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Everything posted by itsbrokenagain

  1. Good communication and decent prices. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200551132520&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT http://stores.ebay.co.uk/AAHMotorsport
  2. Hi Had a similar problem on my galaxy. If you check vag com (vcds lite) for fault you will get a code. This relates to the faulty sensor position eg,(G206 is the rear right sensor. If you want to double check, go to 'measuring blocks' and check channels 1(front)and 2(rear) and you'll get a distance reading for the working sensors! Once you find it take it out and swop it with one of the working ones( be careful 'cause I broke the housing on the first one I removed! doh ) Check the part code stamped on it. Good luck.
  3. Hi everyone Found these videos while researching ABS light-on problem. It's not galaxy,sharan,alhambra,but it's very informative. Hope it's as useful to you as it was for me.! Cheers
  4. Hi Newbie (I'm a newbie too) Regarding the battery problem, have a look at the 'Battery drain' post. Good guide to electrical problem solving. Not sure re, power loss but check the search/Faqs. Failing that Someone will come to your aid! Cheers
  5. It gets even better..........! I checked the other door gaiters, and guess what.....?...yup....(every one's a winner) they ALL have broken wires. I 'disconnected' all the passenger doors and 'jiggled' around with the drivers one and up went the open window...also found a pound coin in the footwell......double result! Gonna get stuck in to the repairs using the faqs section on the w/end. (and buy myself a pack of winegums to celebrate) Will post outcome soon as. Thanks
  6. Hi all. Once again,thanks for excellent walk through guide! Unfortunately,I didn't have current testing ability on my Fluke 110 multimeter, so I have ordered a cheapy off '-bay watch' due to arrive at the end of the week. Anyway,while cleaning out the car,I heard a sound,wires shorting, coming from the offside passenger door(the rubber boot for the wiring). On inspection i found several of the wires (brown,red,green)were broken and touching ones they weren't meant to. (also, the driver's window has opened and is determined to stay that way! B*LL*CKS) You know what's coming..... Another question ......! How likely is it that the short in the door(s)is causing the battery drain. (or is this to good to be the case.) Cheers
  7. Thanks for guide/info. I will give it a go in the next day or so and post results. Cheers
  8. Thanks for quick responses.....Mirez,edatelder Yes i do have access to a tester and a little basic understanding.At the moment I am disconnecting the battery every time I leave the car! Mirez,A walk through guide to try and isolate the problem circuit would be great.
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forum, but have been 'dipping in' over the past few months and have found it to be very informative. Anyhow, I have a problem with the battery being drained if left connected for any lengthy period of time eg, overnight.The battery itself is fine. ie, it receives and holds a charge ok. Has anyone come across this problem and is it likely be linked to the wires in the driver door gaiter as i have an intermittent(mind of it's own) window. I did a quick search on the forum but couldn't find this specific problem,so excuse me if I missed an explanation/description of the solution to this. Thanks in advance
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