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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by dix

  1. How can i get the bonnet open , the cable /lock are broken ?
  2. Hi how do I remove the radio surround panel on my 56 plate
  3. Hi, 2 questions 1st where are the 2 pressure points for recharging the air-con. 2nd air bag code b0001 stage 1 , where do I need to look, the light can stay off for 3/4 days or it will come on7 stay on for any length of time. Cheers
  4. Hi, I have a major problem, my son had my mk2 galaxy key today & when i have gone to the car i find that the blade including transponder are missing, just the fob top left, i dont have a spare so anyone with any suggestions pls ? Cheers
  5. Hi,No photos, its quite easy to remove the valve leccy plug off & 4 torx bolts,i have got the car to run by blanking off the pipe but cos my friend hasnt got it reassembled correctley internaly then my mil light comes on, i can clear the light but only for a day or two,it runs better with the blanked pipe & shows a fuel return of 47/51 mpg @ a max speed of 65/70 mph Cheers
  6. Don't you have to replace the gasket when removing and refitting the EGR valve? Maybe the lack of a poor seal is causing the engine to cut out so quickly? Do you have any tips/photos on removing the EGR? I would like to have a look at mine but it's position at the back of the engine makes it look impossible for me to get to without carrying out some major surgery unless the 1.8 engine has it in a more convenient location?
  7. Hi, Did you manage to fit the dvd screen ? Cheers
  8. Hi,My mil light came on so i put my code reader onto the car & the fault was the egr valve (needing a spring clean) so my polish fitter friend said he would do it so i left it with him while i did some other work on the car, he cleaned it up (heavy carbon) refitted the valve, started the engine, ok for approx 5 secs then it would cut out, he removed the valve about 5 times trying to set it up but couldnt, he does not know if there was a tension spring against the piston because the car will run if the orifice is blocked off so what is happening is that the piston is blocking the orifice but once the engine has fired up the the pressure of the exhaust gasses push the piston fully open & the engine cuts out, i cant get a detailed description of the valve internaly as Ford only show the egr as 1 complete unit with manifold so i am at a loss as to setting up of the valve & internal components, any help pls ? 2006 MK3 GALAXY 1.8 TDCI 91K ON THE CLOCK
  9. Hi, I take it you have a mk3 gal if so the fuel pump is part of the fuel gauge sender unit & ive been informed by my local ford dealer that you have to drop the tank, i have the same problem but havent sorted it yet as ive just got back from my jollies, a deep pit or ramp would be ideal otherwise its a case of securing the front wheels on level ground then jack the back end up & block it, fuel pump/sender 94.00 from ford, i hope to be doing mine this week.
  10. Hi to programme your key as follows YOUVE GOT TO BE QUICK make sure all doors/windows closed key into driver door within 5 seconds turn key to unlock position 3 times remove key point key @ infrared receiver near rear view mirror at the same time press & hold lock button within 5 seconds press the unlock button 3 times release the lock button key led should flash 5 times & door button led should flash 6 times to exit programming wait 15 seconds same proceedure for additional keys GOOD LUCK
  11. Hi,Looking thru your posts but i dont see a post stating that you have got sorted,if you havent then the 1st thing i would do is to check the battery even though your headlights etc come on this doesnt mean that the battery is ok,if you have a dud cell your lights will still work, try getting a jump start if you have no means of checking the battery ,you can also eliminate a bad earth connection by getting a jump lead ,put 1 terminal onto the negative pole on the battery & the other terminal onto a good clean section of the engine & if this cures it then the earth lead could be loose but i think i would check the battery 1st
  12. I am the wrong side of 60 ,have max ncb & my premium (october 2010) is just under 300.00 that is fully comp, added my 25yr old son on to policy & it went up 100.00 so in total with monthly payments its around 420.00 which im happy with also the difference between fully comp & 3rd party fire & theft is worth bothering about, i dont take breakdown insurance normally but this policy has it included but the only thing with b/down policies is the rescue side you have got to read the small print or ask cos most of them say that they will take you TO THE NEAREST GARAGE so you will be lumbered with a large bill , i have taken b/down cover with the AA & for 20 quid a month i get parts & repairs upto the value of 5oo quid & can claim a max of 5 times a year,also home/destination relay if you want it, mine is a 2001 mk2 1.9tdi with 93k on the clock
  13. Hi ,You will probably get them from a ford dealer but why not try a upholsterer/seamstress they can normally make anything.
  14. Hi ,You will proably get them froma ford dealer but why not try a upholsterer/seamstress they can normally make anything.
  15. Hi Sebus if you havent got your code yet then let me know & i will get it for you just give me the model but you will have to remove unit from housing & give me the serial no on the tag on side of unit. Cheers
  16. ive had the battery disconnected @ my mk3 so i have come to recode the radio,ive entered the correct code in the correct sequence but it wont unlock so i wait another 30 mins but screen only shows 0000 after 30 mins so i enter my code followed by no 5 but this just stays on the screen & wont unlock so ignition off , start again but just the same only thing is it counts/shows how many attempts ive had, i have entered the incorrect code & it shows it straight away, any ideas pls ?
  17. VSS is Ford speak for Vehicle Speed Sender/Signal (GALA for VW users) - the sender is on the gearbox, or from the ABS system on later cars. Cheers Mirez
  18. Hi, Can anyone tell me where i can find my VSS sensor on my mk2 1.9 tdi auto, 51 plate. Cheers
  19. Hi ,There doesnt seem to be a cheap reader for fords as they use WDS which apparently is their own system you can source code readers from China but again about 600 dollars ,i have the Vag Com 10.6 for my mk2 but i find it doesnt read all the vehicle ECUs.
  20. Hi,I have a mk3 1.8 tdci galaxy needing a clutch ,would a solid assy be better than a dual mass assy ?
  21. You can with the old DOS based VCDS but not the newer version. If i need to change my ecu how would i go about downloading info or would it not matter if i obtained identical cu ? cheers
  22. Hi, Can anyone tell me if i canupload engine ecu details onto my laptop using VCDS software then programme another ecu with the uploaded files ? Cheers
  23. Cheers Mirez, will give it a go over the weekend Hi Mirez,I tried the control but zilch, i had removed a 3000 traffic radio/tape player from the car & fitted a 6000 disc player, could this be the problem or wouldnt it matter ? i have checked the plug under passenger seat for power but again zilch, i have a centurion dvd player, would this be suitable & if so how would i wire it up ? Cheers
  24. Hi Zorgman, this is a electronic engine, no fuel inj pump, we only have the cam ,crank & tensioner pulleys
  25. Hi Jon thanx for your reply, i dont have the free version, i bought my vcds @ vag-com.co.uk, it does state that it should be 1.2 btdc -2.4 atdc but when i stick the laptop on the car she reads ACTUAL 6.8 plus & if i turn the cam anti-clockwise it then goes to 7.4 btdc, if i go clockwise with the cam it wont alter apart from going too far then it wont start, the problem being i bought the car with a HEAVY TICKING , this turned out to be a hydraulic tappet getting too tight at times causing the valve to LAP a piston so i put new tappets in (full set) also a timing belt, used all the proper tools but since then there is a backbeat coming thru the air filter box also a vibration @ the o/s wing when labouring /pulling but when i lift the foot off the throttle the vibration goes, it does this when stationary also so it has got me beat, stick vcds on & shows no faults so this is why i am coming back to inj timing. Cheers
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