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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Manxman

  1. Yes, good advice George..... I am suspicious of the cable . It feels sort of brittle near the terminal.. Might be as well to make up a complete new lead...
  2. Thanks for the input.. I will fit a new fusebox assembly and make sure all connections are clean and tight.. Cheers..
  3. Thanks for that... Wasn't sure about the correct voltage but being a 1.9tdi with heated front screen I suppose the alternator needs to shove plenty out..
  4. Had the blown alternator fuse problem last night with the ABS light flashing then lights fading until the battery drained and the car stopped.. Have replaced the alternator fuse with an inline 100 amp as a temp measure until I get a new fusebox assembly. The alternator output is between 14.2 and 14.5 volts. Is this too high? If a new voltage regulator is required, then is is available as a separate from a complete alternator assembly. When checking the fuse retainer nuts they all needed nipping up so possibly some heat has been building up from a bad connection causing the damage.. What do you think? KF
  5. Hello. My Galaxy (1.9 tdi 2001) developed a misfire and appeared to run on 3 cylinders with a serious lack of power.. My local garage diagnosed a faulty no 2 injector plus electrical fault. After stripping down I have been informed that 3 injectors have started to ' break up ' ... Has anyone experienced a similar problem ? Replacement injectors are a huge expense so I wonder if I should try and locate a second hand head assembly. KF.
  6. Hello. Could someone please let me know what suitable equipment is needed to use Vag-com diagnostics. I have the laptop with Windows XP, but nothing else except a 2001 Tdi galaxy and a 2001 Skoda Octavia Tdi that would like a medical check. Any info as to what I need and where to get it would be much appreciated. All the best. KF.
  7. Just had new waterpump and timing belt replaced on my 2001 1.9 tdi and now the front heater blows cold and sometimes hot but the rear hear is constantly cold. What is the best method to purge any air from the cooling system? Would facing the car uphill with the header tank cap removed help? Are there any bleed screws on these systems? Any help much appreciated. KF
  8. Aux heater is fine... I will check on the joints around the turbo and exhaust manifold. Is the cabin filter the only intake for the main heater? Strange how it is intermittent....
  9. Sometimes when the heater is on I get the smell of exhaust fumes in the car. It doesn't happen always. Sometimes the fumes are noticed after a short distance and sometimes maybe a 20 mile journey before the fumes are noticed. It is not an electrical problem such as faulty heater motor as the fumes are identical to the rear exhaust emission. I have had a new turbo fitted a few weeks ago. Maybe connected to problem? Anyone had a similar problem? KF.. Galaxy 2001 TDi
  10. I have been quoted
  11. Anyone know how to remove the heater/air vents above the radio console on Mk2 tdi? I was foolish enough to attach one of those cellphone holders into one of the vents and displaced a couple of fins. KF.
  12. Check the temp sensor. Is the needle moving off zero when engine warm? Sometimes cleaning the connection will get it working again.. The sensor is located in the hose below the fuel filter and to the rear corner of the engine.
  13. I have used Wanli directional tyres on both front and rear on my Galaxy and would not recommend them . When new they are very good both in the wet and the dry but soon develop a lot of road noise which many would suggest is a wheel bearing sound.. I now use Firestone Firehawk and find they are very quiet with excellent mileage compared to budget tyres. Also expect more mpg due to the better free rolling on the Firestones.
  14. Anyone changed rear wheel bearings ? My 2001 tdi sounds like it needs the bearings replaced. Is the hub assembly easy to remove ? I have a hydraulic press to push the old bearing out and new one in if it is a straight forward job. Any advice much appreciated.. Thanks. KF.
  15. Yes, turn the bulb holder anti clockwise to release it once you have access through the sliding plastic panel. However it is sometimes easier to slide the whole light unit out for access. Just mark the slotted fittings before you slacken the screws so light alignment will not be affected when refitting.
  16. Is the cup holder broken off or is it just not stsying home when pushed in? Mine won't stay in unless I wedge a matchstick down the side ( I am still on the cupholder topic, by the way )... Anyone explain how to repair a holder that won't lock in ? Thanks...
  17. Would a faulty temp sensor cause high idle speed ( 1000 rpm) and also cause the engine to race for a couple of seconds on start up? The temp gauge needle sometimes moves to the danger side of the scale and the audible warning bleeps for a few seconds. The system never uses any coolant. If it's the sensor, is it easy enough to replace? Is it in the top right, rear area of the engine looking from the front end? I never had any problems until my local ford dealer fitted a new timing belt kit and since then ther ehas been one problem after another.. More ibuprofen needed!!!!
  18. Can anyone recommend a UK mail order company to supply rear shockers for a 2001 tdi galaxy ? What is a reasonable price to pay?
  19. My panel looks to have dropped a little under the offside light unit and it feels loose with up and down movement. As my car is a 2001 2.9tdi and the light assy combines the indicator lights are there still screws under the light unit to secure the front panel?
  20. Can't be sure it needs doing, but the local ford dealer replaced one top mounting last year for its test and they say the other side needs doing now. They apparently changed one without removing the strut from the car hence my question asking this forum if it's possible. The WD 40 is soaking into the top nuts as we write Tiny.. Thanks for your input.
  21. Is it possible to replace the top bush that locates the suspension strut into the body by removing the long plate above the top mounts and removing the nut and circular plate to allow the strut to be pushed down, away from the seating enough to have access to the bush ? Obviously with front wheels raised of the ground of course.. Or is it necessary to strip around the wheel knuckle first? 2001 Galaxy 1.9tdi
  22. Sorry. It is a manual 2001 1.9 tdi. I just disconnected the hose on the engine side of the MAF and discovered the noise when switching off, comes out of the hose. So, it appears to be in the turbo area. Could a sticking wastegate be the problem?
  23. When switching off the engine ( 1.9 tdi ) I hear a noise like a dry bearing wirring for a few seconds. If I increase the revs to 1500 rpm before switching off then the noise is louder and lasts longer.. Could it be related to a wastegate problem? . There is no loss in overall power .. I might add that this has come about since having the Ford dealer replace the timing belt last week .. Do any vac pipes have to be removed when changing the timing belt? Any help much appreciated. KF
  24. Checked the clip sealing the hose to the Maf and found it OK, but then disconnected the MAF wiring plug while engine ticking over and the roughness disappeared. Connected the plug and again it started hunting as if about to cut out and then pick up again. Also noticed unusual smoke from the exhaust. Once the engine warms up after a few minutes it appears ok... I have had MAF problems in the past when power drops away when accelerating to overtake . Switch off and re-start would cure the problem until the next time but this uneven running at low revs is new to me . Maybe I should try a new MAF.. KF
  25. I will check the clip in the morning.. The problem does suggest a slight air leak. I will let you know what I discover. Thanks.
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