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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by fredthomas

  1. i stripped it down, i have some stuff if anyone is interested, turbo, seats, ns strut, some of the interior, keen to get rid now as its cluttering up the garage
  2. one more update, its died again, it started t get harder and harder to start, now wont go without towing it, suspect head gasket gone, it is now being stripped down for parts, i have had more than enough of this car, i wanted a ford and got a vw, serves me right eh
  3. so how did you get the door open
  4. just a quick update, i checked the anti tamper thing, tapped it flush and put it back, no change. i cheched all the other bits and bobs, as a last resort i thought i woud check the multi plug that connects the pump to the loom, i was checking voltages using a pin and multimeter, when one of the wires, numbered 5 or 6 just fell out of the plug, the end where it connects to the pin has corroded away, i bypassed the plug with a piece of wire, soldered it in and it lives again, just one more awkward fault to add to the list. any way thanks again guys for the help, she is running once more
  5. not me, car was running well after i cured the dead spot at 2000 rpm, god i hope not, it smells like diesel, and yes checked the fuses. there is fuel getting to injectors, sprays out well when i loosened the connections, what are the chances of the injectors giving up, and if the one with the wire on goes what happens?
  6. well i'm here again, my t reg galaxy tdi, 1.9 afn engine cut out while driving home. it refuses to run, it turns over very fast, new battery, checked the timing its good, fuel getting to injectors good supply, plenty of compression, i am stumped, there is no starting this car, this has without a doubt the worst car i have ever owned, i wouldnt mind but i spent 600 quid just to get it through an mot and another 90 quid on a new battery. it lasted 3 weeks and just died, i may be stripping it down next week if i cant get it to run.
  7. i'm in the same boat there, just like the galaxy for the drive, trouble is i bought it for the plate really, didnt expect to be under it more than in it lol. still every fault i fix is one less eh
  8. ah i know it well, mum lives in engedi, are you getting another or a different car?
  9. thinking seriously about getting rid of this car, been nothing but trouble, anyone make me an offer
  10. no not got that far yet, i just blew up the pipe and it seems to be holding pressure, i need to go to manchester sunday and i work long days (arriva) to time is a problem, i have been crawling about under this car for as long as i have had it, it would be nice to just drive it for a change, but this fault seemed to come out of the blue, it was going very well til this appeared
  11. where on anglesey are you, just curious i dont need car but i live in amlwch and thought i was alone here lol
  12. after many days of trouble free motering this infernal machine has yet another fault, it now starts and runs ok, it still vibrates on pulling away but i just live with that but now when you get to 2100 revs in 4th or 5th gear the power just dissapears. makes for some hairy overtaking. it is not going into limp mode cos if you slow down it pulls hard til you get to 2100 revs again, also refuses to rev over 3500 revs, otherwise the car runs and drives fine, if you go through previous posts you will see that i have had some major problems with this car, most have been sorted. just to clarify i fitted an oil pressure guage to the car after seatkids warnings about oil pressure and this is within acceptable limite for the age of the car, it has an afn engine and dome 162k miles, not i think very high for the engine, vag com says it has an oc temp sensor, always has no problem with that, lately another fault intermittant memory module error, comes up i believe this relates to the pressure pipe from the intercooler delivery tube leaking but i blew it and it doesnt seem to be leaking, any ideas any one the only alternative is to scrap it but i like the car, i want to drive it, my lad and grandkids love in preston and i live in anglesey its a looong walk,
  13. i read all this with avid interest, how did it all end, i had a 405 the oil filter bolt snapped, i was on the hard sholder with the engine off in seconds but it was too late, big ends went, sad but true
  14. i had this once turned out to be the fuel line over the egr valve, it was rubbing on it and wore a hole in the pipe, sealed it up been fine ever since
  15. turbo blown? any smoke?
  16. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?/topic/23263-strange-noise/page__p__167416__hl__strange+noise__fromsearch__1#entry167416
  17. running well now, still have the strange noise and the windscreen wipers are not siezing, the back of the motor has rusted off so there is no baring on it, ah well new motor, and drive shafts and wheel barings and bushes, does this ever end?
  18. well nturbo is now working, thanks seatkid, vacume pipe not connected properly, next job sump off and do oil strainer, and windscreen wiper linkage seizing
  19. someone please convince me this car it worth the money i seem to be thowing away on it, or shall i just cut my losses and scrap the thing
  20. well here we go again, got the car back finally, turbo fitted, welding done new rear brakes etc, but it has absolutely no go in it whatsoever, it will get to 60 mph down hill with a following wind but up hill forget it, now i need to get under neath it and see what has not been done, this car is turning out to be too much trouble
  21. i dont know, he is an ex ford mechanic so i assume both, but i will be looking at it when i get it back, rear brakes have gone now
  22. a sudden and intermittant drop in oil pressure could only be the pressure relief valve i assume, had it on an allegro, my first car, not the easiest thing to cure
  23. another point i hadnt had the car very long, a month or so, when the tensioner went, and it took be 3 months to put it back on the road, mostly due to bad weather and the lack of somewhere sheltered to work. all in all in the year i have owned this thing it has been off the road more than its been on, i am beginning to wonder if it is all worth the effort
  24. ok point taken but i cant check any thing til i get the car back, it has been in a week and a half just to change the turbo, i didnt have the time then but i do this week so i will investigate further another point the runaway stopped probably down to the turbo siezing, it was solid when i had a look
  25. ok point taken but i cant check any thing til i get the car back, it has been in a week and a half just to change the turbo, i didnt have the time then but i do this week so i will investigate further
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