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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by gregers1

  1. matt the power packs are a god send,you can store it in the car between the seats,the air compressor is a bit naff (coz you have to turn it off after about 10mins)to cool,had mine about 3 years,there are better ones out now with better lights ect,and once yove neighbours know youve got one you will have em all knocking on your door to borrow it,but all so buy a decent set of jump leads coz if you break down(you know you sholdve put the pack back in the car after cleaning it)you wont be stuck. regards gregers
  2. great idea driving with a potental bomb,but i think your find it could be against the law to store more then a few ltrs of fuel,not that im trying to shoot you down in flames just be careful.oh and dont smoke. regards gregers
  3. well the way my kids treat the car yes it is a big skip and my old gal was an even bigger skip think it was a rollon roll off :lol:
  4. blimey steve you still got the old gal cant b much left can there? :lol:
  5. well i had an accident 15 years ago and had to have
  6. sod claiming for the stereo,how about claiming for whiplash?were you in the car at the time?if so have you been checked over,if not im sure its worth a visit to the quack just to be sure ;) regards gregers
  7. nuts to you then :)
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