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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

mobile armchair

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Everything posted by mobile armchair

  1. Have no idea whether this helps. My air con failed, took it Kwik Fit for regas. They said it was pump failure (it wasn't), and said repair would involve removing front o/s headlamp unit. Took it to my usual mechanic; they tried regas, it failed again after 2 days. Clue now to problem was hot air blowing in car all the time which revealed problem around radiator. Took it back to mechanic who submitted it to Fraud dealer check (as car still under extended warranty). They charged
  2. :angry: Amazing to see so many high mileages. I've enjoyed the comfort and space of my last petrol one, and the diesel auto I've now had for 18 months has added performance, reliability and better economy. But there's no doubt they cost on the parts and maintenance, even if you get a decent one. Mine's 4 years old with a mere 48K, and an extended Ford warranty until it's 6 years old. Yeah, I'm a bit older and playing safe, I know - but that's because I've found having older higher mileage motors a bit problematic when it comes to making a financial decision about fixing them. At what point do you decide enough is enough? So what do you do when faced with a failed autobox or similar on a gal with 150K + on the clock? Is it worth fixing? Are there good second-hand parts/ breaker parts available? Or as an owner with no chance of doing DIY on the street, do you get an offer from the breakers' yard when faced with a quote that seems to be more than the car is worth? And should somebody hit it or nick it, has anyone managed to convince the insurance company the maintenance record DOES deserve a higher valuation? Or that the minor damage IS worth repairing? (I've had driveables written off!) I'm assuming if somebody tries to take the side off that 425K Alhambra taxi, the owner just shrugs his/her shoulders and pays cash for a repair without involving the insurance in case it's a write-off - What IS it worth? Valuations don't seem to take modern cars' capacity for much higher mileages into consideration in my experience ;)
  3. Sounds like there's 2 things going on here: rectification of the CV joint, and rectification of an engine fault caused by possible incorrect fitting of the cambelt. I think you deserve a very full written explanation asap for all the extra activity, before you even get a bill. When you do, if you're a member of the AA or similar I'd be getting them to investigate on your behalf. My view is: you should only be paying for the labour and parts for the CV joint repair. The very best of luck ... put a post on to say how it turns out.
  4. :lol: Unbolted the expansion bottle so I could reach the sender, disconnected it, cleaned the connection, put it back firmly, started her up, no more warning lights. Least if it happens again, I know where the fault is. Ta Bigjeeze. Just imagine the bill if I'd taken it in to dealers ...
  5. Will have to unbolt bits and pieces of trim and the tank itself to have a look under the expansion tank I suspect ... can't see or feel any wires. But all the water is still in there and clean, so it must be the sender unit connection. Shouldn't take me long when we've done the team bus to basketball bit.
  6. Ta Bigjeeze I am well reassured, you are a star, what a good site this is! Engine compartment too warm to go in now, I'll try it tomorrow morning when it's cooled, and post up whether it worked or not. :angry:
  7. My 1.9Tdi Galaxy says it has a problem ... but does it? Outside temp has hit 30 degrees here today. :angry: After 5 mile journey, parked car (in shade) for son's sport training, returned 2 hours later. Turn on, all warning lights go out, fire her up, and temperature warning saying "STOP check coolant" comes on. Underbonnet check reveals no water leaks from hoses or radiator, oil has no visible signs of water contamination, coolant level where it should be in expansion tank, unscrewing cap gives usual gasp of air, but no change in level, water in expansion tank is clean and lightly orange coloured as usual. Switch on again, same problem. Carried out all same checks again, decide to drive. Temp rises quickly as usual to 90 degrees mark on gauge, stays there, doesn't move, fan cuts in very occasionally in traffic queues, car behaves impeccably. Carried out same checks while engine by checks. Thought if there was gasket, water pump, airlock, thermostat, cooling fan or incipient leak problems, driving home in 30+ degrees in city traffic would have found the problem. Should also say in 16 months I have not put in a drop of water in the coooing system, which has been drained and refilled about 18 months ago in line with service schedule by selling dealer. I'd say the hot weather is messing about the warning light system ... have I missed something and am about to blow engine apart? :angry:
  8. :D Sorry can't help, but it's not an uncommon problem. My 1996 galaxy did the same intermittently. Repairers couldn't make it do it, or find the problem, so no idea what the solution is. However, it would only start this trick on long journeys, so MAYBE it's a heat transfer thing ... a cable needing some shielding from the exhaust? (My speedo mirrored the rev counter movement.)
  9. Big daddy Not had to replace any more yet ... another front coming up around June so thought I'd start the discussion early. I've got plenty of advice now thanks to this excellent forum
  10. On holiday this summer, B) had a blowout. :unsure: Replacement tyre fitted by Kwik-Fit quickly and efficiently, and they were the cheapest of quotes I got. :blink: But
  11. :unsure: Manually operated airbags!! Oooeerr! I agree the retro-fit idea doesn't seem a good idea either ... too many inter-dependent elements like the re-inforced dash and supply to sensors.
  12. :) Much sympathy to your wife. Sounds very sore, and a bad shock. Thanks for the posting. I'll warn my family ... and anyone who gets in. Can't see how to solve this really, as any action to slow it would affect the belt efficiency? And the lapbelt only on our old Gal was a lot more potentially dangerous on the move ...
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