Hi, guys n gals, ok I've been on here alot with this looked at lots of threads and still have a problem with the gal , the car is running lean (drinking fuel) underpowered at bottom end and as a slight chugging and loss of power when driving normaly, This is what as been replaced so far MAF, 02 SENSOR , THROTTLE BODY , SPEED SENSOR, TEMP SENDER, NEW EXHAUST SYSTEM AND CAT, PLUGS LEADS COILPACKS and I've removed/cleaned all vac pipes under bonnet EGR valves and air idler unit with the same problem it only does this when hot and then when you go to restart the car it will not start unless you keep the revs up for a coulpe of seconds then it will be ok . I have had the diog done and the code p1131 keeps coming up. Does anyone think I will need to remove the inlet to have a good look at it as this is the only thing i have'nt done yet or does the ecu need a reset or remap how can this be done?. Please Please Help this is driving me nuts now the car as only done 88500 miles... Many Thanks Steve...