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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by maz

  1. oo..reading this thread with interst, my galaxy has the same set up, vhs player with two screens... only thing is, i cant figure out how to get the beggers to work!!
  2. try this thread http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=6658&st=30 post number 37. Not sure if it will do for yours though? By the way, im mumof4 on that thread.
  3. well im back and thats more than enough to frighten everyone away. LOL Time of year, most forums have busy period, quiet periods, antogonistic times, peaceful times... time of year, christmas and new year just gone, people still getting back into the swing of things, miserable weather.. Anyway... will soon pick up again.
  4. Sorry, been a few years since mine melted, all i can suggest, is that you get the cable changed aswell as the fuse feed box. If you take the box into whereever you can, they should be able to match it up. Sorry i couldnt be more help
  5. Time to ressurect this thread!! here i am now... i look very different from when i first started this thread. Anyone else gonna update or post their pics?? :(
  6. Ohhh yes, it was funny at the time, i remember it well.LOL 3 days it took me to get that gal back on the road. and i still have all the pics i took then and of the various jobs i did on that old girl.
  7. Thanks hun, good to be back in the fold once again.. ive gone through two lucidas, one fiesta, one MKI galaxy, and an astra estate which met its demise two weeks ago today thanks to black ice and metal railings. Oh i did indeedie, :P shes done a fair few miles, 180k, sweet as a nut and the booster heater works each time she starts up.. my word its a lovely sound to hear in the cold. Tyres are brand new, havent found any holes i have to say.. or any rust. It has crushed sills though which isnt unexpected, shes a gem. will take some pics and upload in the next day or two. as shes a beaut. Thanks hun.. i have missed the place over the past few months... just been really really busy and had a lot going on with one thing or another. i do hear the arcade calling aswell. LOL If ive done it right, you will see a pic of my astra. Gearbox and engine were shoved back a tad.
  8. Aye..neighbourhood gone now. LOL will pass on your regards to him when i see him next. Yeah...its soooo nice to hear the jet engine noise from under the car.. its awesome. Hehe. Gawd..whatever youve heard about me..it aint true.LOL
  9. Been so long that ive been here that i forgot me password so have re registered, After crunching my car in an accident a couple o weeks ago now, thanks to the help from a lot of friends on another forum ( RC i might add), i now have a nice shiny black 52 plate galaxy and the booster heater works after it was reset by John. it needs the drop links doing, and thats about it as its been serviced every 12k miles. Well folks.. its been an eventfull time since feb when i was last here, but fingers crossed things might get onto an even keel in the next few months. Im still regaining my confidence after the crunch, and im really glad the thaw is well under way. Will help me a great deal. So... hello to all those that know me, and hello to all those that dont. great to be back. :16: Maz aka mumof4.
  10. Blimey, this thread still going.LOL. Mumof4 here, forgot me login so re registered. Hello again everyone, im back with a new to me galaxy.. :16:
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