not noisy enough to make me think its the exhaust blowing Keeps go into limp mode if you rev it above about 2500rpm - has only ever done this rarely / ocaasionally before To me they all seeem linked - car is due 120k service in April - has done about 116k - Dont know whether to wait for it to go in for service or tackle it before Any thoughts / ideas welcomed
  12. Good man - its easy to do just remember to do one side at a time so you have the other as a pattern to follow if necessary. Make sure you remove the cap from the master cylinder prior to pushing the pistons back so you dont damage the master cylinder. Make sure everything is clean and you will be fine - not a difficult job to do.
  13. My Galaxy went into local Ford Dealer today for a small service - according to them it needs nearly
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