I was in the same boat with my '99 Zetec... made even more confusing by the fact that the previous owner had had a new key cut by Ford, and they had supplied a remote type. Remote locking on the Zetec originally came as a very cheap option bundled with a boot load cover. It's not as easy as just adding a key, there is some hardware missing. I would imagine it would be technically possible to source and replace the missing bits, then the car would probably have to be connected the the Ford diagnostic equipment to enable the facility. I went for an aftermarket solution, much cheaper and works perfectly. Hi Paul, Thanks for the helpful reply. Just to add to my annoyance about the lack of RCL, the barrel on the driver's door has now broken and just spins constantly. I've searched the forums and found that I now need to buy the repair kit. Which I ordered off ebay today. To make matters eeeeeven worse, I had to order 2 kits because the passenger side lock is also broken (but the chap failed to tell me that when I bought it....) meaning that the only way I can lock and unlock is via the boot. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/public/style_emoticons/default/angry.gif So I am now DETERMINED to get this bloody wagon to be RCL so if you can suggest an after market solution, I'd be very grateful.... Cheers for now, Jamie