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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Steve_w

  1. Hi stubbled across the site whilst looking for ideas on fixing my Galaxy. Nice to see im not alone!!! Our Galaxy (an 02 2.3 zetec) died whilst wife was taking kids to school all the lights came on, radio died etc. RAC came out diagnosed faulty alternator, so today in the snow I replaced the alternator with a new one and replaced the aux drive belt whilst i was at it. Jumped the car to charge the battery then as soon as i turned it off (after 10 minutes) it was still dead. It was then i spotted the fusebox cover was looking a little warped out of shape when i managed to get it open both the two top connectiones had melted and the wires were touching just as in the pictures posted on this thread. So tomorrow i gonnna have to take a trip to the ford dealer for a new fuse box and alternator cable. I will also rebuild the other cable to cut out the heat damaage. Question is do i swop out the new alternator for the old one or is it likely to be faulty also? Im more than a little anoyied that Ford seem to still be ignoring this problem!!
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