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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by tazcm

  1. Hi i have a 98 galaxy 2.8 v6 si and i need to know where i can pick up a cheap heater matrix link pipe as mine has fell to bits iv been quited
  2. Yes the heater was bypassed as it was leaking into the footwells the pipes were linked together and yea i know theres alot of work to do to get to it i have said 2day to do it should get it done in that time just need to find a cheap new one.
  3. Hi thanks for the reply will check that out i know the system is pressurising as the hosees do get hard front heat has been bypast as it needs changing could this be the problem i need to do it just waitting for a few nice days to get out there to do it the rear one dose blow out warm air.
  4. Hi i have a 2.8 v6 galaxy that is useing a bit of water drops down to the min mark wether you do a short or long run temp sits in the middle all the time you are on the flat but as soon as you start to go up any hill it gose up to the r it dose come back down the fans are coming in have change the thermo stat what a pig that was to do just need to know what it could be as im getting fed up of putting water in it every time i use it.
  5. 1999 galaxy 2.8 manual when I tried to select reverse gear and it wouldn't engage. We were about 20 miles from home and I drove home with no problem using the forward gears. dose anyone know what is wrong and can it be fixed or am i beter of looking for another box im able to fix most thing myself so am happy to have a go just need to know were to start
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