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Everything posted by Alanuk
Mk 1 Tdi Alternator Type?
Alanuk replied to Alanuk's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Hi again I am not 100% sure what you are wanting to do ! I get the impression you have a alternator and you just need to know if it the right one ? Other than this clutch thing as long as it is the correct hand and all the bolts line up (and the same size pulley) which could make a difference then don't worry as been said you need a 120 Amp output and as long as the battery is good then there is no problem what alternator you fit. the only thing to test when on the car, is that it is putting out 14.5 volts and no more. Just going back to the Bosch number, do a search on google, and you might be able to compare numbers. Radiotwo You are quite right, why is it that some Bosch alternators listed for this car cost round -
Mk 1 Tdi Alternator Type?
Alanuk replied to Alanuk's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Nice link, very much appreciated, thanks Radiotwo, I think we are certainly getting closer....but I was trying to find a bosch part number for the alternator which was originally fitted to this vehicle, all the same I am really thankful the help you guys are giving me, its just that I cant find the correct part number for the Bosch alternator which would have been originally fitted. Is there anyone out there with a copy of TIS or similar which states this info?..... It would seem that there are a number of differing posts relating to starting/alternator/battery problems to say that we could be on to something here...is it possible (because of the price differences between alternators (and they are quite vast) could point to the wrong type of alternator/batteries fitted to a lot of older Mk1 Shalaxies as/when they have had similar failures?...as soon as the winter approaches I start to experience low battery/starting issues, it definitely coincides to when I start to use the on board electrical extras such as the front heated screen....I know what some may reply "Stop using the heated front screen" but please don't be silly as that's not really the answer is it!! I have searched long and hard but I cant find anything which states the correct part number of the Bosch alternator for this type of vehicle. Thanks again, please I welcome any relevant comments. Sorry zorgman, just seen your post, thanks will check it out. -
Mk 1 Tdi Alternator Type?
Alanuk replied to Alanuk's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Nice link, very much appreciated, thanks Radiotwo, I think we are certainly getting closer....but I was trying to find a bosch part number for the alternator which was originally fitted to this vehicle, all the same I am really thankful the help you guys are giving me, its just that I cant find the correct part number for the Bosch alternator which would have been originally fitted. Is there anyone out there with a copy of TIS or similar which states this info?..... It would seem that there are a number of differing posts relating to starting/alternator/battery problems to say that we could be on to something here...is it possible (because of the price differences between alternators (and they are quite vast) could point to the wrong type of alternator/batteries fitted to a lot of older Mk1 Shalaxies as/when they have had similar failures?...as soon as the winter approaches I start to experience low battery/starting issues, it definitely coincides to when I start to use the on board electrical extras such as the front heated screen....I know what some may reply "Stop using the heated front screen" but please don't be silly as that's not really the answer is it!! I have searched long and hard but I cant find anything which states the correct part number of the Bosch alternator for this type of vehicle. Thanks again, please I welcome any relevant comments. -
Mk 1 Tdi Alternator Type?
Alanuk replied to Alanuk's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Thanks for the reply zorgman, I dont understand what you mean by "checking the free clutch" can you tell me what this is please? I believe this model should be fitted with a 120a alternator but there are a few different types with very different price tags, does any one know what type of 120a alternator it should have and if possible a part number? Thanks again. -
You are absolutely right gregers, there are a lot of "blue mk 1 galaxies" being broken and sold for parts, I have looked in the Friday ads also but as you may already be aware there are a lot of these so called "breakers" and not all are the most honest of people when the colour and condition of panels are very important.......!!!!!! I have already wasted
Hi All, I bought a replacement alternator some months ago on ebay when I noticed the charge warning light flickering, I have not seen this warning lamp for some time now but I have started to hear the "flat battery warning sound" in the morning now that the colder weather has taken hold. I have done the usual voltmeter tests and all appears well (14.3v with engine running) but the battery is due for a change as its about 4 yrs old and I plan to replace the alternator at the same time. I have been looking at the Wood Auto web site to see if the unit I have bought is the correct one, the part number of the replacement Bosch unit I have is: 0 123 505 011, it seems to be in good condition and I was going to buy a new regulator/brush set for it before fitting it, I have the usual ghia extras fitted including the heated front screen so I assumed that this was the correct replacement being the 120A version. If anyone could please advise me if I have the correct Bosch alternator for this car it would be very much appreciated. P.S build date was 12/06/98. Thanks in advance. Alan.
Found this the other day: http://www.etis.ford.com/vehicleRegSelector.do This may have been posted before, if so I appologise but there is some really usefull info here about any Ford including the exact date of manufacture and the exact spec it was fitted with ant manufacture (including any options). Just put your reg number in and look!!!
I know this is an old post and it probably has been mentioned in other posts but I found this site the other day: http://www.etis.ford.com/vehicleRegSelector.do Some really usefull info here, not just for the colour but also the exact date and spec of any Ford car including any options that were fitted during manufacture!! Does anyone in the home counties (or south east) breaking a Galaxy got a n/s/r passenger door in Cuirass Blue?? the metal maggot has attacked mine and I am having a hard time finding another one even on ebay!!!
Superb!!! Thanks tim-spam and especially for the links big kev, it appears that the leisure shack link you posted: http://www.leisureshack.co.uk/Galaxy-1-9-T...3-00_12029.aspx Is the best bet, as far as I can see this site and a couple of others that I have looked at lists both cats for the 90hp & 110hp as the same part number!! (098 919) I know this is the cheaper Bosal cat but then again this is an old gal now, even better though it lists the needed sealing ring, new nuts/bolts clamps etc, to do the job, I get the feeling that you may have already done this job big kev??? or did you get your local exhaust centre to do it for you? the weather forcast suggests the later is looking odds on favorite for me at the moment!! I will wait for a few more days before I place the order with them just incase anyone else has an angle on it, but if not and for the benefit of others, I will reply to let everyone know how it turns out, the MOT is due at the end of this month so I cant wait too long.....better get my skates on...literally!!! I may even have to improvise with old tennis rackets strapped too my feet if this snow carries on!!!!!! Thanks again.
Hi all, Need a bit of help, my local exhaust centre wants over
Come to think of it....I think you guys have a point there!!... trouble is I cant say too much about her driving anymore as she has already threatend (on more than one occaision) to stop running me back from the pub of an evening :rolleyes:
Yep, I would be inclined to agree with Seatkid, I was that impressed with the old AFN 110bhp engine that I thought I would invest in the newer pd engine Polo for the wife, from my experience (and coupled up with what I read here) they are a totally different animal, it is a bit more powerfull I will agree but the price of the oil is absolutely scandalous and it never gets even gets near the economy that I get from my old gal. ;) Long may it live, I am more than happy with the trade off!!!
Retro Fit Galaxy Mk1 Climate Control
Alanuk replied to Alanuk's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Thanks for the reply Seatkid, I have done the trip computer and cruise control mods (with many thanks to all on this forum) and I really hoped this next step might be as easy but I thought I had better run it through with my much learnered friends first before I part with my hard earned cash...Damn!!..I was really looking forward to doing that one too!! If there is anyone else who can share their experience with this mod then please let me know. Thanks all. -
Interesting, I am experiencing a similar problem when it is really cold in the mornings, again it is fine when I am driving home and it has warmed up. I have started to think that maybe the MAF sensor is on its way out but I only replaced it just over a year ago. When you say limp mode how bad is it? on my gal there is definately a performance loss and I also notice the trip computer is only showing about 30mpg on a cold morning as apposed to around 45mpg when I am on my way home when it has warmed up a bit, I know that the aux heater could probably be some of the reason for this but as for the loss of power...well I'm not sure, maybe MPG stands for Mafs Per Gallon!! :D
Help Needed-gear Cable
Alanuk replied to BULLTERRIER's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
I had a similar problem which had a different outcome: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=14821 -
Superb !!! I'm really well pleased for you :D If its any reassurance I have not had any other gearbox probs since this repair (and its still going strong) so it looks as though the reason for this happening in the first place still stands. By my reconing thats two Mk1's (?) that have dodged the breakers yard!!!...."your gearbox is shot mate!!"..... I dont think so!!!! :D
O.K everyone, here is how it went.... I removed the gear selector lever inside the car and discovered that the cables were all attached and the problem was not there, the search then led me to the gearbox, after stipping down half the engine bay, supporting the gearbox with a sissor jack, removing the battery and battery tray, coolant expansion tank and fuel filter, I managed to get reasonable access to the the selector mechanism, I could also see that the cables were still attached at this end. It appeared that the blue cable was unable to opereate the "lift" part of the selector, I managed to get a long extention bar from my socket set on to the top of the selector, dosed it VERY heavily with WD40 and gave it a bit of good old fashioned welly (nothing too heavy handed mind be very carefull!!), I also threaded a couple of large cable ties around the linkage so I could pull it upwards in between tapping it. After about 20 minuites of faffing around like this (with hope and patience gradually ebbing away) I noticed that I could now select 1st and 2nd, but not 3rd and 4th.. this was progress at last!!! with the help of my brother in the car gently pushing the gear lever side to side whilst I carried on with my tapping and pulling, it eventually freed itself, this was a euphoric moment!!...loads more WD40 followed and plenty of pushing the gear lever side to side in the neutral position confirmed that all was well. Well thats about it so far, after a good test drive the gearbox seems to be back to its old self again and I can only conclude that the problem must have been down to corrosion and accumulated crap around the selector shaft entering the gearbox, hopefully it will carry on working...time will tell and I will keep you informed. Sorry for the long post but I really would like to give others some hope with what appears to be a common problem with shalaxies of this vintage, it is certainly worth having a go with this method first before you get your face rubbed with the "gearbox is shot mate" old flannel as I did. Thanks everyone for giving me hope with this and other problems I have encountered along the way and "cheers" to a great site supported by some good people who have devoted their time and knoweledge to help others. Am I again a very happy Galaxy owner??........???.....so far so good!!!!!
Thanks guys, it looks as though the cables are to blame, I will look into this tomorrow on what looks like a very cold and frosty morniong to confirm this. I am sorry for starting a new post on this, it seems to have been covered before, what can I say...I just panicked, as a newbee I must stress how important it is to search for these problems first before posting. If this is the cause I will see if I can add some sort of pictorial to help others....I only hope it is the cables and not some sort of gearbox problem...fingers crossed!!!
Damn it!!....just taking the wife and kids out this morning and then all of a sudden, and without any grinding noises or warning, no gear selection apart from 3rd and 4th!!!!! I called out the AA who were inconclusive of what the problem was and I had to have the car recovered home, its there now sitting on my drive way in this sorry state, and I just really dont know what to do next. I wouldent concider myself totally useless with mechanics and I have a fairly good selection of tools to hand but what I really want to know is how difficult would this be to repair? I have done a search for similar posts and it would seem this is fairly common, some point out a problem with the pinch bolt on the gear selector, hopefully if it does end up being the "pinch bolt" or somthing less drastic than a new gearbox, is this someting worth having a go at myself or is it something that I should leave well alone to a garage? although I will now need to get it to a garage if the latter is is the case. Would you credit it eh...two excited kids with Christmas just around the corner (and very little funds to speak of) and this happens...of course, its not the worst thing that could happen, it just seems that way at the moment as I desperately need the car so I can get to work!!!! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the replies mattc and motorcareman, yes it is fitted with the DW3 (3kw) heater, it seems to make all the right noises and I even notice the difference in MPG on the trip computer when its on, I was tempted to check the thermostat to see if it was partially stuck open but if you say 15 mins is about right for a Mk1 then I suppose I'm just gonna have to live with it (and spare myself from loosing more knuckle skin!!!).
Guys, I have changed the glow plug in the aux heater, it fires up fine but it dosent seem to be doing a great deal to warm up the car, it must take about 10-15 mins to bring it out of the cold section on the temp gauge. Is there a chance that these run on pumps are fitted to the mk1 with the AFN engine? I cant hear anything running when the ignition is swithced off and have had a good look behind the fuel filter but the arrangement is obviously not the same as the mk2 in the picture. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I am literally freezing my nuts off on the way to work in the morning!!
Nope, dont wear glasses, my vision is excellent especially at distances. This shimmering on the screen only really seems to appear when I have forgot to turn it off and it has been on a while, it almost seems like the tiny wires in the screen are moving (which I know is impossible) and this is noticeable in any conditions day or night. I presume it is on a timer like the rear screen defogger, but this shimmering effect is a good thing reminding you it is still on and canning your battery, In my opinion these screens are an excellent idea and are a better addition than aircon in this country!!
Yep, I don't think you are going blind, I have noticed some distortion when it warms up too.