Think you are looking for the Ford TIS CD, its not as detailed as a haynes manual but covers most things well. With regard to the diagnostic issue, did they actually try or did they simply not bother because it had the aftermarket radio? The basic principle is there is a single wire connecting all the modules in the car together, this lives at a signal voltage of about 10V for most of its life and is only taken to ground by a diagnosic tool to start communications. Aftermarket radios tend to be wired to put 12V on the diagnostic pin, a hangup from old electric aerials - because its a feed 12V with a high current capacity it tends to blow older diagnostic kit up which isn't expecting it to be there - as a result a lot of garages simply refuse to connect with aftermarket radios in place. If the garage is good though they can easily check, and the modern diag kit should also be fully protected. Thanks again for your excellent advice , they said they tried , i only have their word on this , but he did have it for days! :-/ I do remember when i had my ICE fitted there was an issue that the build in Ghia X amplifier only worked for hands free function when i was listening to the radio , something to do with the 12v rail that used to power the electric aerial being used to power up the amp. Then all of a sudden they 'found' another 12v Feed im wondering if they have tapped into the Diagnostic loom? It's not really a major hassle as the ABS light inst actually warning of a failure as Ive just had all the brakes seen to , but it woukd be nice to turn it off , also the LCD display is showing INSP02 i assume it's past it's last official ford inspection. Thanks for the heads up on the TIS CD i'll keep my eyes open. I have got to say this forum rocks i've had more useful tips in two days than i have in three months of owning the car :unsure: Thanks again. Alex :)